8 research outputs found

    Integration of Applications Based on SOA in Government Institutions

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    Historically, services in the government institutions were developed indifferent hardware and software platforms. In these conditions, emerges forintegration of these platforms is crucial for creating possibility to provide servicesfor citizens and businesses based on the web (web services) in all government institutions without knowing government hierarchy. There are a lot of studies whichtends to solve these kind of issues. The purpose of this study, based on analysis done in existing hardware and software systems, is to propose platform based on SOA which will support these web services. After final analysis of these web services we would recommend integrated platform which will enable government institutions to 'talk' to each other. This obviously will increase the efficiency between government institutions also will increase the citizens sanctification andefficiency. Web services based on this integration will allow quantitative and qualitative services, which will decrease the cost of the services provided intraditional way from the government institutions. These kind of services can be usedfor G2G, G2B, B2G services. Hardware and software platforms independence offers huge advantages for others systems which would like to be part of this integrated and interconnect platform

    Sleep Apnea Detection in Fog Based Ambient Assisted Living System

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    Ambient Assisted Living environments use different sensors and actuators to enable their endusers to live in their preferred environments. Unlike smart homes, where a target audience is usually a family unit, standard Ambient Assisted Living end users are care receivers and care providers. This article describes an approach based on the fog computing paradigm to detect sleep apnea in an Ambient Assisted Living context unobtrusively. The edge nodes process and detect local activities of daily living events and have direct control of the local environment. The fog nodes are used to further process and transmit data. The cloud is used for more complex and anonymous data computation. This research shows that sensors, which are unobtrusive and do not interfere with users' daily routines, can be successfully used for pattern observation

    Customized Software Testing Framework for Web Applications

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    Software testing is gaining more attention and investments in the IT companies. We have both manual and automated approaches, considering the dynamic of the project the appropriate one is chosen. There have been presented and used several frameworks and tools for this purpose. However, the outcome is that a single tool does not cover all the testing needs of IT systems. In this paper, we will present a customized framework based in Selenium that tackle this gap within the IT systems where several modules with many cross function are involved. We will present the architecture overview and a case stud

    SLA amongst Users and Providers in Multi-Cloud Environment Through Negotiation Model

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    Cloud Computing conducts application, infrastructure services or platform to a very large amount of users with more choices and continuous changing requirements. Cloud providers are occupied in organizing data warehouses to arrange the continuous growth in cloud user’s acceptance. Features of cloud computing services have afforded an important tendency of companies choosing these services. In this case, many cloud users, who intend a certain service, and many cloud providers, who provision those services, create a competitive market. When constructing a Cloud scheduling scheme, the project trade-offs of the Cloud architecture should be rated. The simplest manner to rate this infrastructure is to use a simulation tool called CloudSim simulation toolkit. To reduce/avoid SLA violations in the cloud computing system, in our work we propose a SLA reduction framework in which we have considered three steps: Migration control of VMs, Energy efficiency and VmScheduling. It is also implemented in Cloudsimulator

    Review of the Evolution of the Computer Engineering Field and Proposal of a Framework of Recommendations and Guidelines for Designing Computer Engineering Curricula

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    The paper presents an analysis of the progress of the Computer Engineering (CE) field in the last years and proposes a framework of curricula recommendations and guidelines derived from the work of the ACM and IEEE Computer Societies, formalized in 2004. By highlighting the key features of Computer Engineering compared to Computer Science and Electric Engineering/Electronic Engineering, we stress the importance of ad-hoc CE curricula, and provide suggestions for their optimal design