17 research outputs found

    Quantum state resolved molecular dipolar collisions over four decades of energy

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    Collisions between cold polar molecules represent a fascinating research frontier, but have proven hard to probe experimentally. We report measurements of inelastic cross sections for collisions between NO and ND 3 molecules at energies between 0.1 and 580 cm-1 , with full quantum state resolution. At energies below the 100 cm-1 well depth of the interaction potential, we observed backward glories originating from peculiar U-turn trajectories. At energies below 0.2 cm-1, we observed a breakdown of the Langevin capture model, which we interpreted in terms of a suppressed mutual polarization during the collision, effectively switching off the molecular dipole moments. Scattering calculations based on an ab initio NO-ND3 potential energy surface revealed the crucial role of near-degenerate rotational levels with opposite parity in low-energy dipolar collisions

    Imaging the onset of the resonance regime in low-energy NO-He collisions

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    At low energies, the quantum wave-like nature of molecular interactions result in unique scattering behavior, ranging from the universal Wigner laws near zero Kelvin to the occurrence of scattering resonances at higher energies. It has proven challenging to experimentally probe the individual waves underlying these phenomena. We report measurements of state-to-state integral and differential cross sections for inelastic NO-He collisions in the 0.2 - 8.5 cm−1^{-1} range with 0.02 cm−1^{-1} resolution. We study the onset of the resonance regime by probing the lowest-lying resonance dominated by s and p waves only. The highly structured differential cross sections directly reflect the increasing number of contributing waves as the energy is increased. A new NO-He potential calculated at the CCSDT(Q) level was required to reproduce our measurements.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Observation of correlated excitations in bimolecular collisions

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    Whereas collisions between atoms and molecules are largely understood, collisions between two molecules have proven much harder to study. In both experiment and theory, our ability to determine quantum state-resolved bimolecular cross sections lags behind their atom-molecule counterparts by decades. For many bimolecular systems, even rules of thumb -- much less intuitive understanding -- of scattering cross sections are lacking. Here, we report the measurement of state-to-state differential cross sections on the collision of state-selected and velocity-controlled nitric oxide (NO) radicals and oxygen (O2) molecules. Using velocity map imaging of the scattered NO radicals, the full product-pair correlations of rotational excitation that occurs in both collision partners from individual encounters are revealed. The correlated cross sections show surprisingly good agreement with quantum scattering calculations using ab initio NO-O2 potential energy surfaces. The observations show that the well-known energy-gap law that governs atom-molecule collisions does not generally apply to bimolecular excitation processes, and reveal a propensity rule for the vector correlation of product angular momenta.Comment: Received: 06 September 2017 Accepted: 20 December 2017 Published online: 19 February 2018, Nature Chemistry 201

    Highlights from the Faraday Discussion 296: quantum effects in small molecular systems, 10-12 September 2018, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

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    Contains fulltext : 199083.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access

    Diabatic states, nonadiabatic coupling, and the counterpoise procedure for weakly interacting open-shell molecules

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    Contains fulltext : 190040.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)15 p

    High-resolution imaging of molecular collisions using a Zeeman decelerator

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    Contains fulltext : 218188.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access

    Correlations in rotational energy transfer for NO-D-2 inelastic collisions

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    Contains fulltext : 224904.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access