59 research outputs found

    Spectroscopic study of the benchmark Mn+-H2 complex

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    We have recorded the rotationally resolved infrared spectrum of the weakly bound Mn+-H2 complex in the H-H stretch region (4022-4078 cm(-1)) by monitoring Mn+ photodissociation products. The band center of Mn+-H2, the H-H stretch transition, is shifted by -111.8 cm(-1) from the transition of the free H2 molecule. The spectroscopic data suggest that the Mn+-H2 complex consists of a slightly perturbed H2 molecule attached to the Mn+ ion in a T-shaped configuration with a vibrationally averaged intermolecular separation of 2.73 A. Together with the measured Mn+...H2 binding energy of 7.9 kJ/mol (Weis, P.; et al. J. Phys. Chem. A 1997, 101, 2809.), the spectroscopic parameters establish Mn+-H2 as the most thoroughly characterized transition-metal cation-dihydrogen complex and a benchmark for calibrating quantum chemical calculations on noncovalent systems involving open d-shell configurations. Such systems are of possible importance for hydrogen storage applications

    Wavelength-gated photoreversible polymerization and topology control

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    We exploit the wavelength dependence of [2 + 2] photocycloadditions and-reversions of styrylpyrene to exert unprecedented control over the photoreversible polymerization and topology of telechelic building blocks. Blue light (λmax = 460 nm) initiates a catalyst-free polymerization yielding high molar mass polymers (Mn = 60 000 g mol-1), which are stable at wavelengths exceeding 430 nm, yet highly responsive to shorter wavelengths. UVB irradiation (λmax = 330 nm) induces a rapid depolymerization affording linear oligomers, whereas violet light (λmax = 410 nm) generates cyclic entities. Thus, different colors of light allow switching between a depolymerization that either proceeds through cyclic or linear topologies. The light-controlled topology formation was evidenced by correlation of mass spectrometry (MS) with size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and ion mobility data. Critically, the color-guided topology control was also possible with ambient laboratory light affording cyclic oligomers, while sunlight activated the linear depolymerization pathway. These findings suggest that light not only induces polymerization and depolymerization but that its color can control the topological outcomes.</p

    Preparation of an ion with the highest calculated proton affinity: ortho-diethynylbenzene dianion

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    Owing to the increased proton affinity that results from additional negative charges, multiply-charged anions have been proposed as one route to prepare and access a range of new and powerful superbases . Paradoxically, while the additional electrons in polyanions increase basicity they serve to diminish the electron binding energy and thus, it had been thought, hinder experimental synthesis. We report the synthesis and isolation of the ortho-diethynylbenzene dianion (ortho-DEB2−) and present observations of this novel species undergoing gas-phase proton-abstraction reactions. Using a theoretical model based on Marcus-Hush theory, we attribute the stability of ortho-DEB2− to the presence of a barrier that prevents spontaneous electron detachment. The proton affinity of 1843 kJ mol−1 calculated for this dianion superbase using high-level quantum chemistry calculations significantly exceeds that of the lithium monoxide anion, the most basic system previously prepared. The ortho-diethynylbenzene dianion is therefore the strongest base that has been experimentally observed to date

    Mass spectrometry-directed structure elucidation and total synthesis of ultra-long chain (O-acyl)-ω-hydroxy fatty acids

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    The (O-acyl)-ω-hydroxy FAs (OAHFAs) comprise an unusual lipid subclass present in the skin, vernix caseosa, and meibomian gland secretions. Although they are structurally related to the general class of FA esters of hydroxy FAs (FAHFAs), the ultra-long chain (30-34 carbons) and the putative -substitution of the backbone hydroxy FA suggest that OAHFAs have unique biochemistry. Complete structural elucidation of OAHFAs has been challenging because of their low abundance within complex lipid matrices. Furthermore, because these compounds occur as a mixture of closely related isomers, insufficient spectroscopic data have been obtained to guide structure confirmation by total synthesis. Here, we describe the full molecular structure of ultra-long chain OAHFAs extracted from human meibum by exploiting the gas-phase purification of lipids through multistage MS and novel multidimensional ion activation methods. The analysis elucidated sites of unsaturation, the stereochemical configuration of carbon-carbon double bonds, and ester linkage regiochemistry. Such isomer-resolved MS guided the first total synthesis of an ultra-long chain OAHFA, which, in turn, confirmed the structure of the most abundant OAHFA found in human meibum, OAHFA 50:2. The availability of a synthetic OAHFA opens new territory for future investigations into the unique biophysical and biochemical properties of these lipids

    Ozone-enabled fatty acid discovery reveals unexpected diversity in the human lipidome.

