17 research outputs found
Atlas of wide-field-of-view outgoing longwave radiation derived from Nimbus 6 Earth radiation budget data set, July 1975 to June 1978
An atlas of monthly mean outgoing longwave radiation global contour maps and associated spherical harmonic coefficients is presented. The atlas contains 36 months of continuous data from July 1975 to June 1978. The data were derived from the first Earth radiation budget experiment, which was flown on the Nimbus-6 Sun-synchronous satellite in 1975. Only the wide-field-of-view longwave measurements are cataloged in this atlas. The contour maps along with the associated sets of spherical harmonic coefficients form a valuable data set for studying different aspects of our changing climate over monthly, annual, and interannual scales in the time domain, and over regional, zonal, and global scales in the spatial domain
Atlas of wide-field-of-view outgoing longwave radiation derived from Nimbus 7 Earth radiation budget data set - November 1978 to October 1985
An atlas of monthly mean outgoing longwave radiation global contour maps and associated spherical harmonic coefficients is presented. The atlas contains 84 months of continuous data from November 1978 to October 1985. The data were derived from the second Earth radiation budget experiment, which was flown on the Nimbus 7 Sun-synchronous satellite in 1978. This data set is a companion set and extension to a similar report of the Nimbus 6 satellite. Together these two reports give a data set covering a 10 year time period and will be very valuable in studying different aspects of our changing climate over monthly, annual, and interannual scales in the time domain and over regional, zonal, and global scales in the spatial domain
Atlas of albedo and absorbed solar radiation derived from Nimbus 7 Earth radiation budget data set, November 1978 to October 1985
An atlas of monthly mean global contour maps of albedo and absorbed solar radiation is presented. This atlas contains 7 years of continuous data from November 1978 through October 1985. The data were retrieved from measurements made by the second Earth Radiation Budget (ERB) wide field-of-view instrument, which flew on the Nimbus 7 spacecraft in 1978. The deconvolution method used to produce these data is briefly discussed here so that the user may understand their generation and limitations. These geographical distributions of albedo and absorbed solar radiation are provided as a resource for researchers studying the radiation budget of the Earth. This atlas of albedo and absorbed solar radiation complements the atlases of outgoing longwave radiation by Bess and Smith, also based on the Nimbus 6 and 7 ERB data
Atlas of albedo and absorbed solar radiation derived from Nimbus 6 earth radiation budget data set, July 1975 to May 1978
An atlas of monthly mean global contour maps of albedo and absorbed solar radiation is presented. The atlas is based on 35 months of continuous measurements from July 1975 through May 1978. The data were retrieved from measurements made by the shortwave wide field-of-view radiometer of the first Earth Radiation Budget (ERB) instrument, which flew on the Nimbus 6 spacecraft in 1975. Profiles of zonal mean albedos and absorbed solar radiation are tabulated. These geographical distributions are provided as a resource for studying the radiation budget of the earth. This atlas of albedo and absorbed solar radiation complements the atlases of outgoing longwave radiation by Bess and Smith in NASA-RP-1185 and RP-1186, also based on the Nimbus 6 and 7 ERB data
Atlas of wide-field-of-view outgoing longwave radiation derived from Nimbus 7 Earth radiation budget data set, November 1985 to October 1987
An atlas of monthly outgoing longwave radiation global contour maps and associated spherical harmonic coefficients is presented. The atlas contains 23 months of data from November 1985 to October 1987 . The data were derived from the second Earth Radiation Budget (ERB) package, which was flown on the Nimbus 7 Sun-synchronous satellite in 1987. This data set is a companion set and extension to similar atlases that documented 10 years of outgoing longwave radiation results from Nimbus 6 and Nimbus 7 satellites. This atlas and the companion atlases give a data set covering a 12-year time period and will be very useful in studying different aspects of our changing climate. The data set also provides a 3-year overlap with the current Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE)
Annual and interannual variations of Earth-emitted radiation based on a 10-year data set
The method of empirical orthogonal functions (EOF) was applied to a 10-year data set of outgoing longwave radiation. Spherical harmonic functions are used as a basis set for producing equal area map results. The following findings are noted. The first EOF accounts for 66 percent of the variance. After that, each EOF accounts for only a small variance, forming a slowly converging series. The first two EOF's describe mainly the annual cycle. The third EOF is primarily the semiannual cycle although many other EOF's also contain significant semiannual parts. These results reaffirm those based on a shorter data set. In addition, a much stronger spring/fall mode was found in the central equatorial Pacific Ocean for the second EOF than was found earlier. This difference is attributed to the use of broadband radiometer data which were available for the present study. The earlier study used data from a window channel instrument which is not as sensitive to water vapor variations. The fourth EOF describes much of the 1976 to 1977 and 1982 to 1983 ENSO phenomena. There is typically a gap in the spectrum between a semiannual peak and the annual cycle for all but the first EOF. A semiannual OLR dipole straddles the Asian-Australian monsoon track
Atlas of albedo and absorbed solar radiation derived from Nimbus 7 earth radiation budget data set, November 1985 to October 1987
An atlas of monthly mean global contour maps of albedo and absorbed solar radiation is presented for 21 months from Nov. 1985 to Oct. 1987. These data were retrieved from measurements made by the shortwave wide-field-of-view radiometer of the Earth Radiation Budget (ERB) instrument aboard the Nimbus 7 spacecraft. Profiles of zonal mean albedos and absorbed solar radiation were tabulated. These geographical distributions are provided as a resource for researchers studying the radiation budget of the Earth. The El Nino/Southern Oscillation event of 1986-1987 is included in this data set. This atlas of albedo and absorbed solar radiation extends to 12 years the period covered by two similar atlases: NASA RP-1230 (Jul. 1975 - Oct. 1978) and NASA RP-1231 (Nov. 1978 - Oct. 1985). These three compilations complement the atlases of outgoing longwave radiation by Bess and Smith in NASA RP-1185, RP-1186, and RP-1261, which were also based on the Nimbus 6 and 7 ERB data
Non-Scanning Radiometer Results for Earth Radiation Budget Investigations
The Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) included non-scanning radiometers (Luther, 1986) flown aboard a dedicated mission of Earth Radiation Budget Satellite, and the NOAA-9 and -10 operational meteorological spacecraft (Barkstrom and Smith, 1986). The radiometers first began providing Earth radiation budget data in November 1984 and have remained operational, providing a record of nearly 8 years of data to date for researchers. Although they do not produce measurements with the resolution given by the scanning radiometers, the results from the non-scanning radiometers are extremely useful for climate research involving long-term radiation data sets. This paper discusses the non-scanning radiometers, their stability, the method of analyzing the data, and brief scientific results from the data
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