4 research outputs found

    Створення спеціального товарного рибного господарства на чорноморських ставках Одеської області

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    Pond fisheries are one of the promising areas of fisheries in Ukraine and the world. The vast resources of the inland waters of our country are a reliable source of valuable fishery products. However, the potential of this source is not fully exhausted. Therefore, a significant increase in the production of commercial fish can be achieved as a result of the construction of new commercial fisheries and factories, whose task is to recreate fish stocks. One of the leading places among all kinds of outdoor activities is sports and amateur fishing. Capture fishing has become a permanent fixture for hundreds of millions of people around the world. It is estimated that in Ukraine sport and recreational fisheries cover about 10 % of the population. The purpose of the work was to find out the current state of fish productivity of the Black Sea ponds of Odesa region for the creation of specialized fisheries. The fish productivity of the Black Sea ponds, the forage base and the ichthyofauna were investigated, the most valuable representatives of the ichthyofauna for amateur fisheries in these reservoirs were identified, the recommendations on the creation of a special cultural fishery on the Black Sea ponds were provided. It is established that the feed base in the Black Sea ponds for fish young is quite rich and varied. The current state of development of the forage base indicates the possibility of successful fishing activities and in particular the development of recreational fisheries. In case of intensification of economic activity there is a need to carry out a certain complex of fish-and-melioration works. As a result of the conducted researches it is established that the Black Sea ponds should be used for the creation of cultural fisheries for the purpose of organizing amateur fisheries, and the formation of ichthyocenosis should be carried out by purposeful fishing of valuable fish species suitable as objects of amateur and sport fisheries. Creating appropriate conditions for amateur fisheries as a popular way of recreational recreation of a large part of the population of Ukraine involves solving a number of biological, environmental and legal issues related to the reproduction and acclimatization of fish, the organization of sports and recreational fisheries, taking into account the characteristics of reservoirs, the impact of ecological and climatic conditions fisheries, etc.Ставове рибництво є одним з перспективних напрямків рибного господарства України та світу. Величезні ресурси внутрішніх водойм нашої країни є надійним джерелом цінної рибної продукції. Втім потенціал цього джерела вичерпаний не повністю. Тому значного приросту виробництва товарної риби можна досягнути в результаті будівництва нових товарних рибних господарств і заводів, завданням яких є відтворення рибних запасів. Одне з провідних місць серед всіх видів активного відпочинку на природі посідає спортивне і любительське рибальство. Рибна ловля із захоплення одиниць перетворилася на постійне заняття сотень мільйонів людей в усьому світі. Вважається, що в Україні спортивне і любительське рибальство охоплює близько 10 % населення. Мета роботи полягала у з’ясуванні сучасного стану рибопродуктивності Чорноморських ставків Одеської області для створення спеціалізованого рибного господарства. Досліджувалась рибопродуктивність Чорноморських ставків, кормова база та іхтіофауна, виявлені найбільш цінні представники іхтіофауни для любительського рибальства в цих водоймах, надані рекомендації щодо створення спеціального культурного рибного господарства на Чорноморських ставках. Встановлено, що кормова база в Чорноморських ставках для молоді риб досить багата і різноманітна. Сучасний стан розвитку кормової бази свідчить про можливість успішного ведення рибогосподарської діяльності і зокрема розвитку любительського рибальства. У разі інтенсифікації господарської діяльності виникне необхідність проведення певного комплексу рибоводно-меліоративних робіт. В результаті проведених досліджень встановлено, що Чорноморські ставки доцільно використовувати для створення культурного рибного господарства з метою організації любительського рибальства, а формування іхтіоценозу здійснювати шляхом цілеспрямованого зарибнення ставка цінними видами риб, придатними як об’єкти любительського і спортивного рибальства. Створення відповідних умов аматорського рибальства як популярного способу рекреаційного відпочинку значної частини населення України передбачає вирішення низки біологічних, екологічних і правових питань, пов’язаних з відтворенням та акліматизацією риби, організацією спортивного і любительського рибальства з урахуванням характеристики водойм, впливу еколого-кліматичних умов, об’єктів рибальства тощо

    The current state of fishing and extracting the living aquatic resources in the Black Sea region of Ukraine

