11 research outputs found

    Hipoteza studije: dob, spol, prisutnost Å”ećerne bolesti ili hipertenzije i antihipertenzivni lijekovi su neovisni čimbenici rizika za smrtnost kod infekcije COVID-19

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    We aimed to investigate the effects of comorbid diseases and antihypertensive drugs on the clinical outcome of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 infection. A total of 1045 patients whose data could be gathered and confirmed from both hospital files and Turkish National Health Network records were retrospectively screened, and 264 of 1045 patients were excluded because of having more than one comorbid disease. The study population consisted of a total of 781 patients, of which 482 had no comorbid disease, while the remaining 299 patients had only one comorbid disease. The mortality risk was 7.532 times higher in those over 65 years of age compared to cases younger than 30 years (OR: 7.532; 95% CI: 1.733-32.730); the risk of mortality in men was 2.131 times higher than in women (OR: 2.131; 95% CI: 1.230-3.693); and presence of diabetes mellitus (DM) increased mortality risk 2.784 times (OR: 2.784; 95% CI: 1.288-6.019). While hypertension was not found to be an independent risk factor for COVID-19 mortality, age, gender, and presence of DM were independent risk factors for COVID-19 mortality. There was no association between antihypertensive drugs and mortality. Accordingly, age (>65 years), gender (male), and presence of DM were independent risk factors for COVID-19 mortality, whereas hypertension and use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers and their combinations with other antihypertensive drugs were not risk factors for COVID-19 mortality.Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati učinak supostojećih bolesti i antihipertenzivnih lijekova na klinički ishod hospitaliziranih bolesnika s infekcijom COVID-19. Retrospektivnim probirom obuhvaćeno je ukupno 1045 bolesnika čije podatke smo mogli prikupiti i potvrditi iz bolničkih kartona i zapisa Turske nacionalne zdravstvene mreže; od tih bolesnika njih 264 je isključeno, jer su imali viÅ”e od jedne supostojeće bolesti. Tako je u studiju uključen ukupno 781 bolesnik, od kojih njih 482 nisu imali nikakve supostojeće bolesti, dok je preostalih 299 imalo samo jednu supostojeću bolest. Rizik od smrtnog ishoda bio je 7,532 puta veći kod bolesnika starijih od 65 godina u usporedbi sa slučajevima mlađim od 30 godina (OR: 7,532; 95% CI: 1,733-32,730); rizik od smrtnog ishoda bio je 2,131 puta veći kod muÅ”karaca u nego kod žena (OR: 2,131; 95% CI: 1,230-3,693); prisutnost dijabetes melitusa (DM) povećala je rizik od smrti 2,784 puta (OR: 2,784; 95% CI: 1,288-6,019). Hipertenzija nije utvrđena kao čimbenik rizika za smrtnost kod infekcije COVID-19, ali su se dob, spol i prisutnost DM pokazali neovisnim rizičnim čimbenicima za smrtnost kod infekcije COVID-19. Prema tome, dob (iznad 65 godina), spol (muÅ”ki) i prisutnost DM utvrđeni su kao neovisni čimbenici rizika za smrtnost kod infekcije COVID-19, dok hipertenzija i uzimanje inhibitora angiotenzin-konvertirajućeg enzima, blokatora receptora angiotenzina i njihovih kombinacija s drugim antihipertenzivnim lijekovima nisu utvrđeni kao rizični čimbenici smrtnosti kod infekcije COVID-19

    Management of Kikuchi-Fujimoto Disease Using Glucocorticoid: A Case Report

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    Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease, also known as histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis, is a self-limiting, benign, and rare systemic lymphadenitis with unknown etiology. The cardinal symptoms are fever, lymphadenopathy and night sweat; consequently, it is first necessary to rule out infectious, lymphoproliferative, and connective tissue diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus. Histology can allow diagnosis by demonstrating necrotizing histiocyte lymphadenitis. Disease, which has no specific treatment, self-limits itself in 1 to 6 months clinically. However, non-steroid anti-inflammatory agents can be given for symptomatic treatment and there are reports using corticosteroids and antibiotics in complicated cases. This article concerns a 32-years-old female who diagnosed Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease and treated with glucocorticoid

