7 research outputs found
Worker deaths: A regional autopsy study
Amaç: Uluslararası Çalışma Örgütü’ne göre her 15 saniyede bir 153 işçi iş kazası geçirmekte ve bir işçi iş kazaları veya hastalıklar nedeniyle
ölmektedir. Dünyada her gün 6.300 insan iş kazaları veya işle ilişkili hastalıklar nedeniyle ölmektedir.
Yöntem: Adli Tıp Kurumu Trabzon Grup Başkanlığı Morg İhtisas Dairesi’nde, 2011-2015 yılları arasında otopsisi yapılan, ölüm nedeni iş kazasına
bağlanan olguların adli tahkikat evrakları ve otopsi raporları geriye dönük olarak incelendi.
Bulgular: Toplam 112 işçi ölümünden 111’inin (%99,1) erkek, 1’inin (%0,9) kadın olduğu tespit edildi. Yaşları 18 ile 64 yıl arasında değişmekteydi.
Olguların iş kollarına göre dağılımı incelendiğinde 61 (%54,5) olgunun inşaat sektöründe ve 12 (%10,7) olgunun enerji sektöründe çalıştığı
tespit edildi. İş kazalarının 34 (%30,4) olguda yüksekten düşme, 19 (%17) olguda elektrik çarpması nedeniyle gerçekleştiği belirlendi. Yapılan
otopsilerde 44 (%39,3) olguda kafatası kemik kırıkları, 22 (%19,6) olguda göğüs kafesi kırıkları vardı. Histopatolojik incelemelerde, 13 (%11,6)
olguda kalp-damar patolojileri ve 20 (%17,9) olguda akciğerlerde ödem ve kanama bulundu.
Sonuç: Ulusal iş kazası istatistikleriyle de uyumlu olarak, bu çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre, ilk sırada inşaat sektörü bulunmaktadır. Ölüm nedeni
olarak ise yüksekten düşmeye bağlı genel beden travmaları, elektrik çarpmaları ve iş makinesi kazaları öne çıkmaktadır.Objective: According to the International Labor Organization, 153 workers are injured and one worker dies because of occupational accidents
or diseases every 15 seconds. Every day, 6,300 people die due to occupational accidents or work-related diseases in the world.
Methods: Forensic investigation documents and autopsy reports of patients who were autopsied between 2011 and 2015 at the Forensic
Medicine Department of Morgue Specialization in Trabzon Group Presidency and whose causes of death were related to occupational accidents
were examined retrospectively.
Results: It was determined that 111 (99.1%) were male and 1 (0.9%) were female from a total of 112 worker deaths. Their ages ranged between 18
and 64 years. When the distribution of cases by business types was analyzed, it was determined that 61 (54.5%) cases worked in the construction
sector and 12 (10.7%) in the energy sector. It was determined that work accidents occurred due to falling from height in 34 (30.4%) cases and
electric shock in 19 (17%) cases. There were skull bone fractures in 44 (39.3%) cases and rib cage fractures in 22 (19.6%) cases during autopsies. In
histopathological examinations, there were cardiovascular pathologies in 13 (11.6%) cases, edema and bleeding in the lungs in 20 (17.9%) cases.
Conclusion: According to the results of this study, construction sector took place on the top, which is consistent with the national work accident
statistics. As a cause of death, general body traumas due to falling from high, electric shocks and work machine accidents come to the fore
2017 Sayılarında Yayımlanan Yazıların Dökümü
2017 yılında Turk J Public Health'de 12'si araştırma makalesi olmak üzere toplam 19 makale yayımlanmıştır. Yayımlanan makalelerin konu, başlık, yayımlandığı sayı ve yazarlarını bu dosyada görebilirsiniz
İki Epileptik Ölüm Olgusunda Postmortem Tanı: Tuberoskleroz Kompleksi
Tuberoskleroz kompleksi deri bulgularıyla ve beyin, böbrekler, kalp, karaciğer, gözler ve akciğerler gibi birçok organda iyi huylu tümörlerle karakterli, otozomal dominant bir hastalıktır. Uzun yıllardır epilepsi öyküsü olan 15 yaşlarındaki iki kadın olguya Adli Tıp Kurumu’nda yapılan otopsileri ile TSK tanıları konmuştur. Bu çalışmada TSK tanısının konulmasında ‘medikal otopsinin’ önemini vurgulamayı, sık karşılaşılmayan ve olguların öyküsünde genellikle sadece epilepsi bulunan bu hastalığı adli tıp pratiği içinde güncel literatür eşliğinde tartışmayı amaçladık
An Evaluation of the Autopsy Cases of Carbon monoxide Poisoning in Trabzon Between 2009-2016
Objective: Carbon monoxide related deaths, which are generally preventable accidents, and more common when compared with other toxic substance consumption, arouse public attention in our country.
Materials and Methods: In this study, the aim is to investigate different features of carbon monoxide poisoning related deaths autopsied in Trabzon in 8-year period of time and demonstrate medico-legal aspects of this issue.
