342 research outputs found

    Not Just Biology: Socio-cultural Perspectives of the Female Orgasm

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    Not Just Biology: Socio-cultural Perspectives of the Female Orgasm

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    Estimating Production of Brewery and Distillery Spent Grains in Tennessee and Identifying Sustainable Uses

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    Brewery and distillery spent grains (BDSG) are a by-product of the fermentation process and consists of various grains, hops, and flavor additives. Large breweries and distilleries can establish and maintain marketing channels to dispose of BDSG typically as a livestock feed. However, small-scale businesses may lack the necessary resources and contacts to dispose of BDSG, thus creating the potential disposal of BDSG through a landfill or wastewater system. This study aims to estimate the production of BDSG by craft breweries and distilleries in the state of Tennessee and identify sustainable uses and marketing channels for the product, which includes use as animal feeds and composts, soil amendments, or fertilizers for traditional agriculture and urban agriculture.The objectives of the study are: i) determine the quantity of BDSG being produced in Tennessee by craft breweries and distilleries; ii) determine current BDSG disposal practices; and iii) determine the cost-savings for farmers resulting from BDSG disposal by breweries and distilleries as a livestock feed. These objectives were accomplished by surveying craft breweries and distilleries in Tennessee regarding their production practices and developing a linear programming model to determine the value of BDSG as a livestock feed for beef cattle.Results of the survey indicate that the majority of breweries and distilleries are disposing of their spent grains as a livestock feed, with 100 percent of breweries and 87 percent of distilleries indicating that they dispose of at least a portion of their spent grains in this manner. Conversely, few breweries and distilleries are disposing of their spent grains as a compost, soil amendment, or fertilizer with only 15 percent of breweries and eight percent of distilleries selecting this method of disposal. Average annual production of BSG and DSG per brewery and distillery in the survey was 65,800 pounds and 51,808 gallons. Results of the least-cost winter feed ration suggest that significant cost savings can be afforded to farmers by including spent grains at their average daily production rate of 7.2 pounds of BSG and 47.1 pounds of DSG

    The impact of fibroid characteristics on pregnancy outcome

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    Objective The objective of the study was to assess the influence of different characteristics of fibroids on pregnancy outcome. Study Design We identified women with fibroids 4 cm or greater in size on ultrasonography at the dating scan between January 2002 and December 2012. The size (4-7 cm, 7-10 cm, >10 cm), number (multiple/single), location (lower uterus/body of uterus), and type (intramural, combination of intramural/subserosal, subserosal) were ascertained. Medical records were reviewed to obtain pregnancy outcomes (preterm delivery, birthweight, mode of delivery, estimated blood loss, postpartum hemorrhage, and admission for fibroid-related pain)

    Photo-Elicitation as an Adjunct to Structured Interviews When Assessing Ideal Romantic and Sexual Relationships

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    Structured interviews have been used as an assessment tool in clinical and research settings for many years. However, such interviews have limitations, especially when questions are abstract from the daily life experiences of adolescents and young adults (e.g., “What are all the qualities you desire in a romantic partner?”). Accordingly, photo-elicitation was incorporated as a tool into how young women perceive ideal romantic and sexual relationships

    Confirmed presence of the squash bee, Peponapis pruinosa (Say, 1837) in the state of Oregon and specimen-based observational records of Peponapis (Say, 1837) (Hymenoptera: Anthophila) in the Oregon State Arthropod Collection

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    A new Oregon record for Peponapis pruinosa (Say, 1837) is presented with notes on its occurrence and photographs. This record provides the first empirical evidence of the genus and species in the state of Oregon. A dataset of Peponapis (Say, 1837) specimens in the holdings of the Oregon State Arthropod Collection is included with a brief summary of its contents

    Human cloning in film: horror, ambivalence, hope

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    Fictional filmic representations of human cloning have shifted in relation to the 1997 announcement of the birth of Dolly the cloned sheep, and since therapeutic human cloning became a scientific practice in the early twentieth century. The operation and detail of these shifts can be seen through an analysis of the films The Island (2005) and Aeon Flux (2005). These films provide a site for the examination of how these changes in human cloning from fiction to practice, and from horror to hope, have been represented and imagined, and how these distinctions have operated visually in fiction, and in relation to genre

    Mit selbst konzipierten Lernvideos Interaktion in der Präsenzlehre fördern - ein Erfahrungsbericht

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    Dieser Artikel thematisiert, wie der Einsatz selbst erstellter Lernvideos in Lehrveranstaltungen die Interaktion zwischen Studierenden und Lehrenden sowie der Studierenden untereinander beeinflusst. Anhand zweier Einsatzbeispiele wird die Implementierung der Videos von der Bedarfserhebung bis hin zum tatsächlichen Einsatz erläutert, um Potentiale und Hürden ihres Einsatzes herauszuarbeiten. Dazu werden auch die Ergebnisse einer triangulierten Evaluation herangezogen


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    X-ray crystallography unequivocally confirmed the structure of the title compound, C12H17N3O4, as (4R)-4-(2-allyl-2H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)-1,2-O-isopropyl­idene-l-threose. The absolute configuration was determined by the use of d-glucorono-3,6-lactone as the starting material. The crystal structure consists of hydrogen-bonded chains of mol­ecules running parallel to the a axis. There are no unusual packing features

    Oregon Bee Atlas: native bee findings from 2018

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    The Oregon Bee Atlas is a new volunteer-led effort to characterize the bee fauna of Oregon State by collecting, preparing, and databasing native bee species and capturing plant host records. In 2018, volunteers collected 11,044 bee specimens across 33 Oregon counties, representing 179 unique bee species, and 32 unique bee genera. Specimens were collected from a total of 310 unique flowering plant genera, resulting in one of the largest state-level databases of bee-host plant interactions. Volunteers produced valuable occurrence records for species poorly known for the State, and species of conservation concern. The 2018 efforts constitute a proof-of-concept of a specimen-focused volunteer native bee survey