5 research outputs found

    Lexique juridique belge

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    Ce lexique relĂšve le dĂ©fi de rendre intelligibles et accessibles prĂšs de 1600 termes et expressions « usuels » de droit belge, dont il propose la classification au sein de l’ordre juridique, l’équivalent en terminologie juridique nĂ©erlandaise, la dĂ©finition, les rĂ©fĂ©rences normatives et jurisprudentielles les plus pertinentes Ă  leur sujet, la typologie, les antonymes et les « faux amis ». Il a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©digĂ© par une Ă©quipe pluridisciplinaire issue de toutes les facultĂ©s de droit francophones, mĂȘlant professeurs, assistants, doctorants, avocats, auditeurs... Son objectif n’est pas de supplanter les dĂ©finitions lĂ©gales, jurisprudentielles ou doctrinales existantes. Il permet, en revanche, au profane du droit et Ă  l’étudiant juriste, d’accĂ©der, sans difficultĂ©, Ă  la comprĂ©hension du vocabulaire juridique et de s’initier Ă  la langue du droit

    Physiological and Molecular Alterations Promoted by <i>Schizotetranychus oryzae</i> Mite Infestation in Rice Leaves

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    Infestation of phytophagous mite <i>Schizotetranychus oryzae</i> in rice causes critical yield losses. To better understand this interaction, we employed Multidimensional Protein Identification Technology (MudPIT) approach to identify differentially expressed proteins. We detected 18 and 872 unique proteins in control and infested leaves, respectively, along with 32 proteins more abundant in control leaves. <i>S. oryzae</i> infestation caused decreased abundance of proteins related to photosynthesis (mostly photosystem II-related), carbon assimilation and energy production, chloroplast detoxification, defense, and fatty acid and gibberellin synthesis. On the contrary, infestation caused increased abundance of proteins involved in protein modification and degradation, gene expression at the translation level, protein partitioning to different organelles, lipid metabolism, actin cytoskeleton remodeling, and synthesis of jasmonate, amino acid, and molecular chaperones. Our results also suggest that <i>S. oryzae</i> infestation promotes cell-wall remodeling and interferes with ethylene biosynthesis in rice leaves. Proteomic data were positively correlated with enzymatic assays and RT-qPCR analysis. Our findings describe the protein expression patterns of infested rice leaves and suggest that the acceptor side of PSII is probably the major damaged target in the photosynthetic apparatus. These data will be useful in future biotechnological approaches aiming to induce phytophagous mite resistance in rice