15 research outputs found

    The Mars Science Laboratory "Curiosity" Rover

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    Comparison of MODTRAN 4.x Modeled Radiance with AVIRIS Measured Radiance in the Solar Reflected Spectrum

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    This paper presents a description of the AVIRIS (Airborne/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer) instrument, in-flight radiometric cal techniques, results using MODTRAN 3, results using MODTRAN 4, and analyses and comparisons

    Hyperion On-Orbit Calibration Validation with AVIRIS in Argentina

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    This viewgraph presentation reviews the AVIRIS Argentina Campaign. 125 flight lines were collected for EO-1 science validation team and CONAE-funded investigators. The preliminary results from two vicarious calibration experiments conducted in Argentina are shown. AVIRIS has been shown to be well calibrated. Charts of optical depth measurements, calibration target measured surface reflectance, top-of atmosphere radiance, and images of various sites in Argentina are show

    Dawn: An Ion-Propelled Journey to the Beginning of the Solar System

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    The Dawn mission is designed to perform a scientific investigation of the two heaviest mainbelt asteroids Vesta and Ceres. These bodies are believed to preserve records of the physical and chemical conditions present during the formation of the solar system. The mission uses an ion propulsion system to enable the single Dawn spacecraft and its complement of scientific instruments to orbit both of these asteroids. Dawn's three science instruments - the gamma ray and neutron detector, the visible and infrared mapping spectrometer, and the primary framing camera - were successfully tested after launch and are functioning normally. The ion propulsion system includes three ion thrusters of the type flown previously on NASA's Deep Space 1 mission. A minimum of two ion thrusters is necessary to accomplish the Dawn mission. Checkout of two of the ion thrusters was completed as planned within 30 days after launch. This activity confirmed that the spacecraft has two healthy ion thrusters. While further checkout activities are still in progress, the activities completed as of the end of October indicate that the spacecraft is well on its way toward being ready for the start of the thrusting-cruise phase of the mission beginning December 15th

    Intercomparison of Laboratory Radiance Calibration Standards

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    Several standards for radiometric calibration were measured repeatedly with a spectroradiometer in order to understand how they compared in accuracy and stability. The tested radiance standards included a NIST 1000 W bulb and halon panel, two calibrated and stabilized integrating spheres, and a cavity blackbody. Results indicate good agreement between the blackbody and 1000 W bulb/spectralon panel, If these two radiance sources are assumed correct, then the integrating spheres did not conform. to their manufacturer-reported radiances in several regions of the spectrum. More detailed measurements am underway to investigate the discrepancy

    Mapping Agricultural Crops with AVIRIS Spectra in Washington State

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    Spectroscopy is used in the laboratory to measure the molecular components and concentrations of plant constituents to answer questions about the plant type, status, and health. Imaging spectrometers measure the upwelling spectral radiance above the Earth's surface as images. Ideally, imaging spectrometer data sets should be used to understand plant type, plant status, and health of plants in an agricultural setting. An Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) data set was acquired over agricultural fields near Wallula, Washington on July 23rd, 1997. AVIRIS measures upwelling radiance spectra through 224 spectral channels with contiguous 10-nm sampling from 400 to 2500 run in the solar-reflected spectrum. The spectra are measured as images of 11 by up to 800 km with 20-m spatial resolution. The spectral images measured by AVIRIS represent the integrated signal resulting from: the solar irradiance; two way transmittance and scattering of the atmosphere; the absorptions and scattering of surface materials; as well as the spectral, radiometric and spatial response functions of AVIRIS. This paper presents initial research to derive properties of the agricultural fields near Wallula from the calibrated spectral images measured by AVIRIS near the top of the atmosphere

    On-Orbit Calibration of ADEOS OCTS with an AVIRIS Underflight

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    The Ocean Color Temperature Scanner (OCTS) onboard the Advanced Earth Observation Satellite (ADEOS) was launched on August 17, 1996. Calibration of OCTS is required for use of the on-orbit measured data for retrieval of physical properties of the ocean. In the solar reflected portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, OCTS measures images with nominally 700-m spatial resolution through eight multispectral bands. The objective of this research was to establish the absolute radiometric calibration of OCTS on orbit through an underflight by the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS). AVIRIS is a NASA earth-observing imaging spectrometer designed, built and operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). AVIRIS acquires data from 20-km altitude on a NASA ER-2 aircraft, above most of the Earth's atmosphere. AVIRIS measures the solar reflected spectrum from 370 nm to 2500 nm through 224 contiguous spectral channels. The full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the spectral channels is nominally 10-nm. AVIRIS spectra are acquired as images of 11 km by up to 800 km extent with 20-m spatial resolution. The high spectral resolution of AVIRIS data allows direct convolution to the spectral response functions of the eight multispectral bands of OCTS. The high spatial resolution of AVIRIS data allows for spatial re-sampling of the data to match the ADEOS sensors spatial resolution. In addition, the AVIRIS high spatial resolution allows assessment of the scaling effects due to environmental factors of thin cirrus clouds, sub-pixel cloud cover, white caps, ocean foam, sun-glint, and bright-target adjacency. The platform navigation information recorded by AVIRIS allows calculation of the position and observation geometry of each spectrum for matching to the OCTS measurement. AVIRIS is rigorously characterized and calibrated in the laboratory prior to and following the flight season. The stability and repeatability of AVIRIS calibration have been validated through an extensive series of inflight calibration experiments. In the OCTS portion of the spectrum, using pre-and post-flight runway calibrations of AVIRIS coupled with the on-board calibrator an absolute calibration accuracy of better than 3% spectral, 2% radiometric and 5% spatial has been achieved. An analogous satellite underflight calibration experiment was performed with AVIRIS and the Optical Sensor (OPS) onboard the Japanese Earth Resources Satellite (JERS)

    Ahuna Mons lonely no more

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