685 research outputs found

    The solution of multi-scale partial differential equations using wavelets

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    Wavelets are a powerful new mathematical tool which offers the possibility to treat in a natural way quantities characterized by several length scales. In this article we will show how wavelets can be used to solve partial differential equations which exhibit widely varying length scales and which are therefore hardly accessible by other numerical methods. As a benchmark calculation we solve Poisson's equation for a 3-dimensional Uranium dimer. The length scales of the charge distribution vary by 4 orders of magnitude in this case. Using lifted interpolating wavelets the number of iterations is independent of the maximal resolution and the computational effort therefore scales strictly linearly with respect to the size of the system

    Wavelets and Fast Numerical Algorithms

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    Wavelet based algorithms in numerical analysis are similar to other transform methods in that vectors and operators are expanded into a basis and the computations take place in this new system of coordinates. However, due to the recursive definition of wavelets, their controllable localization in both space and wave number (time and frequency) domains, and the vanishing moments property, wavelet based algorithms exhibit new and important properties. For example, the multiresolution structure of the wavelet expansions brings about an efficient organization of transformations on a given scale and of interactions between different neighbouring scales. Moreover, wide classes of operators which naively would require a full (dense) matrix for their numerical description, have sparse representations in wavelet bases. For these operators sparse representations lead to fast numerical algorithms, and thus address a critical numerical issue. We note that wavelet based algorithms provide a systematic generalization of the Fast Multipole Method (FMM) and its descendents. These topics will be the subject of the lecture. Starting from the notion of multiresolution analysis, we will consider the so-called non-standard form (which achieves decoupling among the scales) and the associated fast numerical algorithms. Examples of non-standard forms of several basic operators (e.g. derivatives) will be computed explicitly.Comment: 32 pages, uuencoded tar-compressed LaTeX file. Uses epsf.sty (see `macros'

    Multiscale Computation with Interpolating Wavelets

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    Multiresolution analyses based upon interpolets, interpolating scaling functions introduced by Deslauriers and Dubuc, are particularly well-suited to physical applications because they allow exact recovery of the multiresolution representation of a function from its sample values on a finite set of points in space. We present a detailed study of the application of wavelet concepts to physical problems expressed in such bases. The manuscript describes algorithms for the associated transforms which, for properly constructed grids of variable resolution, compute correctly without having to introduce extra grid points. We demonstrate that for the application of local homogeneous operators in such bases, the non-standard multiply of Beylkin, Coifman and Rokhlin also proceeds exactly for inhomogeneous grids of appropriate form. To obtain less stringent conditions on the grids, we generalize the non-standard multiply so that communication may proceed between non-adjacent levels. The manuscript concludes with timing comparisons against naive algorithms and an illustration of the scale-independence of the convergence rate of the conjugate gradient solution of Poisson's equation using a simple preconditioning, suggesting that this approach leads to an O(n) solution of this equation.Comment: 33 pages, figures available at http://laisla.mit.edu/muchomas/Papers/nonstand-figs.ps . Updated: (1) figures file (figs.ps) now appear with the posting on the server; (2) references got lost in the last submissio

    Fast and accurate con-eigenvalue algorithm for optimal rational approximations

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    The need to compute small con-eigenvalues and the associated con-eigenvectors of positive-definite Cauchy matrices naturally arises when constructing rational approximations with a (near) optimally small LL^{\infty} error. Specifically, given a rational function with nn poles in the unit disk, a rational approximation with mnm\ll n poles in the unit disk may be obtained from the mmth con-eigenvector of an n×nn\times n Cauchy matrix, where the associated con-eigenvalue λm>0\lambda_{m}>0 gives the approximation error in the LL^{\infty} norm. Unfortunately, standard algorithms do not accurately compute small con-eigenvalues (and the associated con-eigenvectors) and, in particular, yield few or no correct digits for con-eigenvalues smaller than the machine roundoff. We develop a fast and accurate algorithm for computing con-eigenvalues and con-eigenvectors of positive-definite Cauchy matrices, yielding even the tiniest con-eigenvalues with high relative accuracy. The algorithm computes the mmth con-eigenvalue in O(m2n)\mathcal{O}(m^{2}n) operations and, since the con-eigenvalues of positive-definite Cauchy matrices decay exponentially fast, we obtain (near) optimal rational approximations in O(n(logδ1)2)\mathcal{O}(n(\log\delta^{-1})^{2}) operations, where δ\delta is the approximation error in the LL^{\infty} norm. We derive error bounds demonstrating high relative accuracy of the computed con-eigenvalues and the high accuracy of the unit con-eigenvectors. We also provide examples of using the algorithm to compute (near) optimal rational approximations of functions with singularities and sharp transitions, where approximation errors close to machine precision are obtained. Finally, we present numerical tests on random (complex-valued) Cauchy matrices to show that the algorithm computes all the con-eigenvalues and con-eigenvectors with nearly full precision