22 research outputs found

    Predicting Space Weather Effects on Close Approach Events

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    The NASA Robotic Conjunction Assessment Risk Analysis (CARA) team sends ephemeris data to the Joint Space Operations Center (JSpOC) for conjunction assessment screening against the JSpOC high accuracy catalog and then assesses risk posed to protected assets from predicted close approaches. Since most spacecraft supported by the CARA team are located in LEO orbits, atmospheric drag is the primary source of state estimate uncertainty. Drag magnitude and uncertainty is directly governed by atmospheric density and thus space weather. At present the actual effect of space weather on atmospheric density cannot be accurately predicted because most atmospheric density models are empirical in nature, which do not perform well in prediction. The Jacchia-Bowman-HASDM 2009 (JBH09) atmospheric density model used at the JSpOC employs a solar storm active compensation feature that predicts storm sizes and arrival times and thus the resulting neutral density alterations. With this feature, estimation errors can occur in either direction (i.e., over- or under-estimation of density and thus drag). Although the exact effect of a solar storm on atmospheric drag cannot be determined, one can explore the effects of JBH09 model error on conjuncting objects' trajectories to determine if a conjunction is likely to become riskier, less risky, or pass unaffected. The CARA team has constructed a Space Weather Trade-Space tool that systematically alters the drag situation for the conjuncting objects and recalculates the probability of collision for each case to determine the range of possible effects on the collision risk. In addition to a review of the theory and the particulars of the tool, the different types of observed output will be explained, along with statistics of their frequency

    Transdermal Blood Sampling for C-peptide Is a Minimally Invasive, Reliable Alternative to Venous Sampling in Children and Adults With Type 1 Diabetes

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    OBJECTIVE:C-peptide and islet autoantibodies are key type 1 diabetes biomarkers, typically requiring venous sampling, which limits their utility. We assessed transdermal capillary blood (TCB) collection as a practical alternative.RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS:Ninety-one individuals (71 with type 1 diabetes, 20 controls; individuals with type 1 diabetes: aged median 14.8 years [interquartile range (IQR) 9.1–17.1], diabetes duration 4.0 years [1.5–7.7]; controls: 42.2 years [38.0–52.1]) underwent contemporaneous venous and TCB sampling for measurement of plasma C-peptide. Participants with type 1 diabetes also provided venous serum and plasma, and TCB plasma for measurement of autoantibodies to glutamate decarboxylase, islet antigen-2, and zinc transporter 8. The ability of TCB plasma to detect significant endogenous insulin secretion (venous C-peptide ≥200 pmol/L) was compared along with agreement in levels, using Bland-Altman. Venous serum was compared with venous and TCB plasma for detection of autoantibodies, using established thresholds. Acceptability was assessed by age-appropriate questionnaire.RESULTS:Transdermal sampling took a mean of 2.35 min (SD 1.49). Median sample volume was 50 µL (IQR 40–50) with 3 of 91 (3.3%) failures, and 13 of 88 (14.7%) <35 µL. TCB C-peptide showed good agreement with venous plasma (mean venous ln[C-peptide] – TCB ln[C-peptide] = 0.008, 95% CI [−0.23, 0.29], with 100% [36 of 36] sensitivity/100% [50 of 50] specificity to detect venous C-peptide ≥200 pmol/L). Where venous serum in multiple autoantibody positive TCB plasma agreed in 22 of 32 (sensitivity 69%), comparative specificity was 35 of 36 (97%). TCB was preferred to venous sampling (type 1 diabetes: 63% vs. 7%; 30% undecided).CONCLUSIONS:Transdermal capillary testing for C-peptide is a sensitive, specific, and acceptable alternative to venous sampling; TCB sampling for islet autoantibodies needs further assessment

    Health-Related Quality of Life among Older Related Hematopoietic Stem Cell Donors (>60 Years) Is Equivalent to That of Younger Related Donors (18 to 60 Years): A Related Donor Safety Study

