186 research outputs found

    What is Behind the Fall in Russian Agricultural Production?

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    This study analyses the causal factors of fall in Russian farm output focusing on financial determinants. Translog production function is estimated on panel of 17653 large-scale farms for 1996-1998 period using fixed-effects and accounting for inter-regional climate differences. Output elasticities are analysed for sub-samples of crop and animal producing farms. The research findings show that budget transfers to the farms are inefficient and result in taxation of farms. Farms are operating under the soft budget constraints that have to be removed to improve farm production performance.production, Russia, debts, credit, budget transfers, Production Economics,

    New member States and Cross Compliance: The case of Poland

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    The New Member States did not yet have to implement the full cross-compliance package. Currently the GEAC requirements in the conditionality clause for the direct payments. The SMRs will become part of it starting from 2009. This paper looks into the Polish case and looks whether timely implementation is feasible. Several factors are mentioned, indicating that this will be a hard task. The problems with implementation explain why the new member states are advocating a gradual phasing in of the SMRs

    Farm firm micro-econometric modelling : empirical evidence from Russian dairy farming

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    This study develops a micro econometric model of specialised dairy farms in Moscow Region using panel data over the period 1995-1998. The model is used to analyse the role of input and output subsidies in the on-farm decision making. Theoretical conditions for short term profit maximization and the fixed effect specification are not rejected by the data. Estimates of the parameters related to input and output subsidies are found to be highly significant. The effect of output subsidies on milk output supply is larger then the price effect. Output subsidies are allocated efficiently in the period 1996-1998 and inefficiently in 1995; input subsi-dies are allocated efficiently in 1995 and inefficiently in 1996-199


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    The Russian agricultural sector has experienced many problems since the beginning of the 1990s that resulted in a fall in farm output. Employing a production function approach and, unlike other studies, farm-level data on more than 20,000 Russian large-scale farms for the period 1995-2000, this study analyzes the impact of both production (land, labour, capital, materials) and financial (debts and budget transfers) determinants on the productivity. Inter-regional differences such as weather conditions and farm-specific features such as geographical location, management and soil quality are taken into account employing the fixed-effect estimation. The findings show that Russian farms operate under liquidity constraints that lower their productivity.Productivity Analysis,

    Approaching the losses caused by imperfect short-term financing at the Russian farms

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    This study investigates whether an insufficient short-term financing causes losses for Russian agricultural farm and what is their upper boundary. The modified Bayesian formalism provides a workaround for scarce and in-complete data in our data set. This formalism is incorporated into the objective function of an optimisation model so that this function expresses the empirical dependence of profit on cash flow and debts. The model seeks for the optimal quarterly cash flow distribution within a year. Empirical application employs the data from 60 quarterly reports of six agricultural enterprises in the Moscow Region in 1995-1998. The losses per total farm expenses vary from 2.2 to 42.6% depending on a farm and a year. In more than a half of cases they are greater than 10%. The opportunities to improve farm financial performance can be revealed from individual changes in the quarterly cash flow distribution.imperfect short-term financing losses Russian agriculture Bayesian scarce missed data

    Adaptation to climate change on arable farms in the Dutch province of Flevoland. An inventory for the AgriAdapt project

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    In Flevoland, arable farming is the most dominant land use. Adaptation options related to water, pests and diseases have been studied using a literature review. The green-blue zone Oostvaarderswold in Flevoland contributes to water storage, to nature conservation and to recreation. Compensation costs for structural wetting that are associated with various frequencies of flooding have been calculated. At inundation frequencies greater than once in 5 years, buying the agricultural land might be a better option than compensating for inundation damage or income loss. Various policies will have an effect on future agriculture in the province. A literature survey of spatial policy plans shows that urbanisation will increase and that some cities, like Almere, Lelystad, Dronten and Emmeloord, will continue to grow and expand. As a consequence, more inhabitants will require more space for nature and recreational activities, which in turn will lead to agricultural land being required


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    The New Member States did not yet have to implement the full cross-compliance package. Currently the GEAC requirements in the conditionality clause for the direct payments. The SMRs will become part of it starting from 2009. This paper looks into the Polish case and looks whether timely implementation is feasible. Several factors are mentioned, indicating that this will be a hard task. The problems with implementation explain why the new member states are advocating a gradual phasing in of the SMRs.cross-compliance, agricultural policy, Agricultural and Food Policy, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, C01, C02, Q12, Q13,