    Comparison of Survival Rates, Tumor Stages, and Localization in between Obese and Nonobese Patients with Gastric Cancer

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    Purpose. In this study we tried to determine the association between body-mass index (BMI), survival rate, and the stage of tumor at the time of diagnosis in patients with gastric cancer. Methods. A total of 270 gastric cancer patientsā€™ hospital records were retrospectively evaluated. Patients were grouped according to their BMI at the time of tumor diagnosis. Tumor stages at admission were compared according to their BMI values. Results. There were no differences in OS among BMI subgroups (p=0.230). The percent of patients with stage III tumor was significantly higher in nonobese while the percent of stage IV tumor was surprisingly higher in obese patients (p was 0.011 and 0.004, resp.). Percent of patients who did not have any surgical intervention was significantly lower in overweight and obese patients than normal and/or underweight patients. Conclusions. At the time of diagnosis, obese patients had significantly higher percent of stage IV tumor than nonobese patients. Despite of that, there were no differences in survival rates among BMI subgroups. Our study results are consistent with ā€œobesity paradoxā€ in gastric cancer patients. We also did not find any relationship between BMI and localization of gastric tumor

    Porast enzima kreatin kinaze povezan sa sintetskim kanabinoidom bonzai: istraživanje centra u Turskoj

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    Synthetic cannabinoid (locally named ā€˜Bonzaiā€™ in Turkey) use is increasing worldwide (especially among people with low income). One of its harmful adverse effects is an increase in serum levels of muscle enzymes (i.e., creatine kinase [CK]). The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of Bonzai use in patients admitted with elevated CK levels and to compare the 1-month survival status of Bonzai users with that of non-Bonzai users. This retrospective study was conducted on a total of 468 patients, median (min-max) age 48Ā±22 (18-93) years. It was found that 10.68% (n=50) of the patients presenting with elevated CK levels were using Bonzai (group 1), while the remaining 418 (89.32%) patients were non-Bonzai users (group 2). Median age was higher in group 2 as compared with group 1 (p=0.001). In group 1, the predominance of male (M) over female (F) patients was interestingly high, yielding a F:M ratio of 1/49 (Ļ‡2=110.03, p<0.001). The prevalence of Bonzai use among patients admitted to our center with elevated CK levels was 10.68%. The Bonzai group patients were younger and mostly males, and none of them died at 1 month of admission. These findings may help in the management of such clinical conditions and could be a pathfinder for further studies in this field.Uporaba sintetskog kanabinoida (u Turskoj nazvan ā€œbonzaiā€) povećava se diljem svijeta (osobito među osobama nižih primanja). Jedan od Å”tetnih učinaka ove tvari je porast razina miÅ”ićnih enzima (tj. kreatin kinaze, CK) u serumu. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi učestalost uporabe tvari bonzai kod bolesnika primljenih s poviÅ”enim razinama CK i usporediti jednomjesečno preživljenje korisnika tvari bonzai i bolesnika koji ne uzimaju bonzai. Ovo retrospektivno istraživanje obuhvatilo je ukupno 468 bolesnika, medijan (minimum-maksimum) dobi 48Ā±22 (18-93) godine. Utvrđeno je da 10,68% (n=50) bolesnika primljenih s poviÅ”enim razinama CK uzima bonzai (1. skupina), dok preostalih 418 (89,32%) bolesnika nije uzimalo bonzai (2. skupina). Medijan dobi bio je viÅ”i u 2. skupini u usporedbi s 1. skupinom (p=0,001). U 1. skupini muÅ”ki bolesnici (M) uvelike su prevladavali nad bolesnicama (F), s F:M omjerom 1/49 (Ļ‡2=110,03; p<0,001). Učestalost uporabe tvari bonzai među bolesnicima primljenima u naÅ” centar s poviÅ”enim razinama CK bila je 10,68%. Bolesnici iz skupine koja je uzimala bonzai bili su mlađi i uglavnom muÅ”karci i nitko od njih nije umro unutar mjesec dana od prijma u bolnicu. Ovi nalazi mogli bi pomoći u liječenju ovakvih kliničkih stanja te uputiti na daljnja istraživanja u ovom području

    Does Thrombocyte Size Give Us an Idea about Thrombocytosis Etiology?

