15 research outputs found

    Analyse didactique de l’activitĂ© effective des Ă©lĂšves en sciences Ă  l’école primaire

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    L’activitĂ© effective des Ă©lĂšves pendant une sĂ©ance d’investigation expĂ©rimentale Ă  l’école primaire est caractĂ©risĂ©e en distinguant quatre types diffĂ©rents d’activitĂ© (thĂ©orique, observation, technique et « sortie »). Nous observons que l’activitĂ© effective est principalement technique ; nous constatons Ă©galement que les types d’activitĂ© principalement visĂ©s dans cette sĂ©quence didactique (thĂ©orique et observation) ne sont obtenus qu’aprĂšs des interventions rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©es du maĂźtre. Nous interprĂ©tons le glissement observĂ© de l’activitĂ© scientifique scolaire vers une activitĂ© « ordinaire » par l’ambiguĂŻtĂ© des tĂąches prescrites provenant du lien qui peut ĂȘtre fait par les Ă©lĂšves entre les moments considĂ©rĂ©s ici et d’autres moments scolaires ou non scolaires.Pupil’s real activity during experimental investigations in primary school is characterized by differentiating four different activity types (theoretical, observation, technical and « leaving »). We observe that real activity is in most cases technical ; we also notice in most cases that both types of activities which are main purposes in this learning session (theoretical and observation) are acquired only after numerous interventions of the teacher. We interpret the passage of school scientific activity towards an « ordinary » activity by the ambiguity of the prescribed tasks coming from the link which can be made by the pupils between moments considered here and other school (or not school) moments

    Améliorer la réussite des élÚves en difficulté par les aides spécialisées

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    Les RASED (RĂ©seaux d’aides spĂ©cialisĂ©es aux Ă©lĂšves en difficultĂ©), crĂ©Ă©s en 1990, ont comme mission de prĂ©venir et de remĂ©dier aux alĂ©as des parcours scolaires de certains enfants, en complĂ©mentaritĂ© avec les pratiques diversifiĂ©es mises en place par le maĂźtre de la classe. Divers rapports ont soulignĂ© que la place de ces RASED au sein de l’école reste encore Ă  construire. L’objectif de cet article vise Ă  questionner les modalitĂ©s de collaboration entre les membres du rĂ©seau et les enseignants non spĂ©cialisĂ©s, en relation avec les reprĂ©sentations respectives des diffĂ©rents partenaires de l’aide.The RASEDs (French special education networks) were created in 1990. Their mission is to prevent and help bring solutions to the problems that some students are confronted with at school. It is complementary to the diverse teaching practices set up by the teachers in their classrooms. Various reports have underlined the fact that those RASEDs have yet to find their places within the schools. The goal of this article is to question the terms of the collaboration between the members of the networks and the classroom teachers in relation to the respective representations of the different people involved.Las RASED (Redes de ayudas especializadas para los alumnos en dificultad), creadas en 1990, tienen como misiĂłn la prevenciĂłn y la remediaciĂłn de los avatares de las trayectorias escolares de algunos niños y son complementarias con las prĂĄcticas diversificadas instituidas por el maestro. Varios informes han subrayado que la plaza de dichas RASED dentro de la escuela estĂĄ aĂșn por construir. El objetivo de este artĂ­culo tiende a cuestionar las modalidades de colaboraciĂłn entre los miembros de la red y los docentes no especializados, en relaciĂłn con las representaciones respectivas de los diferentes asociados de la ayuda.Die RASED (Organisationen, die SchĂŒlern mit Schwierigkeiten spezifische Hilfe leisten), die 1990 geschaffen wurden, haben die Aufgabe, die Schwierigkeiten in der schulischen Laufbahn einiger SchĂŒler vorzubeugen und in Zusammenhang mit den unterschiedlichen von Grundschullehrern eingefĂŒhrten Praktiken zu lösen. Verschiedenen Berichten zufolge sei der Platz dieser RASED innerhalb der Schule noch aufzubauen. Dieser Artikel zielt darauf hin, die ModalitĂ€ten der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Mitgliedern der Organisation und nicht spezialisierten Lehrern in Bezug auf die jeweiligen Vorstellungen der verschiedenen Partnern bei der Hilfeleistung in Frage zu stellen

    Interactions entre pairs et apprentissages Ă  l’école maternelle. Le cas du tutorat : intĂ©rĂȘt et limites

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    The purpose of this paper is to question the place and the role of interactions in pre-school learning. We are studying the official instructions from the last thirty years and the research conducted in a Vygostki frame. A special place is granted to the analysis of tutoring which is encouraged in the last official instructions of 2002 between children.L’objectif de cet article vise Ă  s’interroger sur la place et le rĂŽle des interactions dans les apprentissages Ă  l’école maternelle. La rĂ©flexion proposĂ©e s’appuie d’une part sur les instructions officielles des trente derniĂšres annĂ©es et d’autre part sur des travaux de recherche d’inspiration vygotskienne. Une place particuliĂšre est faite Ă  l’analyse du tutorat entre enfants, encouragĂ© dans les derniĂšres instructions officielles de 2002.BERZIN Christine. Interactions entre pairs et apprentissages Ă  l’école maternelle. Le cas du tutorat : intĂ©rĂȘt et limites. In: Spirale. Revue de recherches en Ă©ducation, n°36, 2005. Les apprentissages Ă  l’école maternelle, sous la direction de Guy Legrand et Violette Massiet. pp. 7-15

