57 research outputs found

    Low oxygen saturation following total correction in a patient with tetralogy of fallot and persistant left superior caval vein - How did we diagnose and manage?

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    Association of tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) with the other intracardiac pathologies such as atrial septal defect (ASD), atrioventricular canal defect or persistent left superior vena cava (PLSVC), absent pulmonary valve are well known pathologies. The associated pathologies require specifi c attention during surgical treatment. In this manuscript, we present management of a four-month-old girl who was diagnosed with TOF and PLSVC but the diagnosis of unroofed coronary sinus was missed in her. Association of unroofed coronary sinus with TOF is a very rare variant of TOF pathology.Souvislost mezi Fallotovou tetralogií (tetralogy of Fallot, TOF) a jinými intrakardiálními patologiemi, jako jsou defekt septa síní (atrial septal defect, ASD), defekt síňokomorového kanálu nebo perzistentní levostranná horní dutá žíla (persistent left superior vena cava, PLSVC) i absence plicní chlopně, je dobře známa. Během chirurgického výkonu vyžadují přidružená onemocnění obzvláštní pozornost. V tomto článku popisujeme léčbu čtyřměsíční dívky s diagnózou TOF a PLSVC, u níž však byl přehlédnut nezastřešený koronární sinus. Nezastřešený koronární sinus se vyskytuje současně s TOF velmi vzácně

    The effect of renin-angiotensin blockers on COVID-19 related mortality: A tertiary center's experience

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    Background: The first reports on coronaviruse disease 2019 (COVID-19) revealed an exaggerated mortality rate in hypertensive patients. In this regard, concerns about angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors’ and angiotensin-receptor blockers’ (ARBs) have been aroused. Our aim in this study was to evaluate the potential bad outcome effect of hypertension and anti-hypertensive therapy on COVID-19. Methods: 183 patients with polymerase-chain-reaction (PCR)-proven COVID-19, who were admitted to our hospital and consulted to cardiology department between 15th of March and 15th of April 2020 were included. Data were recruited from hospital records. Results: Thirty-two out of 183 patients with COVID-19 died in hospital. Hypertension incidence was not statistically different between patients who survived and died (76 [50.3%] vs 19 [59.4%, p = 0.352]). Although the usage rate of ACEI were similar among groups, ARB usage rate was significantly higher in patients who died than survived (11 [34.4%] vs 23 [15.2%], p = 0.011). Binary regression analysis showed an association between ARBs and mortality (OR: 0.032, 95% CI 1.045–2.623, p = 0.032). Conclusion: Our study confirmed previous concerns regarding a potential harmful effects of ARBs on COVID-19 related mortality.Kontext: První zprávy o onemocnění koronavirem v roce 2019 (coronavirus disease 2019, COVID-19) ukazovaly na zvýšenou mortalitu jedinců s hypertenzí, což vyvolalo obavy ohledně užívání inhibitorů angiotenzin konvertujícího enzymu (ACEI) a blokátorů receptoru AT1 pro angiotenzin II (ARB). Cílem naší studie bylo posoudit možnost nepříznivého vlivu onemocnění covid-19 na závažnost hypertenze a účinnost antihypertenzní léčby. Metody: Do studie bylo zařazeno 183 pacientů s onemocněním covid-19 prokázaným PCR testem, kteří byli v období od 15. března do 15. dubna 2020 přijati do naší nemocnice a následně odesláni na kardiologickou kliniku. Údaje byly získány z nemocničních záznamů. Výsledky: Celkem 32 ze 183 pacientů s onemocněním covid-19 zemřelo v nemocnici. Incidence hypertenze se mezi pacienty, kteří přežili a zemřeli, statisticky významně nelišila (76 [50,3 %] vs. 19 [59,4 %]; p = 0,352). I když podíly pacientů užívajících inhibitory ACE byly v obou skupinách podobné, léčiva ze skupiny ARB užívalo statisticky významně více pacientů, kteří zemřeli, než těch, kteří přežili (11 [34,4 %] vs. 23 [15,2 %]; p = 0,011). Binární regresní analýza prokázala souvislost mezi užíváním ARB a mortalitou (OR: 0,032; 95% CI 1,045–2,623; p = 0,032). Závěr: Naše studie potvrdila původní obavy týkající se možných škodlivých účinků lékové skupiny ARB na mortalitu v souvislosti v onemocněním covid-19

    Endovascular Stent Grafting for Aortic Arch Aneurysm in Aortoiliac Occlusive Disease following Aortic Arch Debranching and Aortobifemoral Reconstruction