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    In the presence of a pathogenetic mutation in JAK2 or MPL, a differential diagnosis of essential thrombocythemia (ET) from reactive causes is relatively simple. However, in patients with suspected ET who lack JAK2 and MPL mutations, the exclusion of secondary causes is especially important. The study was aimed to explore the clinical application of particularly mean platelet volume (MPV), hemoglobin, red blood cell indices, white blood cell, serum iron profile, and C-reactive protein level in the differential diagnosis of thrombocytosis. Medical records of 49 patients, consisting of reactive thrombocytosis (RT) and ET were retrospectively reviewed. The mean MPV level in RT group was 7.49ā€‰fL, and in ET group was 8.80ā€‰fL (P<0.01). A cutoff point of <8.33ā€‰fL was found to have significant predictive value according to ROC curve analysis. This cutoff was associated with 83% positive predictive value (PPV) and 74% negative predictive value (NPV) in the diagnosis of ET and had a sensitivity of 65% and specificity of 89% for ET. Investigation of MPV is cheap, quick, and noninvasive, and may serve as a predictor of primary thrombocytosis. High sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV enable this test an important tool and a possible surrogate marker in clinical practice

    The cientificWorldJOURNAL Research Article Does Thrombocyte Size Give Us an Idea about Thrombocytosis Etiology?

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    In the presence of a pathogenetic mutation in JAK2 or MPL, a differential diagnosis of essential thrombocythemia (ET) from reactive causes is relatively simple. However, in patients with suspected ET who lack JAK2 and MPL mutations, the exclusion of secondary causes is especially important. The study was aimed to explore the clinical application of particularly mean platelet volume (MPV), hemoglobin, red blood cell indices, white blood cell, serum iron profile, and C-reactive protein level in the differential diagnosis of thrombocytosis. Medical records of 49 patients, consisting of reactive thrombocytosis (RT) and ET were retrospectively reviewed. The mean MPV level in RT group was 7.49 fL, and in ET group was 8.80 fL (P &lt; 0.01). A cutoff point of &lt;8.33 fL was found to have significant predictive value according to ROC curve analysis. This cutoff was associated with 83% positive predictive value (PPV) and 74% negative predictive value (NPV) in the diagnosis of ET and had a sensitivity of 65% and specificity of 89% for ET. Investigation of MPV is cheap, quick, and noninvasive, and may serve as a predictor of primary thrombocytosis. High sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV enable this test an important tool and a possible surrogate marker in clinical practice


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    Objectives: We aimed to study the effect of seasonal influenza (flu) vaccination on the susceptibility to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)

    Plasma Urotensin II Concentration In Gestational Diabetes

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    Aim: Urotensin II (UII) and its system is implicated in the etiology of many diseases (including diabetes mellitus). We tried in this study to evaluate and compare UII levels in gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM).Methods: Thirty-six pregnant women (15 non-GDM patients consisted group 1 and 21 GDM patients consisted group 2) enrolled in this study. The 3rd group consisted of age matched 22 non pregnant healthy women. Plasma UII levels were determined at the beginning of the study. After 12 weeks of delivery, a second plasma UII was determined from group 1 and 2.Results: Gestational UII levels of both GDM and non-GDM patients were higher than non-pregnant healthy controls (p=0.0001 for both). Both gestational and postpartum UII levels of GDM patients were higher than non-GDM patients but had not reached statistical significance (Pā‰„0.05). Plasma UII concentrations in non-GDM patients significantly decreased after delivery but not in GDM patients (p=0.036 and pā‰„0.05, respectively). Conclusion: The finding of elevated gestational plasma UII concentrations in GDM patients which did not decrease significantly after delivery (in compare to non-GDM patients) shows that plasma UII levels may have a role in the pathogenesis of GDM. Further detailed studies are needed in this field