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    The increasing number of older adults with blood-related disorders and the introduction of reduced intensity conditioning regimens has led to increases in hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) transplantation among older adults and a corresponding increase in the age of siblings who donate HSCs to these patients. Data regarding the donation-related experiences of older donors is lacking. The Related Donor Safety Study (RDSafe) aimed to examine/compare health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of older versus younger HSC donors. 60 peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) donors ages 18–60 and 104 PBSC donors age >60 completed validated questionnaires at pre-donation, 4 weeks and 1 year post-donation. Prior to donation, older donors had poorer general physical health (t=−3.27; p=.001) but better mental health (t=2.11; p<.05). There were no age differences in multiple other donation-related factors. At 4 weeks post-donation, there were no group differences in general physical/mental health, but older donors were less likely to report donation-related pain (t=−2.26; p<.05) and concerns (t=−3.38; p=.001). At both 4 weeks and 1 year post-donation, there were no significant differences in the percentage of each age group feeling physically back to normal or in the number of days it took donors to feel completely well. There was no evidence that increasing age within the older donor group was associated with poorer donation-related HRQoL. Taken together, these data support the current practice of HSC donation by sibling donors above age 60, providing no evidence of worsening HRQoL up to one year after donation in individuals up to age 76

    Comparison of Nucleic Acid Amplification, Serology, and Microbiologic Culture for Diagnosis of Rhodococcus equi Pneumonia in Foals

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    Recently, a technique was described for amplification of Rhodococcus equi -specific chromosomal and vapA DNA from blood and tracheal wash fluids. It was hypothesized that this technique would be more sensitive than standard culture techniques or serology for diagnosis of R. equi pneumonia in foals. Tracheal wash fluid, nasal swabs, whole blood samples, and serum samples from 56 foals with pneumonia were analyzed. Final clinical diagnosis was determined by the attending clinician on the basis of final interpretation of all available information about each foal, including clinical presentation, diagnostic test results, response to therapy, and outcome. Clinical diagnosis was used as a final reference standard for calculation of sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values for PCR, serology using an agar gel immunodiffusion test, and tracheal wash fluid culture. PCR of tracheal wash fluid using primers that recognized the vapA virulence plasmid of R. equi had a diagnostic sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 90.6%. Sensitivity and specificity were 57.1 and 93.8%, respectively, for standard microbiologic culture of tracheal wash fluid and 62.5 and 75.9%, respectively, for serology. PCR of tracheal wash fluid is more sensitive and specific for diagnosis of R. equi pneumonia than are other available diagnostic tests

    Expression of Putative Virulence Factors of Escherichia coli O157:H7 Differs in Bovine and Human Infections

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    Escherichia coli O157:H7 is a commensal organism in cattle, but it is a pathogen in humans. This differential expression of virulence suggests that specific virulence factors are regulated differently in human and bovine hosts. To test this hypothesis, relative real-time reverse transcription-PCR was used to relate the expression of several putative virulence genes (eae, espA, stx(2), rfbE, ehxA, and iha) to that of the “housekeeping” gene gnd during natural human and experimental bovine infection with E. coli O157:H7. We examined these genes in fecal samples from eight humans and four calves. iha and espA were significantly more expressed in bovine infections. rfbE and ehxA appeared to be more highly expressed in human infections, though these differences did not achieve statistical significance. Our results support the hypothesis that some virulence-associated genes of O157:H7 are differentially expressed in a host-specific manner

    Health-Related Quality of Life among Older Related Hematopoietic Stem Cell Donors (>60 Years) Is Equivalent to That of Younger Related Donors (18 to 60 Years): A Related Donor Safety Study

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    The increasing number of older adults with blood-related disorders and the introduction of reduced intensity conditioning regimens has led to increases in hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) transplantation among older adults and a corresponding increase in the age of siblings who donate HSCs to these patients. Data regarding the donation-related experiences of older donors is lacking. The Related Donor Safety Study (RDSafe) aimed to examine/compare health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of older versus younger HSC donors. 60 peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) donors ages 18–60 and 104 PBSC donors age >60 completed validated questionnaires at pre-donation, 4 weeks and 1 year post-donation. Prior to donation, older donors had poorer general physical health (t=−3.27; p=.001) but better mental health (t=2.11; p<.05). There were no age differences in multiple other donation-related factors. At 4 weeks post-donation, there were no group differences in general physical/mental health, but older donors were less likely to report donation-related pain (t=−2.26; p<.05) and concerns (t=−3.38; p=.001). At both 4 weeks and 1 year post-donation, there were no significant differences in the percentage of each age group feeling physically back to normal or in the number of days it took donors to feel completely well. There was no evidence that increasing age within the older donor group was associated with poorer donation-related HRQoL. Taken together, these data support the current practice of HSC donation by sibling donors above age 60, providing no evidence of worsening HRQoL up to one year after donation in individuals up to age 76