4 research outputs found

    Think small

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    The tadpole larva of a sea squirt is only the second animal to have its entire nervous system mapped out, and the results confirm that there is still much to learn from the smallest brains

    Diversity of cilia-based mechanosensory systems and their functions in marine animal behaviour

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    Sensory cells that detect mechanical forces usually have one or more specialized cilia. These mechanosensory cells underlie hearing, proprioception or gravity sensation. To date, it is unclear how cilia contribute to detecting mechanical forces and what is the relationship between mechanosensory ciliated cells in different animal groups and sensory systems. Here, we review examples of ciliated sensory cells with a focus on marine invertebrate animals. We discuss how various ciliated cells mediate mechanosensory responses during feeding, tactic responses or predator-prey interactions. We also highlight some of these systems as interesting and accessible models for future in-depth behavioural, functional and molecular studies. We envisage that embracing a broader diversity of organisms could lead to a more complete view of cilia-based mechanosensation. This article is part of the Theo Murphy meeting issue 'Unity and diversity of cilia in locomotion and transport'

    Inter-individual stereotypy of the Platynereis larval visual connectome

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    Developmental programs have the fidelity to form neural circuits with the same structure and function among individuals of the same species. It is less well understood, however, to what extent entire neural circuits of different individuals are similar. Previously, we reported the neuronal connectome of the visual eye circuit from the head of a Platynereis dumerilii larva (Randel et al., 2014). We now report a full-body serial section transmission electron microscopy (ssTEM) dataset of another larva of the same age, for which we describe the connectome of the visual eyes and the larval eyespots. Anatomical comparisons and quantitative analyses of the two circuits reveal a high inter-individual stereotypy of the cell complement, neuronal projections, and synaptic connectivity, including the left-right asymmetry in the connectivity of some neurons. Our work shows the extent to which the eye circuitry in Platynereis larvae is hard-wired

    A serial multiplex immunogold labeling method for identifying peptidergic neurons in connectomes

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    Electron microscopy-based connectomics aims to comprehensively map synaptic connections in neural tissue. However, current approaches are limited in their capacity to directly assign molecular identities to neurons. Here, we use serial multiplex immunogold labeling (siGOLD) and serial-section transmission electron microscopy (ssTEM) to identify multiple peptidergic neurons in a connectome. The high immunogenicity of neuropeptides and their broad distribution along axons, allowed us to identify distinct neurons by immunolabeling small subsets of sections within larger series. We demonstrate the scalability of siGOLD by using 11 neuropeptide antibodies on a full-body larval ssTEM dataset of the annelid Platynereis. We also reconstruct a peptidergic circuitry comprising the sensory nuchal organs, found by siGOLD to express pigment-dispersing factor, a circadian neuropeptide. Our approach enables the direct overlaying of chemical neuromodulatory maps onto synaptic connectomic maps in the study of nervous systems