88 research outputs found

    The optimization of the production of sinter as the feedstock of the blast furnace process

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    The performance of the sintering process can be increased by means of various procedures. One of the options is increasing the permeability of the sintering charge and improving the gas-dynamic conditions during the combustion. This can be achieved by dosing coarse sinter on the sintering strands. This article analyzes a research conducted in order to experimentally verify the impact of the use of coarse sinter on the performance of the sintering process

    Hibridni sustav za podršku odlučivanja opskrbe željeznom rudom

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    Many European metallurgical companies are forced to import iron ore from remote destinations. For these companies it is necessary to determine the amount of iron ore that will have to be ordered and to create such a delivery schedule so that the continuous operation of blast-furnace plant is not disrupted and there is no exceedingly large stock of this raw material. The objective of this article is to design the decision support system for iron ore supply which would efficiently reduce uncertainty and risk of that decision-making. The article proposes a hybrid intelligent system which represents a combination of different artificial intelligence methods with dynamic simulation technique for that purpose.Mnoge europske metalurške kompanije su prisiljene na uvoz željezne rudače iz udaljenih destinacija. Za ove tvrtke potrebno je odrediti količinu željezne rude koje će morati biti naručena i stvoriti takav raspored isporuke, tako da je kontinuirani rad visokih peći ne bude poremećen i da ne se ne stvaraju pretjerano velike zalihe te sirovine. Cilj ovog članka je da se dizajnira sustav za podršku kod odlučivanja za opskrbu željezne rude kojim bi se efi kasno smanjila nesigurnost i rizik isporuke iste. Za tu svrhu u članku se predlaže hibridni inteligentni sustav koji predstavlja kombinaciju različitih metoda umjetne inteligencije i dinamičke simulacijske tehnike

    A computer simulation-based analysis of supply chains resilience in industrial environment

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    The article presents a computer simulation-based model for analysis of supply chain resilience, which allows determining and verifying the generally valid principles, capabilities and ways for building long-term resilience of global supply chains against serious disruptions. The model is created on the basis of a supply chain from automotive industry and contains the main logistics flows used by present automotive producers. Any real automotive supply chain can be modelled as a combination of these logistics flows. The model was created in DOSIMIS-3® and verified using experimental data. The performed simulation demonstrates a significant decrease of the supply chain performance in case of serious disruption occurrence

    Innovative application of mathematical methods in evaluation of ore raw materials for production of iron

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    Current principles of evaluation of ore raw materials are usually based on a comparison of selected isolated criteria. Today‘s sophisticated technological level of blast furnace process requires the introduction of raw material indicators that provide global characteristics of their quality. This can´t be realized with isolated parameters only. The evaluation should incorporate the key characteristics of iron ore and convert them into a uniform evaluation parameter. This article analyzes the use of mathematical methods in the evaluation of the quality of ore raw materials

    Evaluation of benefits resulting from innovation of input raw materials dosing process in sintering

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    Production of blast furnace sinter is among the processes with the highest energy and material requirements. Fuel consumption is especially significant cost item here. The presence of grate sintered in charge, i.e. return sinter from 12 to 22 mm in size, can have fundamental impact on the technical and economic indicators of the sintering process. Grate sinter can be used as a foundation layer under the sintering mixture, to increase air permeability of charge and to improve the gas-dynamic conditions. The article analyzes the impact of grate sinter on the sintering process, based on an analysis of the acquired production indicators within the scope of the research in question

    Utvrđivanje kompleksne potrošnje energije metalurške proizvodnje na temelju matematičkog modeliranja interdisciplinarne povezanosti

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    The article suggests the possibility of using methods of structural analysis to the determination of the complex energy demands in metallurgical production, which would include both the energy demands of direct inputs of energy media and the energy demands of previous metallurgical stages and the energy demands of purchased materials and services.Članak sugerira mogućnost rabljenja metoda strukturalnih analiza za utvrđivanje kompleksnih energetskih zahtjeva metalurške proizvodnje, gdje su uključeni oba energetska zahtjeva: izravna ulazna energija i energetski zahtjevi prethodnog metalurškog stadija te energetski zahtjevi utroška materijala i usluga

    Analysis of energy demandingness of metallurgical production

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    The article suggests the possibility of using methods of structural analysis to calculate the direct and complex consumption and, on the basis of this calculation, are can determine the energy demandingness of the individual metallurgical technologies

    Alkaline carbonates in blast furnace process

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    The production of iron in blast furnaces is a complex of physical, chemical and mechanical processes. The input raw materials contain not only metallic components, but also a number of negative elements. The most important negative elements include alkaline carbonates. They can significantly affect the course of the blast furnace process and thus the overall performance of the furnace. As a result of that, it is essential to accurately monitor the alkali content in the blast furnace raw materials. The article analyzes the alkali content in input and output raw materials and their impact on the blast furnace process

    Quality quantification model of basic raw materials

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    Basic raw materials belong to the key input sources in the production of pig iron. The properties of basic raw materials can be evaluated using a variety of criteria. The essential ones include the physical and chemical properties. Current competitive pressures, however, force the producers of iron more and more often to include cost and logistic criteria into the decision-making process. In this area, however, they are facing a problem of how to convert a variety of vastly different parameters into one evaluation indicator in order to compare the available raw materials. This article deals with the analysis of a model created to evaluate the basic raw materials, which was designed as part of the research

    Innovation of costing system in metallurgical companies

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    Innovation means creating and implementing new ideas in theory and practice. Generally speaking, companies in the Czech Republic that don’t have a foreign owner behave very conservatively as far as the used costing system is concerned. This also applies to metallurgical companies and foundries. The decision on method of costing calculations should be included in the sphere of strategic decision-making. The strategy must also define how to use method so as to obtain new orders which, as a result, should lead to an increase in production volume, and thereby to higher capacity utilization and also to higher overall sales. The article discusses the innovation of costing system in metallurgical companies