272 research outputs found

    The new servo-spill power converter of the CERN SPS machine

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    The so-called servo-spill system of the SPS machine requires a very specific power converter to be used as the power actuator of the system. Due to this particular function, the main performance required, for this power converter, is an unusual large signal current bandwidth of up to 1.5 kHz. The procurement is based on a similar industrial product using switch mode technology. This paper describes the main power part as well as the control approach chosen to fulfil the specific requirements of this power converter. Final operational results are also presented

    Zinc increases the effects of essential amino acids-whey protein supplements in frail elderly

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    Abstract: Protein undernutrition is frequent in the elderly. It contributes to the development of osteoporosis, possibly via lower IGF-I. Dietary zinc can influence IGF-I production. Objectives: To determine the influence of dietary zinc addition on IGF-I and bone turnover responses to essential amino acids-whey (EAA-W) protein supplements in frail elderly. Design and setting: A daily oral protein supplement was given to hospitalized patients for 4 weeks. On a randomized, double-blind basis, patients received either an additional 30 mg/day of zinc or control. Participants: Sixty-one hospitalized elderly aged 66.7 to 105.8, with a mini-nutritional assessment score between 17 and 24 were enrolled. Measurements: Activities of daily living; dietary intakes; serum IGF-I, IGF-BP3, CrossLapsℱ, osteocalcin and zinc were measured before and after 1, 2 and 4 weeks of protein supplementation. Results: Serum IGF-I rapidly increased in both groups. Zinc accelerated this increase with changes of +48.2±14.3 and +22.4±4.7% (p<.05) by 1 week, in the zinc-supplemented and control groups, respectively. Zinc significantly decreased the serum bone resorption marker CrossLapsℱ by already 1 week. Activities of daily living improved by +27.0±3.1 and +18.3±4.5% in zinc-supplemented and control groups, respectively. Conclusion: In the elderly, zinc supplementation accelerated the serum IGF-I response to EAA-W protein by 1 week and decreased a biochemical marker of bone resorptio

    Proposal to Increase the LEP Energy with Horizontal Orbit Correctors

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    In an e+ e- collider the beam energy depends only on the bending field integral "Bds while the synchrotron radiation power scales with "B2ds and is sensitive to the details of the field distribution. With fixed RF acceleration voltage it is thus possible to attain higher energies by increasing the effective bending magnet length. We propose to use the horizontal orbit correctors to exploit this effect. To control the orbit perturbations, 79 unused correctors in the regular arcs and 14 unused correctors in the dispersion suppressors will have to be powered. An energy increase of approximatively 0.18 GeV per beam might be obtained

    Rejets radioactifs et environnement du CERN en 2003

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    La radioactivitĂ© de l’environnement autour de l’Organisation EuropĂ©enne pour la Recherche NuclĂ©aire (CERN) et les doses de rayonnements qui en rĂ©sultent pour la population avoisinante sont contrĂŽlĂ©es par la Commission de SĂ»retĂ© du CERN et de maniĂšre indĂ©pendante par les autoritĂ©s compĂ©tentes des deux Etats HĂŽtes, l’Institut de Radioprotection et de SĂ»retĂ© NuclĂ©aire (IRSN) cĂŽtĂ© France et l’Office FĂ©dĂ©ral de la SantĂ© Publique (OFSP) cĂŽtĂ© Suisse. Dans ce rapport, les rĂ©sultats de mesures concernent en particulier le territoire suisse. L’ensemble des mesures effectuĂ©es en 2003 prouve que le fonctionnement des installations du CERN Ă©tait sans consĂ©quence radiologique sur l’environnement et la population. Le contrĂŽle des Ă©missions montre que les rejets effectifs se situent Ă©galement en 2003 nettement en dessous des limites rĂ©glementaires. Ce constat est confirmĂ© par le contrĂŽle des immissions dans l’environnement. Le CERN a bien respectĂ© en 2003 comme dans les annĂ©es prĂ©cĂ©dentes la valeur directrice de dose liĂ©e Ă  la source fixĂ©e Ă  0.3 mSv/an. L’impact rĂ©el reprĂ©sente en fait moins de 10% de cette valeur, comme l’indique l’estimation pour le groupe critique, qui est de l’ordre de 0.03 mSv/an

