147 research outputs found
Atitudes dos estudantes universitários em relação à atividade extremista
Study goal: to explore university students’ attitudes toward extremist activity. Methods: The study is conducted on the students of Balashovsky Institute (branch) of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education “Saratov National Research State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky” (SSU BI) studying in pedagogical areas of education. Results: The study reveals average and high levels of ethnic tolerance in the students; most respondents consider the reasons behind the adoption of extremist ideology to be social factors; every second student condemns the actions of extremist nature in any form; as measures to counter extremism, the respondents suggest educational, outreach, informational technologies. To reduce the risks of the involvement of youth in extremist communities in a multinational region, an additional education program “Prevention of intolerance and extremism among young people” is developed and implemented in the educational component of the university.Objetivo del estudio: explorar las actitudes de los estudiantes universitarios hacia la actividad extremista. Métodos: El estudio se realiza sobre los estudiantes de las áreas de formación pedagógica. Resultados: El estudio revela niveles medios y altos de tolerancia étnica en los estudiantes; la mayoría de los encuestados considera que las razones detrás de la adopción de la ideología extremista son factores sociales; cada segundo estudiante condena las acciones de naturaleza extremista en cualquier forma; como medidas para contrarrestar el extremismo, los encuestados sugieren tecnologías educativas, de divulgación y de la información. Para reducir los riesgos de la participación de jóvenes en comunidades extremistas en una región multinacional, se desarrolla e implementar un programa educativo adicional "Prevención de la intolerancia y el extremismo entre los jóvenes" en el componente educativo de la universidad.Objetivo do estudo: explorar as atitudes de estudantes universitários em relação à atividade extremista. O estudo é realizado com os alunos do Instituto Balashovsky (filial) da Instituição Educacional Estadual Federal de Educação Profissional Superior “Universidade Estadual de Pesquisa Nacional de Saratov em homenagem a N.G. Chernyshevsky” (SSU BI) estudando em áreas pedagógicas de formação. Resultados: O estudo revela níveis médios e altos de tolerância étnica nos alunos; a maioria dos entrevistados considera que as razões por trás da adoção da ideologia extremista são fatores sociais; cada segundo aluno condena as ações de natureza extremista de qualquer forma; como medidas para combater o extremismo, os entrevistados sugerem tecnologias educacionais, de divulgação e de informação. Para reduzir os riscos do envolvimento de jovens em comunidades extremistas em uma região multinacional, um programa educacional adicional “Prevenção da intolerância e do extremismo entre os jovens” é desenvolvido e implementado no componente educacional da universidade
Restoration of parental rights: opinion of key actors
The article presents the results of a sociological survey conducted in 2016 in the Belgorod and Saratov regions and Trans-Baikal Region under financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the project "Life trajectories of children and their biological parents, restoration of parental rights», № 16-03-00057. The study was conducted in two stages. The first stage included the expert survey (n=25), where the informants were employees of the guardianship authorities; social services; education, health care and law institutions. The research revealed the most typical causes and conditions that reproduce social orphanhood: poverty, unemployment, mass labor migration from towns to big cities; the loss of control over the families at social risk, which ultimately leads to a worsening of social risks, the destruction of the family, the withdrawal of children from the family and, as a consequence, to the deprivation of parental rights. The second stage was carried out a survey of parents deprived of parental rights on the territory of these regions (n=350) in order to identify the causes of family breakdown, conditions, and plans for their recovery. The main factors that hinder the recovery process of their parental rights were: the lack of intermediary social structures, helping parents whose parental rights were deprived; the subjective nature of the parents' assessment by agencies; repressive and stigmatizing approach of authorities, evaluating the possibility of the restoration of parental rights.В статье представлены результаты социологического исследования, проведенного в 2016 году на территории Белгородской, Саратовской областей и Забайкальского края при финансовой поддержке РФФИ, проект «Жизненные траектории детей и их биологических родителей, восстановленных в родительских правах», № 16-03-00057. Исследование проводилось в два этапа. На первом этапе был осуществлен экспертный опрос (n=25), в качестве информантов выступали сотрудники органов опеки и попечительства; социальных служб; учреждений образования, здравоохранения, правопорядка. Исследование позволило выявить наиболее типичные причины и условия, воспроизводящие социальное сиротство: бедность, безработица, массовая трудовая миграция в города; утрата контроля за семьями, находящимися в социально опасном положении и/или трудной жизненной ситуации, что в конечном итоге приводит к усугублению социальных рисков, приводящих к разрушению семьи, изъятию детей из семьи и, как следствие, к лишению родителей родительских прав. На втором этапе осуществлялся опрос родителей, лишенных родительских прав, на территории указанных регионов (n=350) с целью выявления причин распада семьи, условий и планов на их восстановление. Основными факторами, препятствующими процедуре восстановления родительских прав являлись: отсутствие посреднических социальных структур, специализирующихся на оказании помощи родителям, лишенным родительских прав, по возвращению опеки над детьми; субъективный характер оценки родителей со стороны учреждений системы профилактики; репрессивно-карательный, стигматизирующий подход со стороны инстанций, выносящих решение о возможности восстановления родительских прав