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    Treatment of thoracic aortic aneurysms constitutes high mortality and morbidity rates despite improvements in surgery, anesthesia, and technology. Endovascular stent grafting may be an alternative therapy with lower risks when compared with conventional techniques. However, sometimes the branches of the aortic arch may require transport to the proximal segments prior to successful thoracic aortic endovascular stent grafting. Atherosclerosis is accounted among the etiology of both aneurysms and occlusive diseases that can coexist in the same patient. In these situations stent grafting may even be more complicated. In this report, we present the treatment of a 92-year-old patient with aortic arch aneurysm and proximal descending aortic aneurysm. For successful thoracic endovascular stent grafting, the patient needed an alternative route other than the native femoral and iliac arteries for the deployment of the stent graft. In addition, debranching of left carotid and subclavian arteries from the aortic arch was also required for successful exclusion of the thoracic aneurysm

    Effects of diosmin-hesperidin and low pressure compression stocking combination in superficial venous insufficiency

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    Aim: The main aim of the study is to investigate the efficacy and patient tolerance of Daflon 1000mg/day and low-pressure compression stocking combination in the treatment of superficial venous insufficiency. Materials and Methods: This prospective study included 112 patients diagnosed with superficial venous insufficiency and reflux in saphenofemoral junction during March 2018 and 2019 at our center. All the patients received 1000 mg micronized purified flavonoid fractions containing 90% diosmin-10% hesperidin and low-pressure venous compression stockings (15-20 mmHg) throughout the study. Patients superficial, perforator, and deep venous systems were evaluated by Doppler US at the beginning and average of 5.3 ± 3.7 months after treatment. Results: A total of 99 (88.4%) patients out of 112 eligible patients completed the investigation. The mean age was 41±12.6, the female was 66 (58.9%), the mean follow-up was 5.3±3.7 months. Pre-treatment and post-treatment diameters of SFJ were 6.27±2.9 and 5.68±1.8 mm, respectively, this was statistically significant (P=0.033). All of the patients have SFJ reflux initially, after the treatment, patients with SFJ reflux were decreased to 44 (44.4%), this was also statistically significant (P<0.001, OR:0.004, 95% CI: 0.0002-0.07). We also found significant improvement in grade III and grade IV reflux (P<0.05) after treatment. The symptomatic patients decreased from 63 to 16 after treatment, this was statistically severely significant (P<0.001, OR:0.11, 95% CI: 0.056-0.216). During the follow-up period, 6 (5.4%) patients were worsened and underwent surgical intervention, this was not statistically significant (P=0.076). Conclusion: Daflon 1000mg/day with a combination of low- pressure CS well tolerates by venous insufficiency patients. Six months of continuous application may reduce the reflux of SFJ and VSM, and causes marked symptomatic relief

    Sternum dehiscence: A preventable complication of median sternotomy

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    Background: The incidence of sternal dehiscence following cardiothoracic surgery via sternotomy is rare. It causes serious patient dissatisfaction and leads to higher hospital costs. For years, each clinic has made efforts to reduce this complication. Here, we aimed to summarize our techniques to prevent dehiscence.Material: This retrospective study included two groups operated via median sternotomy from March 2009 to May 2019. The first g roup included 1,105 consecutive patients who only received sternum wire for sternum closure from March 2009 to October 2013. The second group included 1,559 consecutive patients operated from January 2014 to May 2019; preventive closure techniques were performed for predefined high-risk patients in this group. These closure techniques included polyglyconate (Maxon) or simple longitudinal reinforced sutures, sternal cable or sternoband, sternal plate, and Robiscek technique.Results: All patients in Group 1, and 63.8% (995/1559) patients in Group 2 received sternal wire only (P < .001). In Group 2, we applied preventive closure techniques to 564 (36.2%) patients. There was no sternal dehiscence in Group 2, whereas 29 (2.6%) patients postoperatively suffered sternal dehiscence in Group 1; this was statistically significant (P = .001, OR:85.5, 95%CI:5.22-1400.4). The overall incidence of mediastinitis was 0.94%. The incidence significantly was lower in Group 2 (P = .004, OR:3.6, 95%CI:1.52-8.82). Sternum- related mortality in Group 2 also was lower (0.54% versus 0.06%, P = .048, OR:8.5, 95% CI: 1.02-70.75).Conclusion: Sternal dehiscence can be avoided by careful perioperative risk assessment and enhanced closure techniques. The same special consideration may significantly reduce mediastinitis and sternal-related mortality

    Comparacion del aterectomía, balón liberador de fármacos y del tratamiento combinado por espectroscopía de infrarrojo cercano