    Physical and rehabilitation medicine (PRM) care pathways: Adults with severe traumatic brain injury

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    AbstractThis document is part of a series of guidelines documents designed by the French Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Society (SOFMER) and the French Federation of PRM (FEDMER). These reference documents focus on a particular pathology (here patients with severe TBI). They describe for each given pathology patients’ clinical and social needs, PRM care objectives and necessary human and material resources of the pathology-dedicated pathway. ‘Care pathways in PRM’ is therefore a short document designed to enable readers (physician, decision-maker, administrator, lawyer, finance manager) to have a global understanding of available therapeutic care structures, organization and economic needs for patients’ optimal care and follow-up. After a severe traumatic brain injury, patients might be divided into three categories according to impairment's severity, to early outcomes in the intensive care unit and to functional prognosis. Each category is considered in line with six identical parameters used in the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (World Health Organization), focusing thereafter on personal and environmental factors liable to affect the patients’ needs

    Dynamic beam based calibration of orbit monitors at LEP

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    The offsets of the beam position monitors (BOM) with respect to the centre of the quadrupoles were determined for 16 wide band electronic and 18 narrow band electronic monitors. The first are located near to the IPs and the latter are in all other parts. The distribution of the wide band monitor offsets at the low beta focusing quadrupole magnets has a mean value of 1000 ”m and a width of s = 600 mm. The offsets are almost identical with the beam position of the orbit which allows to obtain highest luminosity. The distribution of the narrow band monitor offsets has a mean value of 19 mm and a width of s = 245 mm

    Prevalence of <i>Anaplasma phagocytophilum</i> and <i>Coxiella burnetii</i> in <i>Ixodes ricinus</i> ticks in Switzerland: an underestimated epidemiologic risk.

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    Ticks are vectors of several microorganisms responsible for infectious diseases in human and animals, such as &lt;i&gt;Anaplasma phagocytophilum&lt;/i&gt; and &lt;i&gt;Coxiella burnetii.&lt;/i&gt; In this study, we investigated the prevalence of these two bacteria in 62 889 &lt;i&gt;Ixodes ricinus&lt;/i&gt; ticks in selected regions covering all Switzerland. A high prevalence of 11.9% of &lt;i&gt;A. phagocytophilum&lt;/i&gt; DNA was observed by real-time PCR on 8534 pools of ticks. This pool prevalence corresponds to an estimated prevalence of 1.71% in individual tick. A total of 144 of the 171 collection sites (84.2%) were positive for the presence of &lt;i&gt;A. phagocytophilum,&lt;/i&gt; and these sites were homogenously distributed throughout Switzerland. Such prevalence and geographical distribution underline the risk of human and animal exposure to &lt;i&gt;A. phagocytophilum&lt;/i&gt; and highlight the need to assess the epidemiology and clinical diagnosis of human and animal anaplasmosis in Switzerland. However, DNA of &lt;i&gt;C. burnetii&lt;/i&gt; was never found in any tick pool. This absence suggests a very low role of &lt;i&gt;I. ricinus&lt;/i&gt; ticks as vector and reservoir of &lt;i&gt;C. burnetii&lt;/i&gt; in Switzerland, and it supports previous reports demonstrating the role of sheep and goats in the epidemiology of Q fever. However, considering its pathogenic potential, it is necessary to keep monitoring for the possible reemergence of this bacterium in ticks in the future


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    The LHC will, in addition to proton runs, be operated with Pb ions and provide collisions at energies of 5.5 TeV per nucleon pair, i.e. more than 1.1 PeV per event, to experiments. The transformation of CERN's ion injector complex (Linac3-LEIR-PS-SPS) to allow collision of ions in LHC in 2008 is well under way. The status of these modifications and the latest results of commissioning will be presented. The remaining challenges are reviewed