Modern attitude of students to family and marriage
В статье анализируются результаты социологического исследования, направленного на изучение отношения современной учащейся молодежи к семье и браку.The article analyzes the results of the survey aimed at studying the relationship of students to the modern family and marriage
Foster care in Russia: problems and prospects
This paper discusses the process of development and functioning of foster families, one of the priority interventions for children without parental care in Russia. The author analyzes the main barriers to the development of foster care in Russia on the basis of national surveys; identifies obstacles to the development of foster care in the country and the necessity of its active implementation in domestic social practice
Implementation of the competence-activity approach in teaching the Russian language (level B2)
The article is devoted to the implementation of the competence-activity approach in teaching the discipline "Russian language" to students of all specialties of the Almaty Technological University. The article reveals the concept of "competence-activity approach", which is taken as the basis of the training strategy, as well as the specifics of key competencies. The author presents a typology of educational tasks, built taking into account the type of speech activity and the aspect of language, aimed at working out linguistic facts at all levels of the language system. The author comes to the conclusion that the development of the didactic material and the lessons given competence-activity approach ensures students ' readiness to expand knowledge in the field of professional disciplines through the implementation of research activities on professional issues with the use of Russian language sources in both print and electronic versions
В статье рассматриваются правовые и социальные аспекты лишения, ограничения и восстановления родительских прав на основе анализа статистических данных, результатов опроса экспертов (n=25), проведенного в Белгородской, Саратовской областях и Забайкальском крае (РФФИ, проект № 16-03-00057) в 2016 году; выявлены причины низкого числа родителей, восстановивших опеку над кровными детьми в указанных субъектах РФ. The article discusses the legal and social aspects of deprivation, restriction and termination of parental rights based on the analysis of statistical data, the results of experts’ survey (n = 25) which was conducted in Belgorod, Saratov regions and Trans-Baikal Territory in 2016 (Russian Foundation for the Basic Research, №16-03-00057). The reasons for the low number of parents who have restored custody of biological children were identified.РФФИ, проект № 16-03-0005
Social interaction as a factor of elderly and disabled peoples activity in receiving cardiovascular health services in Russia
The article presents the results of studying the peculiarities of the social interaction and its influence on the social activity of the elderly and disabled people in receiving cardiovascular health services in the Russian Federation. In order to study the level of knowledge about cardiovascular health and the prevention of cardiovascular diseases in February – June, 2018 the sociological research was conducted in Belgorod region (Russia) among elderly and disabled (n=240) by Laboratory of social projects of the Belgorod National Research University. The main research methods were qualitative (content analysis of individual social rehabilitation maps of the elderly and disabled) and quantitative methods (questionnaires
Preclinical manifestations of students’ eating disorders as an impact of the information and communication university environment
Students’ eating disorders include conditions and diseases characterized by irregular foods intake accomplished by stable anxiety effect regarding the mass and shape of their bodies. Information and communicative university environment is able to create a motivation for eating disorders, which damages individual’s health and well-being. The most typical forms of students’ eating disorders affected both girls and boys, are nervous bulimia and anorexia nervos
Business Ethics of a Leader ofNGO for Children in Needs
Naberushkina, E. Business Ethics of a Leader ofNGO for Children in Needs / E. Naberushkina, O. Volkova, O. Besschetnova // Emerging Trends in Marketing and Management International Conference, September 28th-30th. Bucharest, 2017. - Bucharest, 2017. - P. 46-47.The purpose of the research is to study the business ethics of a leader of non-govemment organization that provides the assistance to needed children. The study is conducted in Belgorod region (Russia) in May - June 2016. The targeted sample includes formal and informal leaders (n = 281) from 52 NGOs which provide services for children in need
Human Resource Management in Social Welfare System
Naberushkina, E. Human Resource Management in Social Welfare System / E. Naberushkina, O. Volkova, O. Besschetnova // Emerging Trends in Marketing and Management International Conference, September 28th-30th. Bucharest, 2017. - Bucharest, 2017. - P. 44-45.The article presents the results of the research of employees’ labor motivation, who work in social welfare system. The issues of the existing personnel policy and the degree of its effectiveness are considered in order to attract highly qualified specialists to this particular working are
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