1,387 research outputs found

    Apartment Rents and Locations in Portland, Oregon: 1992 – 2002

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    This research examines changes in the apartment-rent gradient of Portland, Oregon from 1992 to 2002. The findings indicate that increased population growth has caused real increases in apartment rents across the metropolitan area. The largest increases have occurred closer to the city center and at the beltway. The fixed supply of land coupled with increasing population has resulted in a wealth transfer from renters to landlords. Major freeway intersections, which ten years before were just evolving into new urban sub-centers, now have a statistically significant impact on land values within a six-mile radius of the intersection.

    ADVR 3330: Analytics & Evaluation (Syllabus)

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    Course Description: This course was developed to help you (a) understand the need and importance behind social media and other digital platform analytics and (b) to teach you how to leverage the data made natively available by Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn, as well as Google Analytics, to evaluate social and digital PR/marketing campaigns. A bulk of this course will be spent working first-hand with data. After working with the data, you will learn how to identify key data points, create charts and graphs to visualize your analysis, glean insights and make actionable recommendations based on those insights. You will then learn how to put together a robust deliverable (i.e., a measurement and analytics plan) that highlights key findings from your analysis and provides sufficient detail for stakeholders to gain a thorough understanding of social performance

    PBRL 3400: Survey of Public Relations (Syllabus)

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    PBRL 3400: Survey of Public Relations (Syllabus)

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    Course Description: Broad survey of public relations and its relationship to marketing and communications. Traditional and non-traditional public relations will be studied, and emphasis will be placed on problem-solving and applications of modern tools and practices

    Syntheses and DNA Interactions of Acridine and Phenothiazine Based Photosensitizers

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    Photosensitizing molecules and/or metal complexes that interact with DNA via intercalation and groove binding have potential applications as molecular structural probes, as footprinting reagents and in photodynamic therapeutics. To this regard, small molecules that bind to DNA and the energetics involved in these interactions, acridine-based therapeutics, photosensitization, photodynamic therapy, phenothiazine-mediated photosensitization, DNA photocleavage reaction mechanisms and photosensitizing metal complexes are introduced in Chapter I. Next, in Chapter II, the synthesis of a photonuclease consisting of a 3,6-acridinediamine chromophore attached to four metal-coordinating imidazole rings is described. The DNA photocleavage yields, emission quantum yields, and thermal denaturation studies by this acridine-imadazole conjugate in the presence of 16 metal salts are also reported. In Chapter III is the synthesis of a bisacridine covalently tethered to a copper(II)-binding pyridine linker. Additionally, DNA photocleavage studies as well as DNA binding affinity and binding mode(s) of this bisacridine incorporating the copper(II)-binding pyridine linker are examined. The syntheses, characterization, DNA photocleavage studies, DNA thermal denaturation, and viscometric measurements of three new phenothiazinium photosensitizers are described in Chapters IV and V. Collectively, markedly enhanced DNA photocleavage yields are observed in the presence of metals (Chapters II-III) or in comparison to a parent molecule, Chapters II and IV. DNA melting isotherms show higher levels of duplex stabilization with the acridines, specifically in the presence of several metals (Chapter II-III) as well as with the phenothiazine-based ligands (Chapters IV-V). Moreover, different DNA binding modes were observed depending on metal complexation (Chapter III) and nucleic acid structure (Chapter IV). Finally, Chapter VI describes a small project implemented as a National Science Foundation pedagogical laboratory exercise in which a non-invasive procedure for DNA isolation from human cheek cells was utilized with the polymerase chain reaction to amplify alleles encoding a single nucleotide polymorphism involved in normal human color vision

    PBRL 3400: Survey of Public Relations (Syllabus)

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    ADVR 3330: Analytics & Evaluation (Syllabus)

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    Course Description: This course was developed to help you (a) understand the need and importance behind social media and other digital platform analytics and (b) to teach you how to leverage the data made natively available by Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn, as well as Google Analytics, to evaluate social and digital PR/marketing campaigns. A bulk of this course will be spent working first-hand with data. After working with the data, you will learn how to identify key data points, create charts and graphs to visualize your analysis, glean insights and make actionable recommendations based on those insights. You will then learn how to put together a robust deliverable (i.e., a measurement and analytics plan) that highlights key findings from your analysis and provides sufficient detail for stakeholders to gain a thorough understanding of social performance