Results: Our study consists of all deaths due to carbon monoxide poisoning and autopsied by Trabzon Morgue Department of the Council of Forensic Medicine of Turkey between 2009 and 2016. Records of a total of 7133 criminal cases who were autopsied between these years were examined and 215 cases who died due to CO poisoning were evaluated for age, sex, the month of the event occurred, origin, death time, CO source and carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) values. 215 criminal cases were constituting 3.01% of 7133 criminal cases who were autopsied within 8 years in Trabzon. 91 of the cases were (42.3%) female and 124 were (57.7%) male and the male/female case ratio was 1.4. Mean age of the cases was 48.8±27.1years. 24.1% of deaths occurred in January 74% at home. CO source was found to be charcoal in 55.3% of cases. Mean COHb level detected in cases was 54.9±17.6%.
Conclusion: Carbon monoxide poisoning is an important social problem in our country as in many developing countries. It is concluded that with their medicolegal experiences and suggestions, forensic medicine specialists can play an important role to manage carbon monoxide poisonings which are mainly..
Deaths due to "patpat" accidents in the Black Sea Region, Turkey
BACKGROUND: Overtime, agricultural machines have been designed appropriate to more simple needs, instead of tractors which have a wide area of use. An example of these is the "patpat," so named because of the sound of the motor, and for which the main purpose is ploughing. METHODS: A patpat is a single-axle, two-wheeled tractor with a trailer attached. In this descriptive study, the descriptive characteristics and causes of death were analyzed of case related to patpat accidents for which autopsies were performed by the Forensic Medicine Institution Trabzon Group Directorate between 2006 and 2017. RESULTS: Information was retrieved from the scene of accident examination documents, and the autopsy and laboratory records. The 21 cases comprised 17 (81%) males and 4 (19%) females, with a mean age of 47.6 +/- 20.3 years (median: 57, range: 10-75 years). Of the total accidents, in 85.7% (n=18), no other vehicle was involved. Following the accident, 52.4% (n=11) of the patpats were found at the side of the road, and 33.3% (n=7) at the edge of a stream or at the bottom of a steep valley. The cause of the accident was determined to be that the patpat had overturned on a bend in 33.3% (n=7) cases and in 85.7% (n=18) of cases, the patpat was found overturned or on its side. The most common injury was being thrown from the vehicle (38.1%, n=8), and in 66.7% (n=14) of cases, the deceased was the patpat driver. CONCLUSION: Patpat accidents are a serious problem because of the frequency of use of these vehicles without proper supervision and especially because of the hazardous topographical conditions where they are used
Death Due to Tianeptine Injection Through Inguinal Incision: Two Case Reports
In recent years, drug use has come to the forefront as one of the most important problems of public health. Tianeptine is an antidepressant that is structurally similar to tricyclic antidepressants and is used for the treatment of depression but is also abused because its pleasing feature has been recognized by drug users. Two forensic cases were autopsied with an interval of 25 days. One case had unilateral unusual inguinal lesions. The other case bilateral unusual inguinal lesions. It was understood that these lesions were preformed, improved surgical catheter incisions in order to facilitate intravenous injections for drug abuse. This application, which was detected in the inguinal region, was found to be interesting. It is aimed to raise the awareness of this application, which is not found in the literature. As a result of the intense human transit, substance abuse habits and methods have also been transferred to citizens..
A multicenter survey of childhood asthma in Turkey - II: Utilization of asthma drugs, control levels and their determinants
Many surveys worldwide have consistently demonstrated a low level of asthma control and under-utilization of preventive asthma drugs. However, these studies have been frequently criticized for using population-based samples, which include many patients with no or irregular follow-ups. Our aim, in this study, was to define the extent of asthma drug utilization, control levels, and their determinants among children with asthma attending to pediatric asthma centers in Turkey. Asthmatic children (age range: 6-18 yr) with at least 1-yr follow-up seen at 12 asthma outpatient clinics during a 1-month period with scheduled or unscheduled visits were included and were surveyed with a questionnaire-guided interview. Files from the previous year were evaluated retrospectively to document control levels and their determinants. From 618 children allocated, most were mild asthmatics (85.6%). Almost 30% and 15% of children reported current use of emergency service and hospitalization, respectively; and 51.4% and 53.1% of children with persistent and intermittent disease, respectively, were on daily preventive therapy, including inhaled corticosteroids. Disease severity [odds ratio: 12.6 (95% confidence intervals: 5.3-29.8)], hospitalization within the last year [3.4 (1.4-8.2)], no use of inhaled steroids [2.9 (1.1- 7.3)], and female gender [2.3 (1.1-5.4)] were major predictors of poor asthma control as defined by their physicians. In this national pediatric asthma study, we found a low level of disease control and discrepancies between preventive drug usage and disease severity, which shows that the expectations of guidelines have not been met even in facilitated centers, thus indicating the need to revise the severity-based approach of asthma guidelines. Efforts to implement the control-based approach of new guidelines (Global Initiative for Asthma 2006) would be worthwhile