    Academic help seeking: The case of French lower secondary students

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    L'aménagement des rythmes de vie des enfants et des jeunes (ARVEJ) et son impact sur les acquisitions

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    This study, part of the experimental programme of the TTCA (Timetabling for Children and Adolescents) project, ongoing in Amiens since September 1996, aims to explore the nature of the changes induced in the way the pupils perceive school. These changes are evaluated from the personal appreciations of the pupils analysed in relation to three different angles (the effect on their learning, on interpersonal relations and on personal fulfilment) as well as on the oasis of scholastic achievement itself, as assessed by state examinations. The analyses, giving evidence of great differences between schools, reveal an effective involvement of the pupils in an arrangement experienced as making accessible new knowledge (especially in the mastering of new sporting techniques) and, to a lesser extent, new ways of interrelating without it being possible, for the moment, to find evidence of any effect on the level of scholastic attainment.Cette étude, réalisée dans le cadre de l'expérimentation du dispositif ARVEJ (Aménagement des Rythmes de Vie des Enfants et des Jeunes) menée à Amiens depuis septembre 1996, se propose d'explorer la nature des changements induits dans la maniÚre qu'ont les élÚves de percevoir l'école. Ces changements sont évalués sur la base des appréciations personnelles des élÚves analysées selon trois axes différents (contribution au plan des apprentissages, des relations interpersonnelles et de l'épanouissement personnel) ainsi que sur la base des compétences scolaires proprement dites, en référence aux évaluations nationales. Les analyses, pour lesquelles on relÚve une grande variabilité inter-établissements, dénotent une implication effective des élÚves pour un dispositif vécu comme permettant l'accÚs à de nouveaux savoirs (plus particuliÚrement à la maßtrise de nouvelles techniques sportives) et, dans une moindre mesure, à de nouveaux modes de relations interpersonnelles sans que l'on puisse, pour le moment, relever d'effets au niveau des compétences scolaires effectives.Berzin Christine, Carpentier Claude. L'aménagement des rythmes de vie des enfants et des jeunes (ARVEJ) et son impact sur les acquisitions. In: Revue française de pédagogie, volume 132, 2000. Evaluation, suivi pédagogique et portfolio. pp. 79-89

    Monitoring the Diameter Changes of Flax Fibre Elements during Twin Screw Extrusion Using X-Ray Computed Micro-Tomography

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    Fiber size aspect ratio is known to impact the mechanical and reinforcement properties of natural fiber-based composites. However, the representation of fiber diameter change occurring during the extrusion process is controversial compared to the length. Fiber elements undergo multidirectional stresses and complex interactions within the extruder, leading to their breakage, which consequently may modulate their reinforcing properties. To better understand these mechanisms, short fiber reinforced polymer composites were prepared from flax fibers and polypropylene matrix (PP) by melt mixing. Five sampling zones were selected along the screws, both in screw conveying elements and inside blocks of kneading discs. X-ray computed micro-tomography, and 3D images analysis were then used for monitoring sample diameter distributions along the screw profile, according to specific twin-screw compounding conditions. The effects of the considered processing condition on fiber bundle diameters decrease along the screw profile are quantified

    Reliability evaluation of automated analysis, 2D scanner, and micro-tomography methods for measuring fiber dimensions in polymer-lignocellulosic fiber composites

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    International audienceComposite processing strongly affects the size of lignocellulosic fibers, and consequently the mechanical properties of the final product. Using a reliable method for the analysis of fiber length and diameter distributions is thus crucial for the understanding of fiber behavior during processing. In this study, three different techniques, X-ray microtomography, 2D scanning and automated fiber analyzer, were compared in terms of their reliability for the characterization of dimensions of two kinds of lignocellulosic fibers, hemp and miscanthus, in polymer-natural fiber composites. Statistical analysis was employed to interpret fiber size distributions. The study confirmed that interpreting the dimensions of natural fiber is still a difficult task. The inherent limitations of the measuring methods make each technique complementary to the others in terms of length scale. The choice of the technique is, therefore, strictly dependent on fiber dimensions and the aim of the work

    What method to measure natural fiber size distribution in polymer composite? Advantages and limitations of 2D scanner, automated analysis and microtomography

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    The mechanical properties of natural fiber reinforced composites depend on many factors, fiber dimensions being one of the most important. During compounding, fibers’ bundles and elementary fibers are breaking, and quantification of the fragments length, width and aspect ratio is therefore crucial to predict and understand the mechanical properties of a composite. The lack of an international standard for the measurement of the biomass morphology opened the way to the development and the utilization of several different methods. In this work we investigated the advantages and the limitations of three techniques that are commonly employed to measure lignocellulosic fragments’ dimensions, i.e. high resolution 2D scanner, automated dynamic fiber analyzer, and X-ray microtomography. Two types of fibers of different morphology and composition, hemp and miscanthus, are chosen. Composites are prepared by using a laboratory-scale co-rotating twin-screw extruder, at two feed rates and constant screw speed. We show that the analysis of the morphology of lignocellulosic fragments is still complex and does not allow an objective estimation of the sizes. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Overall, the three methods are complementary and the use of each depends on the goal of the work