    Shaman, Sage, Priest, Prophet and Magician: Exploring the Architecture of the Religious Wise Man

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    Little attention has been given to the archetype of the wise old man, both by Carl G. Jung and by contemporary scholars indebted to his methodology. This is especially relevant when compared to other common Jungian archetypes such as the ‘hero’, the ‘mother’ and the ‘trickster.’ As such, the wise man can be viewed as a neglected or overlooked figure whose image is so familiar and recognisable that his purpose and representations have not currently received the depth of analysis and explanation that has been given to other archetypal images. This thesis identifies the religious wise man as an important figure within the contexts of culture and religion. Its aim is to not only to explore the ‘archetype’ of the wise man, but to go beyond that rather superficial – and indeed, academically problematic – notion, and determine what I term the ‘architecture’ of the wise man. This architecture consists of the structural elements (social, institutional, historical) and identifiers (costume, calling, education), that separate the wise man, and in particular the religious wise man, from other male ‘archetypal’ figures. In using the term ‘architecture’ I aim to identify the arrangement of concrete elements and characteristics - rather than psychological or inner ‘essences’ - which are significant in the construction and maintenance of the religious wise man figure in specific cultural contexts. The dissertation presents five possible categories of the religious wise man - the shaman, sage, priest, prophet and magician – identifying common elements and distinguishing features that may then be redesigned and adapted in different and unique forms appropriate to each manifestation of the religious wise man. Once these key characteristics are identified, they create a schema that can be employed to classify a range of religious wise man figures into the appropriate category

    Repeat Migration in the United States: A Comparison of Black, Hispanic, and White Return and Onward Migrants

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    The primary objective of this study is to examine U.S. repeat migration for blacks, Hispanics, and whites. It investigates the relationships and patterns of these different racial/ethnic groups utilizing the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79). Repeat migration within and across categories of individual characteristics for blacks, Hispanics, and whites, is compared in order to determine if there are differences in the overall rates of repeat migration for these groups, once other factors are controlled. To do this several statistical procedures are utilized, and the results of selected descriptive and logistic analyses are presented. The descriptive statistics control for race/ethnicity and examine patterns within the groups; these findings display important relationships to onward and return migration. The inferential statistical method employed is logistic regression for the sample as a whole, which examines the effects across the groups, and the direction of migration. Where past research has not investigated the complexities of repeat migration in combination with race/ethnicity, there are several notable results from this study. Specifically, this research finds that in terms of onward migration, whites are significantly more likely to move onward than are blacks or Hispanics even after controlling for key socioeconomic factors. Changes in marital status are significantly related to migration, and to the direction of repeat migration; individuals who change from single to married are likely to be onward migrants, whereas those who change from married to single are likely to be return migrants. This study finds there are differences in rates of return migration by level of education for racial/ethnic groups. Moreover, the relationship between onward migration and employment status is different for Hispanics than blacks and whites

    Propensities for return migration for race/ethnic groups across nonmetropolitan and metropolitan counties

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    Working PaperLeaving a community is generally a difficult undertaking for a family or individual. Yet five percent or 15 million Americans leave one county to live in another yearly (http://www.census.gov.) Prior research has shown that repeat migration makes up a large share of these migrations. Although a rich body of research emerged on repeat migration (Goldstein 1952; DaVanzo and Morrison 1981) little recent research has built on this important area of migration investigation. DaVanzo and Morrison (1981) distinguished between two forms of repeat migration, return and onward respectively. Onward migration entails movement to a community in which the migrant had not previously lived whereas return migration involves going back to a prior place of residence. This research focuses on return migration. We are above all interested in comparing propensities of return migration for Hispanics, Blacks and non-Hispanic White. Comparisons of the repeat migration of these groups are lacking, particularly with panel data
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