2 research outputs found
A New Future for the Sisters Elementary School Site
98 pagesOver fall term 2022, Community and Regional Planning graduate
students worked with the City of Sisters to design a research based
redevelopment proposal for the Sisters Elementary
School and Sisters School District administration building site. Students analyzed potential opportunities
and challenges of revitalizing these
two adjoining properties through
three different lenses: 1) age friendly
neighborhoods; 2) adaptive reuse of preexisting
structures, and 3) a community
and recreation center. Despite different focus areas, as the teams
moved through the planning process,
they sought to incorporate what they
understood to be community values:
connection, livability, accessibility, equity,
and safety. With their focus areas and
these values in mind, they organized their
proposals around the overarching themes
of connectivity, built spaces (especially
housing), and open and green spaces.
The teams imagined the site in a way that
would sustain Sisters’ strong sense of
pride and community as the city continues
to grow in the future. They also wanted to
encourage healthy lifestyles for Sisters’
residents and ensure that people of all
ages, incomes, and abilities could access
the site safely. This report describes the
information that the teams gathered and
analyzed to create their designs, details
each team’s site proposal, and offers ideas
for implementation
City of Salem's Commercial and Residential Operations Fee: Recommendations to Augment Fee Equity
168 pagesThe City of Salem implemented a City Operations Fee in 2019 to supplement revenue for its General Fund. The City was concerned, however, that the current fee structure does not adequately account for equity across commercial and residential classes. As one part of its effort to improve the equity of the fee's administration, the City sought input from Fall 2023 University of Oregon (UO) PPPM 629, Public Budget Administration students.This SCYP and City of Salem partnership is possible in part due to support from U.S. Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley, as well as former Congressman Peter DeFazio, who secured federal funding for SCYP through Congressionally Directed Spending. With additional funding from the City, the partnership will allow UO students and faculty to study and make recommendations on city-identified projects and issues