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    Atherosclerosis is a systemic pathology involving the entire vascular system. Smoking, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, advanced age, and hypertension are known risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis. Surgical treatment in peripheral arterial disease (PAD) has been replaced by endovascular treatment options in recent years due to mortality and morbidity. In our study, we aimed to present the effectiveness of atherectomy, drug-eluting balloon, and combined therapy with values determined by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in patients they have atherosclerotic PAD. Materials and methods: Patients with intermittent claudication or critical leg ischemia (Rutherford class 3 or more) have been viewed in the study. There were 30 male and 9 female patients. Patients were followed up before, at the 1st h after and at the 3rd month after the procedure, with simultaneous ankle-brachial pressure index (ABPI), walking distance measurements, and measurement of tissue oxygenation by NIRS method. Results: When patients with similar post-operative ABPI measurements were evaluated with NIRS, venous oxygenation was observed higher in patients used treatment methods combined with atherectomy. According to these results, we thought that treatment methods combined with atherectomy have increased microcirculation and collateral circulation more than other methods

    Sternum Dehiscence: A Preventable Complication of Median Sternotomy

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    Background: The incidence of sternal dehiscence following cardiothoracic surgery via sternotomy is rare. It causes serious patient dissatisfaction and leads to higher hospital costs. For years, each clinic has made efforts to reduce this complication. Here, we aimed to summarize our techniques to prevent dehiscence.Material: This retrospective study included two groups operated via median sternotomy from March 2009 to May 2019. The first g roup included 1,105 consecutive patients who only received sternum wire for sternum closure from March 2009 to October 2013. The second group included 1,559 consecutive patients operated from January 2014 to May 2019; preventive closure techniques were performed for predefined high-risk patients in this group. These closure techniques included polyglyconate (Maxon) or simple longitudinal reinforced sutures, sternal cable or sternoband, sternal plate, and Robiscek technique.Results: All patients in Group 1, and 63.8% (995/1559) patients in Group 2 received sternal wire only (P < .001). In Group 2, we applied preventive closure techniques to 564 (36.2%) patients. There was no sternal dehiscence in Group 2, whereas 29 (2.6%) patients postoperatively suffered sternal dehiscence in Group 1; this was statistically significant (P = .001, OR:85.5, 95%CI:5.22-1400.4). The overall incidence of mediastinitis was 0.94%. The incidence significantly was lower in Group 2 (P = .004, OR:3.6, 95%CI:1.52-8.82). Sternum- related mortality in Group 2 also was lower (0.54% versus 0.06%, P = .048, OR:8.5, 95% CI: 1.02-70.75).Conclusion: Sternal dehiscence can be avoided by careful perioperative risk assessment and enhanced closure techniques. The same special consideration may significantly reduce mediastinitis and sternal-related mortality

    The importance of good-quality saphenous vein segments for bypass procedures

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    We have read with great interest the manuscriptentitled ‘Saphenous vein graft preparation withconventional or Mayo vein stripper method: Whichone is better?’ written by Dr. Indelen.[1] The studycomprises some issues which need to be clarified.The author uses second plural, i.e. ‘we’; however,there is only one author listed in the manuscript. Didthe sole author conduct all surgical procedures andhistopathological examinations? These issues mighthave led to study bias. If these examinations wereexecuted by histopathologist(s), were they blinded tothe groups

    Carotid artery screening in high risk asymptomatic individuals: outcomes of 3000 carotid screening

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    Objectives: The primary aims of the study to evaluate the efficacy of carotid screening tests to identify asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis among high-risk patients and early prevention of stroke. Background: The estimated prevalence of asymptomatic severe carotid stenosis (>_70%) in the general adult population ranges up to 3.1%. However, the prevalence is higher in comorbid individuals. This makes it important to perform screening testing for early diagnosis and treatment in predetermined high-risk patients. Material and methods: In this prospective study, 3000 selected patients screened during March 2017 and September 2018 at the most populated family health center. Participants selected among registered individuals who have at least one of the risk factors such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, obesity, and smoking. All the participants were asymptomatic and above the age of 55. Bilateral carotid artery screening performed by Duplex Ultrasonography (DUSG) at the first call and one year later. Patients with severe carotid and/or coronary artery stenosis treated by surgical revascularization or stent implantation in the light of the latest guidelines. Conclusion: Carotid screening among high-risk asymptomatic individuals is of great importance to identify severe carotid artery as well as coronary artery stenosis. Patient education during screening may play a crucial role in preventing the disease

    Coronary arteries arising from single coronary ostium: A case report

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    Advanced diagnostic systems and healthcare screening programs enabled increased diagnosis of congenital cardiovascular anomalies, including variations in coronary arteries. Single coronary artery is a rare congenital cardiovascular malformation in which all three main coronary arteries originate from a single coronary trunk. In this report, we present a patient with single coronary ostium giving rise to the left and right coronary artery systems, which was diagnosed incidentally with coronary computerized tomography and confirmed with conventional angiography