107 research outputs found

    In vitro pharmacological potential of Epiprinus mallotiformis – An endemic species of Western Ghats 

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    Epiprinus mallotiformis is an endemic species of Western Ghats, traditionally known to cure dysentery, digestive problems, ulcers, gonorrhoea and also as a good antimicrobial and diuretic agent. The present investigation was done to evaluate the in vitro pharmacological activities and preliminary screening for phytochemicals in leaf, stem and bark extracts. The study revealed an optimum antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activities and the presence of phenolics, flavonoids and saponins in the plant extracts. The ethyl acetate fraction of leaf samples exhibited a very significant antibacterial activity against S. aureus with a minimum bactericidal concentration of 8 mg/mL which might be due to the presence of high saponin content (9 %) in the leaves. The investigation also suggests the possible use of E. mallotiformis as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent


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    Objective: To standardise the protocol for rapid callogenesis in Mussaenda frondosa L. using leaf explants. Qualitative and quantitative phytochemical analysis of leaf, stem and callus cultures.Methods: The leaf explants were inoculated onto MS medium supplemented with varying concentrations of growth regulators such as 2, 4 - D, NAA, BAP, Kn for the induction of callus. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of total phenol, flavonoids and alkaloids contents of leaf, stem and callus were tested by standard methods.  The antioxidant activities were investigated using DPPH radical scavenging method and reducing power assay. The anti - inflammatory activity was evaluated by membrane stabilizing activity.Results: Pale green, healthy, friable and fast growing callus was obtained on the medium enriched with NAA (2mg/l) + Kn (4mg/l). Quantitative determination showed the highest concentration of total phenolics in the methanolic extract of in vitro grown callus (10 ± 1.1 mg of GA/g of extract), flavonoids in methanolic stem extract (137±1.6 mg of Quercitin/g of extract) and alkaloids in methanolic extract of leaf (118.3±1.5 mg/10g of extract). The methanolic leaf extract exhibited highest free radical scavenging activity with IC50 value of 40.6±10.06 μg/ml. The highest membrane stabilizing activity was shown by chloroform extract of the leaf (66.02%).Conclusion: The present preliminary phytochemical and pharmacological analysis may form the basis for drug development in future using callus cultures of M. frondosa.  Â

    Isolation of Endophytic Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz. from Salacia chinensis and its Antifungal Sensitivity

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    Salacia chinensis L (Celestraceae), an endangered medicinal plant is well known for its antidiabetic activity. An attempt of in – vitro culturing to micropropagate the plant led to the discovery of an endophytic association of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz. with both stem and leaf of the plants. The fungus did not respond to the lower concentrations of Amphotericin B and Nystatin (upto 60 µg/ml) in the culture medium. However, it was sensitive at a higher concentration of 100µg/ml

    Prevalence of Pulpectomy In Mandibular First Primary Molar with Occlusal Caries

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     The aim of this present study was to evaluate the pulpectomy procedure in mandibular first primary molars with occlusal caries in the Chennai population visiting the Outpatient Department of Saveetha Dental College and Hospital, Chennai based on their gender and age. A total of 199 patients details aged between 4 and 11 years old obtained from patients records to assess pulpectomy treatment done with occlusal caries involved, with their gender and age. Data analysis was done with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) for Windows (version 20). Chi-square test was used to determine the association of occurrence pulpectomy with occlusal caries involvement in a mandibular first primary molar, gender, and age. In this present study, the prevalence of male patients was 55.78% and for females was 44.22% Males patients more prevalent for pulpectomy due to occlusal caries. Patients in the age group between 4 to 5 years old have a higher prevalence (54.77%). The most prominent teeth number affected by occlusal caries was right mandibular first primary molar-84, with 52.76% prevalence. Association between the tooth number and age of the patient. P-value=0.917, (P>0.05), association between the tooth number and the gender of the patients, P-value=0.942, (P>0.05), both of which are statistically not significant. There is no significant association between gender , age and the tooth number that was treated with pulpectomy. Within this limit of this study, this study showed that the prevalence of pulpectomy in mandibular first primary molars due to occlusal caries was more in males than females, and higher incidence for age between 4 and 5 years old, with the most affected tooth was on the right sid

    Proliferating trichilemmal tumour: a case report with review of literature

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    Proliferating trichilemmal tumour is a solid-cystic neoplasm that shows trichilemmal differentiation similar to that of the isthmus of the hair follicle histologically characteristed by the presence of trichilemmal keratinization.  Proliferating Trichilemmal Tumour (PTT) appears mainly in elderly women and is in general a solitary lesion on the scalp. Proliferating trichilemmal tumours generally have a benign clinical course, and a clinical differentiation from squamous cell carcinoma is often difficult. We report a case of PTT in a 30 year old man presenting as a solitary 10x8 cm ulcerated nodule on the scalp since 3 months clinically resembled a malignant tumour. The therapeutic approach is surgical removal with a wide clear margin

    Counterfeit drugs in India: significance and impact on pharmacovigilance

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    Counterfeit drugs have emerged as a major global problem. This issue has been brought to the centre of the Indian media due to the death of 15 women attending a sterilization camp in Chhattisgarh. India’s pharmaceutical industry exports drugs worth 15 billion dollars, which means a high prevalence of counterfeiting in India’s drug industry has global repercussions. However, accurate figures on the extent of counterfeit drugs in India are not available. The scientific literature as well as media reports often quotes figures of 10-35%, though studies done by the Indian Government dispute this. Counterfeit drug numbers have been known to be under represented by Governments due to fear of undermining their economy and health systems. On the other hand, rival companies in other countries may have an incentive to over hype India’s counterfeit problem to dent India’s growing status as the leading global supplier of generic medicines. Lack of clear definitions and differences between laws of countries further complicate reporting. A high prevalence of counterfeit drugs has a large impact on both health and economic indicators. Additionally, counterfeit drugs provide significant challenges to Pharmacovigilance programmes. Hence, here we discuss the significance of use of counterfeit drugs in India and challenges faced by Pharmacovigilance due to the extensive use of counterfeit drugs

    Multivariate analysis of oil palm germplasm for vegetative and bunch yield traits

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    Multivariate analysis of oil palm germplasm for vegetative and bunch yield trait

    Three Dimensional Casson nanofluid Flow with Convective Boundary Layer via Stretching Sheet

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    The present work examined Casson nanofluid in a three-dimensional boundary layer motion via stretching sheet. The study focuses on analyzing the behavior of a Casson nanofluid, which is one type of non-Newtonian fluid. The study appears to involve solving partial differential equations related to fluid flow, heat transfer, and mass transfer. These PDEs are transformed into ordinary differential equations using standard similarity variables. To solve the ODEs, the researchers employ the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg (R-K-F) 4th order iterative scheme. It appears that higher values of the Biot number can significantly affect the temperature and concentration profiles in the Casson liquid flow
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