8,152 research outputs found

    The alpha-particle in nuclear matter

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    Among the light nuclear clusters the alpha-particle is by far the strongest bound system and therefore expected to play a significant role in the dynamics of nuclei and the phases of nuclear matter. To systematically study the properties of the alpha-particle we have derived an effective four-body equation of the Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas (AGS) type that includes the dominant medium effects, i.e. self energy corrections and Pauli-blocking in a consistent way. The equation is solved utilizing the energy dependent pole expansion for the sub system amplitudes. We find that the Mott transition of an alpha-particle at rest differs from that expected from perturbation theory and occurs at approximately 1/10 of nuclear matter densities.Comment: 9 pages RevTex file, 1 figure, submitted to Phys. Lett.

    Deuteron formation in nuclear matter

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    We investigate deuteron formation in nuclear matter at finite temperatures within a systematic quantum statistical approach. We consider formation through three-body collisions relevant already at rather moderate densities because of the strong correlations. The three-body in-medium reaction rates driven by the break-up cross section are calculated using exact three-body equations (Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas type) that have been suitably modified to consistently include the energy shift and the Pauli blocking. Important quantities are the lifetime of deuteron fluctuations and the chemical relaxation time. We find that the respective times differ substantially while using in-medium or isolated cross sections. We expect implications for the description of heavy ion collisions in particular for the formation of light charged particles at low to intermediate energies.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Medium corrections in the formation of light charged particles in heavy ion reactions

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    Within a microscopic statistical description of heavy ion collisions, we investigate the effect of the medium on the formation of light clusters. The dominant medium effects are self-energy corrections and Pauli blocking that produce the Mott effect for composite particles and enhanced reaction rates in the collision integrals. Microscopic description of composites in the medium follows the Dyson equation approach combined with the cluster mean-field expansion. The resulting effective few-body problem is solved within a properly modified Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas formalism. The results are incorporated in a Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck simulation for heavy ion collisions. The number and spectra of light charged particles emerging from a heavy ion collision changes in a significant manner in effect of the medium modification of production and absorption processes.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Few-Body States in Fermi-Systems and Condensation Phenomena

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    Residual interactions in many particle systems lead to strong correlations. A multitude of spectacular phenomenae in many particle systems are connected to correlation effects in such systems, e.g. pairing, superconductivity, superfluidity, Bose-Einstein condensation etc. Here we focus on few-body bound states in a many-body surrounding.Comment: 10 pages, proceedings 1st Asian-Pacific Few-Body Conference, needs fbssuppl.sty of Few-Body System

    Light-front versus Bethe-Salpeter forms of two nucleon amplitudes

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    We discuss the relation between the two nucleon Bethe-Salpeter amplitude and the light front wave functions. Both approaches provide a covariant description for the deuteron bound state and the two nucleon scattering state. A comparison is done for the spin-orbit functions as well explicit integrals are given on the basis of the Nakanishi integral representation method.Comment: 13 pages, Few Body Systems format needs fbsart11.sty, fbsedit2.st