11 research outputs found

    Modeling of 3- and 5-Isogenies of Supersingular Edwards Curves

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    An analysis is made of the properties and conditions for the existence of 3- and 5-isogenies of complete and quadratic supersingular Edwards curves. For the encapsulation of keys based on the SIDH algorithm, it is proposed to use isogeny of minimal odd 3 and 5 degrees, which allows bypassing the problem of singular points of the 2nd and 4th orders, characteristic of 2-isogenies. A review of the main properties of the classes of complete, quadratic and twisted Edwards curves over a simple field is given. Formulas for the isogeny of odd degrees are reduced to a form adapted to curves in Weierstrass form. To do this, the modified law of addition of curve points in the generalized Edwards form is used, which preserves the horizontal symmetry of the curve’s return points. Examples of the calculation of 3- and 5-isogenies of complete Edwards supersingular curves over small simple fields are given, and the properties of the isogeny composition for computing isogenies with large-order kernels are discussed. Formulas of upper bounds for the complexity of computing isogeny of odd degrees 3 and 5 in the classes of complete and quadratic Edwards curves in projective coordinates are obtained. Algorithms for calculating 3- and 5-isogenies of Edwards curves with complexity and 12M+5S, respectively, are constructed. The conditions for the existence of supersingular complete and quadratic Edwards curves of the order 4·3m·5n and 8·3m·5n are found. Some parameters of the cryptosystem were determined during the implementation of the SIDH algorithm at the quantum security level of 128 bits

    3- and 5-Isogenies of Supersingular Edwards Curves

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    An analysis is made of the properties and conditions for the existence of 3- and 5-isogenies of complete and quadratic supersingular Edwards curves. For the encapsulation of keys based on the SIDH algorithm, it is proposed to use isogeny of minimal odd degrees 3 and 5, which allows bypassing the problem of singular points of the 2nd and 4th orders, characteristic of 2-isogenies. A review of the main properties of the classes of complete, quadratic, and twisted Edwards curves over a simple field is given. Equations for the isogeny of odd degrees are reduced to a form adapted to curves in the form of Weierstrass. To do this, use the modified law of addition of curve points in the generalized Edwards form, which preserves the horizontal symmetry of the curve return points. Examples of the calculation of 3- and 5-isogenies of complete Edwards supersingular curves over small simple fields are given, and the properties of the isogeny composition for their calculation with large-order kernels are discussed. Equations are obtained for upper complexity estimates for computing isogeny of odd degrees 3 and 5 in the classes of complete and quadratic Edwards curves in projective coordinates; algorithms are constructed for calculating 3- and 5-isogenies of Edwards curves with complexity 6M + 4S and 12M + 5S, respectively. The conditions for the existence of supersingular complete and quadratic Edwards curves of order 4x3mx5n and 8x3mx5n are found. Some parameters of the cryptosystem are determined when implementing the SIDH algorithm at the level of quantum security of 128 bits

    Computing of Odd Degree Isogenies on Supersingular Twisted Edwards Curves

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    An overview of the properties of three classes of curves in generalized Edwards form Ea,d with two parameters is given. The known formulas for the odd degree isogenies on curves Ed with one parameter are generalized to all classes of curves in Edwards form, and Theorem 1 on the isogenic mapping of the points of these curves is proved. The analysis of the known effective method for computing isogenies in Farashahi-Hosseini w-coordinates, justified for the curve Ed, is given. Theorem 2 proves the applicability of this method to the class of twisted Edwards curves. Examples of 3- and 5-isogenies of twisted Edwards curves are given. Methods for bypassing the exceptional points of such curves in PQC cryptosystems like CSIDH are proposed

    Modern SIEM Analysis and Critical Requirements Definition in the Context of Information Warfare

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    Today Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems are used to prevent information loss in computer systems and networks. There are many approaches to SIEM realization. This paper is devoted to the analysis of existing SIEM and their characteristics in accordance with international standards and specifications, as well as a comparative description of their capabilities and differences, advantages and disadvantages. These results will be used in research project realization devoted to open source SIEM development and implementation in critical infrastructure to improve the cybersecurity level in the context of information warfare and cyber threats realization


