302 research outputs found

    A Framework for Algorithm Stability

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    We say that an algorithm is stable if small changes in the input result in small changes in the output. This kind of algorithm stability is particularly relevant when analyzing and visualizing time-varying data. Stability in general plays an important role in a wide variety of areas, such as numerical analysis, machine learning, and topology, but is poorly understood in the context of (combinatorial) algorithms. In this paper we present a framework for analyzing the stability of algorithms. We focus in particular on the tradeoff between the stability of an algorithm and the quality of the solution it computes. Our framework allows for three types of stability analysis with increasing degrees of complexity: event stability, topological stability, and Lipschitz stability. We demonstrate the use of our stability framework by applying it to kinetic Euclidean minimum spanning trees

    On the Number of Pseudo-Triangulations of Certain Point Sets

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    We pose a monotonicity conjecture on the number of pseudo-triangulations of any planar point set, and check it on two prominent families of point sets, namely the so-called double circle and double chain. The latter has asymptotically 12nnΘ(1)12^n n^{\Theta(1)} pointed pseudo-triangulations, which lies significantly above the maximum number of triangulations in a planar point set known so far.Comment: 31 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables. Not much technical changes with respect to v1, except some proofs and statements are slightly more precise and some expositions more clear. This version has been accepted in J. Combin. Th. A. The increase in number of pages from v1 is mostly due to formatting the paper with "elsart.cls" for Elsevie

    Agglomerative Clustering of Growing Squares

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    We study an agglomerative clustering problem motivated by interactive glyphs in geo-visualization. Consider a set of disjoint square glyphs on an interactive map. When the user zooms out, the glyphs grow in size relative to the map, possibly with different speeds. When two glyphs intersect, we wish to replace them by a new glyph that captures the information of the intersecting glyphs. We present a fully dynamic kinetic data structure that maintains a set of nn disjoint growing squares. Our data structure uses O(n(lognloglogn)2)O(n (\log n \log\log n)^2) space, supports queries in worst case O(log3n)O(\log^3 n) time, and updates in O(log7n)O(\log^7 n) amortized time. This leads to an O(nα(n)log7n)O(n\alpha(n)\log^7 n) time algorithm to solve the agglomerative clustering problem. This is a significant improvement over the current best O(n2)O(n^2) time algorithms.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Locally Correct Frechet Matchings

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    The Frechet distance is a metric to compare two curves, which is based on monotonous matchings between these curves. We call a matching that results in the Frechet distance a Frechet matching. There are often many different Frechet matchings and not all of these capture the similarity between the curves well. We propose to restrict the set of Frechet matchings to "natural" matchings and to this end introduce locally correct Frechet matchings. We prove that at least one such matching exists for two polygonal curves and give an O(N^3 log N) algorithm to compute it, where N is the total number of edges in both curves. We also present an O(N^2) algorithm to compute a locally correct discrete Frechet matching

    Area-Universal Rectangular Layouts

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    A rectangular layout is a partition of a rectangle into a finite set of interior-disjoint rectangles. Rectangular layouts appear in various applications: as rectangular cartograms in cartography, as floorplans in building architecture and VLSI design, and as graph drawings. Often areas are associated with the rectangles of a rectangular layout and it might hence be desirable if one rectangular layout can represent several area assignments. A layout is area-universal if any assignment of areas to rectangles can be realized by a combinatorially equivalent rectangular layout. We identify a simple necessary and sufficient condition for a rectangular layout to be area-universal: a rectangular layout is area-universal if and only if it is one-sided. More generally, given any rectangular layout L and any assignment of areas to its regions, we show that there can be at most one layout (up to horizontal and vertical scaling) which is combinatorially equivalent to L and achieves a given area assignment. We also investigate similar questions for perimeter assignments. The adjacency requirements for the rectangles of a rectangular layout can be specified in various ways, most commonly via the dual graph of the layout. We show how to find an area-universal layout for a given set of adjacency requirements whenever such a layout exists.Comment: 19 pages, 16 figure

    Convex-Arc Drawings of Pseudolines

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    A weak pseudoline arrangement is a topological generalization of a line arrangement, consisting of curves topologically equivalent to lines that cross each other at most once. We consider arrangements that are outerplanar---each crossing is incident to an unbounded face---and simple---each crossing point is the crossing of only two curves. We show that these arrangements can be represented by chords of a circle, by convex polygonal chains with only two bends, or by hyperbolic lines. Simple but non-outerplanar arrangements (non-weak) can be represented by convex polygonal chains or convex smooth curves of linear complexity.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures. A preliminary announcement of these results was made as a poster at the 21st International Symposium on Graph Drawing, Bordeaux, France, September 2013, and published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8242, Springer, 2013, pp. 522--52

    Non-Crossing Geometric Steiner Arborescences

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    Motivated by the question of simultaneous embedding of several flow maps, we consider the problem of drawing multiple geometric Steiner arborescences with no crossings in the rectilinear and in the angle-restricted setting. When terminal-to-root paths are allowed to turn freely, we show that two rectilinear Steiner arborescences have a non-crossing drawing if neither tree necessarily completely disconnects the other tree and if the roots of both trees are "free". If the roots are not free, then we can reduce the decision problem to 2SAT. If terminal-to-root paths are allowed to turn only at Steiner points, then it is NP-hard to decide whether multiple rectilinear Steiner arborescences have a non-crossing drawing. The setting of angle-restricted Steiner arborescences is more subtle than the rectilinear case. Our NP-hardness result extends, but testing whether there exists a non-crossing drawing if the roots of both trees are free requires additional conditions to be fulfilled

    Brief Announcement: An Effective Geometric Communication Structure for Programmable Matter

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    The concept of programmable matter envisions a very large number of tiny and simple robot particles forming a smart material that can change its physical properties and shape based on the outcome of computation and movement performed by the individual particles in a concurrent manner. We use geometric insights to develop a new type of shortest path tree for programmable matter systems. Our feather trees utilize geometry to allow particles and information to traverse the programmable matter structure via shortest paths even in the presence of multiple overlapping trees