224 research outputs found

    Newer Antiepileptic Drugs in Status Epilepticus: Prescription Trends and Outcomes in Comparison with Traditional Agents.

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    Newer antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) are increasingly prescribed; however, relatively limited data are available regarding their use in status epilepticus (SE) and the impact on outcome. The aim of this study was to explore the evolution in prescription patterns of newer and traditional AEDs in this clinical setting, and their association with prognosis. We analyzed our prospective adult SE registry over a 10-year period (2007-2016) and assessed the yearly use of newer and traditional AEDs and their association with mortality, return to baseline conditions at discharge, and SE refractoriness, defined as treatment resistance to two AEDs, including benzodiazepines. In 884 SE episodes, corresponding to 719 patients, the prescription of at least one newer AED increased from 0.38 per SE episode in 2007 to 1.24 per SE episode in 2016 (mostly due to the introduction of levetiracetam and lacosamide). Traditional AEDs (excluding benzodiazepines) decreased over time from 0.74 in 2007 to 0.41 in 2016, correlating with the decreasing use of phenytoin. The prescription of newer AEDs was independently associated with a lower chance of return to baseline conditions at discharge (odds ratio [OR] 0.58, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.40-0.84) and a higher rate of SE refractoriness (OR 19.84, 95% CI 12.76-30.84), but not with changes in mortality (OR 1.08, 95% CI 0.58-2.00). We observed a growing trend in the prescription of newer AEDs in SE over the last decade; however, our findings might suggest an associated increased risk of SE refractoriness and new disability at hospital discharge. Pending prospective, comparative studies, this may justify some caution in the routine use of newer AEDs in SE

    Continuous versus Routine Electroencephalography in the Intensive Care Unit: A Review of Current Evidence.

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    Electroencephalography (EEG) has long been used to detect seizures in patients with disorders of consciousness. In recent years, there has been a drastically increased adoption of continuous EEG (cEEG) in the intensive care units (ICUs). Given the resources necessary to record and interpret cEEG, this is still not available in every center and widespread recommendations to use continuous instead of routine EEG (typically lasting 20 min) are still a matter of some debate. Considering recent literature and personal experience, this review offers a rationale and practical advice to address this question. Despite the development of increasingly performant imaging techniques and several validated biomarkers, EEG remains central to clinicians in the intensive care unit and has been experiencing expanding popularity for at least 2 decades. Not only does EEG allow seizure or status epilepticus detection, which in the ICU often present without clinical movements, but it is also paramount for the prognostic evaluation of comatose patients, especially after cardiac arrest, and for detecting delayed ischemia after subarachnoid hemorrhage. At the end of the last Century, improvements of technical and digital aspects regarding recording and storage of EEG tracings have progressively led to the era of cEEG and automated quantitative analysis. As compared to repeated rEEG, cEEG in comatose patients does not seem to improve clinical prognosis to a relevant extent, despite allowing a more performant of detection ictal events and consequent therapeutic modifications. The choice between cEEG and rEEG must therefore always be patient-tailored

    Acute Valproate-Induced Encephalopathy in Status Epilepticus: A Registry-Based Assessment.

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    Valproate-induced encephalopathy (VIE) affects between 0.1% and 2.5% of patients under long-term epilepsy treatment. Its frequency and characteristics in adults with status epilepticus (SE) is, however, unknown. The aim of this study was to characterize the frequency and the clinico-biological characteristics of VIE in adult SE patients. We reviewed all patients included in our institutional SE registry who were treated for an SE episode between November 2021 and February 2023 and identified 39 patients who received valproate for their SE treatment. Acute VIE was defined by worsening of consciousness having led to the discontinuation of valproate, and improvement of consciousness within 96 hours after discontinuation of valproate during acute hospital treatment. Patients had a mean valproate intravenous loading dose of 34.5 mg/kg and a mean maintenance dose of 15.3 mg/kg/d (1078 mg/d). Four out of 29 patients with measured ammonium had hyperammonemia. We identified four (10%) patients fulfilling acute VIE criteria. Median time from administration of valproate to the occurrence of VIE, and to resolution of VIE after cessation of valproate treatment, was 2 days for each. Three of the four VIE patients had no associated hyperammonemia. Patients who developed VIE more frequently had a history of liver disease (p = 0.023), and tended to be younger, but other clinical variables did not differ significantly from patients without VIE, including valproate loading or maintenance doses, SE cause, duration or severity, other concomitant antiseizure medications (none received topiramate, phenobarbital, or primidone). Pending larger studies, VIE in SE seems relatively frequent and difficult to foresee; clinical alertness to symptoms is mandatory, even without hyperammonemia, and valproate withdrawal should be considered in suspected cases

    Self-Contempt, the Working Alliance and Outcome in Treatments for Borderline Personality Disorder: An Exploratory Study.