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    The dynamics of the increase in the number of vulnerabilities of software and hardware platforms of corporate networks, the accessibility of exploit modules for these vulnerabilities in the Internet and the Darknet, along with the lack of a sufficient number of highly qualified cybersecurity specialists make the problem of effective automation of preventive information protection mechanisms quite urgent. In particular, the basic algorithms for the sequential implementation of exploits embedded in the vulnerability exploitation tools are quite primitive, and the proposed approaches to their improvement require constant adaptation of mathematical models of the implementation of attacking actions. This justifies the direction of this research. This paper considers the issue of forming decision-making rules for the implementation of vulnerabilities’ exploits during an active analysis of the corporate networks’ security. Based on the results of the analysis of quantitative indicators of the quality of the validation mechanism of the identified vulnerabilities and the use of fuzzy logic methods, a fuzzy system was formed, membership functions for each of the linguistic variables were determined and a knowledge base was built, which makes it possible to determine the quality level of the validation mechanism of the identified vulnerabilities based on all available information. At the same time, in order to eliminate the “human factor” of making mistakes when validating vulnerabilities, based on the built fuzzy knowledge base and the established levels of exploit modules’ efficiency, the rules for the implementation of individual exploit modules during an active analysis of the corporate network’s security were formed. Results of research make it possible to create expert systems for diagnosing the effectiveness of the validation mechanism of the identified vulnerabilities of target systems, and also help to solve the problem of the lack of qualified specialists in the analysis and maintenance of an appropriate level of information security of corporate networks.Динаміка зростання кількості вразливостей програмних та апаратних платформ корпоративних мереж, загальнодоступність модулів експлойтів даних вразливостей в мережах Інтернет та Даркнет, наряду з відсутністю достатньої кількості висококваліфікованих фахівців з кібербезпеки, робить проблему ефективної автоматизації превентивних механізмів захисту інформації досить актуальною. Зокрема, базові алгоритми послідовної реалізації експлойтів закладені в засоби експлуатації вразливостей є досить примітивними, а запропоновані підходи щодо їх покращення, потребують постійної адаптації математичних моделей реалізації атакуючих дій. Цим і обґрунтовується напрям даного дослідження. В роботі розглядається проблематика формування правил прийняття рішень щодо реалізації експлойтів вразливостей під час проведення активного аналізу захищеності корпоративних мереж. На основі результатів аналізу кількісних показників якості роботи механізму валідації виявлених вразливостей та використанні методів нечіткої логіки було сформовано нечітку систему, визначено функції належності для кожної з лінгвістичних змінних та побудовано базу знань, що дозволяє визначити рівень якості роботи механізму валідації виявлених вразливостей на основі всієї наявної інформації. Водночас, задля виключення «людського фактору» допущення помилки при валідації вразливостей, ґрунтуючись на сформованій нечіткій базі знань та визначених рівнях ефективності модулів експлойтів вразливостей, сформовано правила реалізації окремих модулів експлойтів під час проведення активного аналізу захищеності корпоративної мережі. Отримані результати надають можливість створювати експертні системи діагностування ефективності механізму валідації виявлених вразливостей цільових систем, а також допомагають вирішити питання відсутності кваліфікованих спеціалістів з аналізу та підтримки належного рівня інформаційної безпеки корпоративних мереж


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    The article considers the problem of ensuring the availability and integrity of wireless subscribers in cellular and other wireless corporate networks. The article aims to determine the threshold values for the moment of failure of video transmission, quantitative parameters, artifacts, and the number of errors for the image. Show the dependence of the integrity of data transmitted in real-time on the characteristics of the environment. Two approaches were used to assess the quality of video information: qualitative (image recognition assessment) and quantitative (error measurement). Because the research program was written in the Kotlin programming language, a library written in Java or Kotlin was required. After searching the library, it turned out that only three libraries meet such parameters as reliability, relevance, and availability of documentation: Jaffree, Xuggler, and VLCJ. After gathering information, it was found that the most common screen extensions for desktops are 1366 × 768 and for phones—360 × 640. An error occurred that RTP did not support more than one connection. Also, the RTSP protocol could not pass the experiment on codecs other than MP4V. The experiment stopped earlier than necessary without error. Judging by the indicators, this was a very high CPU load. All other protocols were successfully tested, and results were obtained. During the experiments, we encountered various video anomalies. The worst was the video playback problem with the MJPG codec. Other anomalies were also identified: frame delay, incorrect frame rendering, white noise, and white noise mixed with frames. It is clear how up to 128 kbps experiments are successful and then begin to stop the video stream without error information. According to the results of experiments, the H.264 codec performs best.В статті розглянута проблема забезпечення доступності та цілісності безпроводових абонентів у стільникових та інших безпроводових корпоративних мережах. Метою статті є визначення порогових значень для моменту зриву передавання відеосигналу, кількісні параметри, артефакти і кількість помилок для зображення. Показати залежність цілісність даних, переданих в режимі реального часу, від характеристик середовища. Для оцінки якості відеоінформації були застосовані два підходи: якісний (оцінка розпізнавання зображення) і кількісний (вимірювання кількості помилок). Оскільки програма для проведення дослідження була написана на мові програмування Kotlin, то була потрібна бібліотека написана на Java або Kotlin. Після проведення пошуку бібліотеки виявилося, що бібліотек які задовольняють таким параметрам як: надійність, актуальність та наявність документації, лише три: Jaffree, Xuggler і VLCJ. Після збору інформації було встановлено, що найпоширенішими розширеннями екрану для настільних комп’ютерів є 1366×768 і для телефонів — 360×640. Виявилася помилка, що протокол RTP не підтримував більше одного підключення. Також протокол RTSP не зміг пройти дослід на інших кодеках крім MP4V, дослід припинявся раніше ніж потрібно без помилки, судячи по показникам причиною цьому була дуже велика загрузка процесора. Всі інші протоколи успішно пройшли дослід і були отримані результати. Під час проведення дослідів, ми зіткалися з різними аномаліями відео. сама найгірша була, проблема з відтворення відео у кодека MJPG. Також були виявлені інші аномалії: затримка кадрів, некоректне відмальовування кадрів, білий шум і білий шум в перемішку з кадрами. Добре видно як до 128 кбіт/с досліди проходять успішно, а потім починаються припинення відеопотоку без інформації про помилку. За результатами дослідів найкраще себе проявляє кодек H.26