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    The development of open spaces and resources of the Black Sea is one of the main directions of the Black Sea region (the Odessa, Mykolaiv and Kherson regions). The essence of the region policy allows to cooperate with the most countries of the world community and brings an income both to the budget of the regions and to the state budget. Industrial fisheries is an extractive branch of the fishing industry that uses the natural resources of the oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, reservoirs: various species of fish, marine mammals, shellfish, crustaceans and aquatic vegetation. Fisheries can be considered as one type of nature using which consists in the extraction of fish and other sea products (fish, invertebrates, algae, etc.). The purpose of the work was to find out a current state of fishing and extracting the living aquatic resources in the Black Sea region, namely in the Odessa, Mykolaiv and Kherson regions. An assessment of a current state of extracting the aquatic bioresources in general and in the inland water bodies in the Black Sea region, namely in the Odessa, Mykolaiv and Kherson regions for the period from 2010 to 2018, was carried out on the basis of specialized literature. The state of extracting the aquatic bioresources in general and in the inland water bodies from 2010 to 2018; the amount of caught fish in this region; the state of fisheries of the studied region were investigated. Fish farming is a branch of the national economy that is engaged in farming, increasing and improving a quality of the fish stocks in the water bodies and filling the fish resources. In order to maintain and increase the stocks of valuable industrial fish in our country the extensive measures for artificial fish farming, improving the conditions of natural reproduction of fish, as well as the development of lake and pond fisheries for the commercial fish production are being taken. Much work is being done to acclimatize valuable industrial fish species and other fishing objects, aimed at expanding a fish species composition and increasing the fish stocks. It was found that according to the statistics of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, the analysis of the exraction of fish and aquatic biological resources in the Black Sea region (Odesa, Mykolaiv and Kherson regions) showed that an increase in the volume of fish catching and extracting the living aquatic resources occurred only due to inland waters

    Modern state of fish and fishery products export in Ukraine

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    For every country in the world trade plays an important role in the fishing industry as an employment center, a food supplier, a source of income, a contribution to economic growth and development, as well as it provides food security and nutrition. In fisheries the fierce competition not only for resources but also for markets is not weakening. Leading fishing states are implementing the strategies aimed at ensuring the excellence in both domestic and foreign markets. The purpose of the work was to find out a current state of the fish and fish products export in Ukraine. Based on the specialized literature a current state of the fish and fish products export in Ukraine has been evaluated. A state of the fish and fish products export in Ukraine from 2015 to 2019 was analyzed; the main consumer countries of Ukrainian fish and fish products were identified; the structure of Ukrainian fish and fish products export was analyzed and the ways to increase the export of Ukrainian fish products in the main fish markets of the World were determined. Nowadays Ukraine has excellent resources for growing and catching fish and is gradually gaining the fish markets of many countries around the world. To develop the fishing industry the state constantly allocates the funds that are to support the industrial species of aquatic bio-resources, especially herbivorous fish, which do not breed naturally in Ukraine, to update the material and technical base for genetic research and cryopreservation work, etc. It was established that in recent years there is a tendency to increase the export of fish and fishery products of Ukraine in the markets of different countries of the World. In 2015 this figure was 6.4 thousand tons of fish and fishery products, and in 2019 it reached 7.6 thousand tons. The main countries that buy Ukrainian fish are: Moldova, Denmark, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Germany. The main export is processed fish products: crab sticks, canned sardines, coleslaw, while sprats or sprats, frozen cod, salmon and other fish

    Regulation of fish resources rational using on the territory of the NNP “BUG GARD”

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    Today on the territory of Ukraine there are 40 national nature parks which include the NNP “Bug Gard”. One of the main tasks of the NNP is to preserve the valuable natural objects and to develop the scientific recommendations for protecting the environment and using the natural resources efficiently. Modern poaching, with its mass, technical armament, impunity and constant rapid growth, poses a serious threat to the national security of Ukraine. Significant damage to fishing and fish farming on the territory of the NNP “Bug Gard” is caused by the actions of poachers. During the functioning of the NNP “Bug Gard” the State Protection Service constantly conducts inspections and patrols the territory of the park to identify and to stop violations of the environmental legislation. The evaluation of the effectiveness of the fish protection measures carrying out in the Bug National Nature Park by the State Protection Service has been assessed. Annually the State Protection Service of the NNP “Bug Gard” conducts on average of 120 activities to identify environmental offenses, practices the explanatory talks, on average, 600 conversations per year, which are aimed at clarifying the environmental legislation in the field of fauna and flora protection, as well as it constantly informs the public through the media about the individual cases of poaching in order to further preventing the environmental offenses. Annually, an average of 1.000 leaflets with the fire safety rules on the territory of the NNP and with the environmental issues were produced and distributed among the population and the visitors of the park. It is established that, according to the analysis, the State Protection Service of the NNP “Bug Gard” carries out the effective measures in the field of fish resources conserving and rational using in the area of its responsibility, carries out a widespread waste water pollution control in the water bodies, creates the conditions for normal fish reproduction and keeps a track of environmental and fishing offenses, which not only preserves the flora and fauna, but also compensates the damage caused by the actions of poachers and other violators