3 research outputs found

    The Evaluation of Physical Activity Habits in North Italian People before and during COVID-19 Quarantine: A Pilot Study

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    none9noCOVID-19 caused a global pandemic state. Many governments enforced quarantines which had several negative effects on peoples’ health. The present study aimed to investigate the social restriction effects on the physical activity (PA) habits of north Italian people and understand whether PA was a healthy support during lockdown. Moreover, it analysed some possible strategies which could promote an active lifestyle when the pandemic ends. A new questionnaire was proposed (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.816), and 309 surveys were collected in people from two Italian regions (53.72% from Emilia-Romagna and 46.28% from Veneto; 62.46% were female and 37.54% were male; and the age range was 46.67 ± 15.45 years). The number of younger people (≤ 25 years) who practiced PA increased during lockdown (p < 0.01); in addition, they were more active than people who were 26-35 years old (p < 0.001). The training frequency before COVID-19 was higher in females than males (p = 0.01), and the frequency of weekly PA increased during lockdown in groups aged 26-35 years (p < 0.001). Despite the fact that PA was a psychological support during lockdown (p < 0.001), performing forced home-based PA demotivated people (p < 0.001). Finally, people thought to practice outdoor PA (OPA) at the end of lockdown because they wanted to retain contact with nature, which can improve psychological well-being. Future strategies to promote OPA may increase participation in PA, especially in older people.openMario Mauro; Alessia Grigoletto; Maria Cristina Zambon; Marzia Bettocchi; Francesco Pegreffi; Carmela Fimognari; Laura Bragonzoni; Pasqualino Maietta Latessa; Stefania ToselliMario Mauro; Alessia Grigoletto; Maria Cristina Zambon; Marzia Bettocchi; Francesco Pegreffi; Carmela Fimognari; Laura Bragonzoni; Pasqualino Maietta Latessa; Stefania Tosell

    Attitudes towards green urban space : A case study of two Italian regions

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    Green spaces are defined as open spaces of ground, covered by vegetation, including parks and gardens. This kind of environment is linked to many positive effects and its importance is growing due to increasing urbanization. Understanding what drives people to use green urban space is fundamental to creating appropriate campaigns to develop the use of such spaces and improve the citizens’ quality of life. A questionnaire on the attitude towards green space was developed and submitted to people from two Italian regions. Emilia-Romagna and Veneto are two regions in the North of Italy with different territorial policies. Three hundred and ten surveys were collected (167 in Emilia-Romagna and 143 in Veneto). Significant differences were observed between regions, age groups and in relation to the kind of work (p < 0.05). People from Emilia-Romagna have higher scores of attitudes towards green space than people from Veneto, underlining the importance of territorial policies. Moreover, younger participants (18–30 years) seem to be less attracted to green urban space. Being an employee seems to influence the attitude towards green space. Particular attention should be given to subjects of the younger age groups and to the number of hours spent at work. This could be an important element for future research, so that political action can be implemented with these categories in mind

    Does IT Bring Hope for Wellbeing?

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    The first part of this chapter reviews the design, implementation, and customer experience with the OLDES SW tele-care platform developed within the EU project Older people's e-services at home. The OLDES solution has been successfully tested at two different locations: in Italy with the participation of a group of 100 seniors (including 10 senior citizens suffering from heart disease), and in the Czech Republic, with the involvement of a group of 10 diabetic patients. The suggested OLDES approach proved to be an effective solution for municipalities, hospitals, and their contact centres for providing health and social services. The project partners therefore decided to develop a second generation of the system called SPES (Support to Patients through E-Service Solutions), which started in April 2011. The SPES project aims at transferring the original approach and results achieved in implementing the OLDES focusing on new target problem domains: dementia, mobility-challenged persons, respiratory problems, and social exclusion