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    Objective. We examined the role of expressed self-contempt in therapy for borderline personality disorder (BPD). Based on previous literature on BPD, we assumed an association between the self-contempt and the core symptoms of BPD. We also studied the progression of expressed self-contempt during the treatment and its effect on the alliance and the outcomes of treatment.Method. We rated the expressed self-contempt in 148 tape-recorded sessions with patients with BPD (N = 50), during a brief psychiatric treatment. We rated self-contempt at three time-points, using an observer-rate scale. Self-reported questionnaires were used to assess symptoms and the working alliance.Results. There are some associations between self-contempt and BPD symptoms. Expressed self-contempt did not change during the treatment. One measure of self-contempt was associated with a weaker alliance rated by the patients and with a stronger alliance rated by the therapists. The expression of high self-contempt was not predictive of outcomes when the initial level of problems was controlled for.Conclusions. The results highlight the importance to examine the complex effects of self-contempt in BPD undergoing treatment in a differentiated manner and suggest to clinicians and researchers to be attentive to this specific emotional state, and change therein, in psychotherapy.Keywords: Self-contempt; Borderline Personality Disorder; Brief Treatment; Therapeutic Alliance; EmotionTrial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT01896024

    Perceived coercion in psychiatric hospital admission: validation of the French-language version of the MacArthur Admission Experience Survey.

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    The MacArthur Admission Experience Survey (AES) is a widely used tool to evaluate the level of perceived coercion experienced at psychiatric hospital admission. The French-language AES was prepared using a translation/back-translation procedure. It consists of 16 items and 3 subscores (perceived coercion, negative pressures and voice). This study aimed to assess the psychometric properties of the French-language AES. 152 inpatients were evaluated. Reliability was estimated using internal consistency coefficients and a test-retest procedure. Internal validity was assessed using a two-parameter logistic item response model. Convergent validity was estimated using correlations between the AES scores and the Coercion Ladder (CL), the Coercion Experience Scale (CES) and the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) scale. Discriminatory power was evaluated by comparing the scores of patients undergoing voluntary or compulsory admission. The French-language AES showed good internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Internal validity of the three-factor model was excellent. Correlations between AES and CL, CES and GAF scores suggested good convergent validity. AES scores were significantly higher among patients subject to compulsory psychiatric hospital admission than among those admitted voluntarily. Overall, the French-language version of the AES demonstrated very good psychometric proprieties

    Staged treatment response in status epilepticus: Lessons from the SENSE registry.

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    Although in epilepsy patients the likelihood of becoming seizure-free decreases substantially with each unsuccessful treatment, to our knowledge this has been poorly investigated in status epilepticus (SE). We aimed to evaluate the proportion of SE cessation and functional outcome after successive treatment steps. We conducted a post hoc analysis of a prospective, observational, multicenter cohort (Sustained Effort Network for treatment of Status Epilepticus [SENSE]), in which 1049 incident adult SE episodes were prospectively recorded at nine European centers. We analyzed 996 SE episodes without coma induction before the third treatment step. Rates of SE cessation, mortality (in ongoing SE or after SE control), and favorable functional outcome (assessed with modified Rankin scale) were evaluated after each step. SE was treated successfully in 838 patients (84.1%), 147 (14.8%) had a fatal outcome (36% of them died while still in SE), and 11 patients were transferred to palliative care while still in SE. Patients were treated with a median of three treatment steps (range 1-13), with 540 (54.2%) receiving more than two steps (refractory SE [RSE]) and 95 (9.5%) more than five steps. SE was controlled after the first two steps in 45%, with an additional 21% treated after the third, and 14% after the fourth step. Likelihood of SE cessation (p < 0.001), survival (p = 0.003), and reaching good functional outcome (p < 0.001) decreased significantly between the first two treatment lines and the third, especially in patients not experiencing generalized convulsive SE, but remained relatively stable afterwards. The significant worsening of SE prognosis after the second step clinically supports the concept of RSE. However, and differing from findings in human epilepsy, RSE remains treatable in about one third of patients, even after several failed treatment steps. Clinical judgment remains essential to determine the aggressiveness and duration of SE treatment, and to avoid premature treatment cessation in patients with SE

    Flood Risk Assessment for Urban Drainage System in a Changing Climate Using Artificial Neural Network

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    Changes in rainfall patterns due to climate change are expected to have negative impact on urban drainage systems, causing increase in flow volumes entering the system. In this paper, two emission scenarios for greenhouse concentration have been used, the high (A1FI) and the low (B1). Each scenario was selected for purpose of assessing the impacts on the drainage system. An artificial neural network downscaling technique was used to obtain local-scale future rainfall from three coarse-scale GCMs. An impact assessment was then carried out using the projected local rainfall and a risk assessment methodology to understand and quantify the potential hazard from surface flooding. The case study is a selected urban drainage catchment in northwestern England. The results show that there will be potential increase in the spilling volume from manholes and surcharge in sewers, which would cause a significant number of properties to be affected by flooding

    Breaking ‘128-bit Secure’ Supersingular Binary Curves

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    In late 2012 and early 2013 the discrete logarithm problem (DLP) in finite fields of small characteristic underwent a dramatic series of breakthroughs, culminating in a heuristic quasi-polynomial time algorithm, due to Barbulescu, Gaudry, Joux and Thomé. Using these developments, Adj, Menezes, Oliveira and Rodríguez-Henríquez analysed the concrete security of the DLP, as it arises from pairings on (the Jacobians of) various genus one and two supersingular curves in the literature, which were originally thought to be 128-bit secure. In particular, they suggested that the new algorithms have no impact on the security of a genus one curve over F21223 , and reduce the security of a genus two curve over F2367 to 94.6 bits. In this paper we propose a new field representation and efficient general descent principles which together make the new techniques far more practical. Indeed, at the ‘128-bit security level’ our analysis shows that the aforementioned genus one curve has approximately 59 bits of security, and we report a total break of the genus two curv