    Modeling CSIKE Algorithm on Non-Cyclic Edwards Curves

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    An original key encapsulation scheme is proposed as a modification of the CSIDH algorithm built on the isogenies of non-cyclic Edwards curves. The corresponding CSIKE algorithm uses only one public key of the recipient. A brief review of the properties of non-cyclic quadratic and twisted supersingular Edwards curves is given. We use a new scheme for modeling the CSIKE algorithm on isogenies of 4 degrees 3, 5, 7, 11 for p = 9239. In contrast to the CSIDH models of previous works, this scheme does not use precomputations and tabulation of the parameters of isogenic chains, but uses one known supersingular starting curve Ed with the parameter d = 2. Examples of calculations of isogenic chains by Alice and Bob at three stages of CSIKE operation using a randomized algorithm are given. It also proposes to abandon the calculation of the isogenic function ϕ(R) of a random point R, which significantly speeds up the algorithm

    Analysis of 2-Isogeny Properties of Generalized Form Edwards Curves

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    The analysis of the 2-isogeny existence conditions of generalized Edwards form curves over a prime field, including complete, quadratic, and twisted Edwards curves, is presented. An overview of the properties of these three classes of curves is given. Generalization of the results known for the classes of complete and quadratic curves to the class of twisted Edwards curves is obtained. A modified law of point’s addition is used to correctly determine the isogeny degree

    Multifunctional CRS Encryption Scheme on Isogenies of Non-Supersingular Edwards Curves

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    A multifunctional cryptosystem RCNIE on isogenies of non-supersingular Edwards curves is proposed, which solves the problems of Diffie-Hellman secret sharing, digital signature, and public key encryption. The problems of choosing the parameters of non-supersingular Edwards curves forming pairs of quadratic twist with orders p + 1 ± t ≡ 0mod8 over a prime field Fp are considered. Encryption algorithms with mutual authentication of Alice and Bob based on the sharing of their secrets are given, while the length of the key and the size of the digital signature are minimally short and do not exceed the size of the field Fp element. An illustration is given of the operation of the cryptosystem model on 4 degrees of isogenies {3,5,7,37} over the field F863 for a pair of quadratic twist curves with orders 840 and 888. It is shown that for non-supersingular curves there are main and dual cryptosystems, each of which has also an isomorphic cryptosystem. This allows you to perform parallel computing and speed up algorithms. A comparative evaluation of the arithmetic and properties of CSIDH and RCNIE is given. It is noted that we have not found strong arguments for the slow implementation of the CRS scheme in comparison with CSIDH. Taking into account the peculiarities of each of them, both schemes are certainly promising

    Implementation of the CSIDH Algorithm Model on Supersingular Twisted and Quadratic Edwards Curves

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    The properties of twisted and quadratic supersingular Edwards curves forming pairs of quadratic torsion with the order p + 1 over the simple field Fp are considered. A modification of the CSIDH algorithm using the isogenies of these curves in replacement of the extended arithmetic’s of the isogenies of curves in the Montgomery form is presented. The isogeny parameters of the CSIDH algorithm model are calculated and tabulated on the basis of the theorems proved in the previous work. The example of Alice’s and Bob’s calculations according to the non-interactive Diffy-Hellman circuit, illustrating the separation of their secrets, is considered. The use of the known projective (W:Z)-coordinates for the given classes of curves provides the fastest execution of the CSIDH algorithm to-date