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    Fatty acid isomers are responsible for an under-reported lipidome diversity across all kingdoms of life. Isomers of unsaturated fatty acids are often masked in contemporary analysis by incomplete separation and the absence of sufficiently diagnostic methods for structure elucidation. Here, we introduce a comprehensive workflow, to discover unsaturated fatty acids through coupling liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry with gas-phase ozonolysis of double bonds. The workflow encompasses semi-automated data analysis and enables de novo identification in complex media including human plasma, cancer cell lines and vernix caseosa. The targeted analysis including ozonolysis enables structural assignment over a dynamic range of five orders of magnitude, even in instances of incomplete chromatographic separation. Thereby we expand the number of identified plasma fatty acids two-fold, including non-methylene-interrupted fatty acids. Detection, without prior knowledge, allows discovery of non-canonical double bond positions. Changes in relative isomer abundances reflect underlying perturbations in lipid metabolism

    Infrared spectra of mass-selected Mg+-H2 and Mg +-D2 complexes

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    Rotationally resolved infrared spectra of Mg(+)-H(2) and Mg(+)-D(2) are recorded in the H-H (4025-4080 cm(-1)) and D-D (2895-2945 cm(-1)) stretch regions by monitoring Mg(+) photofragments. The nu(HH) and nu(DD) transitions of Mg(+)-H(2) and Mg(+)-D(2) are red-shifted by 106.2 +/- 1.5 and 76.0 +/- 0.1 cm(-1) respectively from the fundamental vibrational transitions of the free H(2) and D(2) molecules. The spectra are consistent with a T-shaped equilibrium structure in which the Mg(+) ion interacts with a slightly perturbed H(2) or D(2) molecule. From the spectroscopic constants, a vibrationally averaged intermolecular separation of 2.716 A (2.687 A) is deduced for the ground state of Mg(+)-H(2) (Mg(+)-D(2)), decreasing by 0.037 A (0.026 A) when the H(2) (D(2)) subunit is vibrationally excited

    Interactions between the chloride anion and aromatic molecules: infrared spectra of the Cl-_C6H5CH3, Cl-_C6H5NH2 and Cl-_C6H5OH complexes

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    The Cl-−C6H5CH3·Ar, Cl-−C6H5NH2·Ar, and Cl-−C6H5OH·Ar anion complexes are investigated using infrared photodissociation spectroscopy and ab initio calculations at the MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ level. The results indicate that for Cl-−C6H5NH2 and Cl-−C6H5OH, the Cl- anion is attached to the substituent group by a single near-linear hydrogen bond. For Cl-−C6H5CH3, the Cl- is attached to an ortho-hydrogen atom on the aromatic ring and to a hydrogen atom on the methyl group by a weaker hydrogen bond. The principal spectroscopic consequence of the hydrogen-bonding interaction in the three complexes is a red-shift and intensity increase for the CH, NH, and OH stretching modes. Complexities in the infrared spectra in the region of the hydrogen-bonded XH stretch band are associated with Fermi resonances between the hydrogen-stretching vibrational modes and bending overtone and combination levels. There are notable correlations between the vibrational red-shift, the elongation of the H-bonded XH group, and the proton affinity of the aromatic molecule\u27s conjugate base

    Rotationally resolved infrared spectrum of the Na+-D2 complex: an experimental and theoretical study

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    The infrared spectrum of mass-selected Na+-D2 complexes is recorded in the D-D stretch vibration region (2915-2972 cm−1) by detecting Na+ photofragments resulting from photo-excitation of the complexes. Analysis of the rotationally resolved spectrum confirms a T-shaped equilibrium geometry for the complex and a vibrationally averaged intermolecular bond length of 2.461 Å. The D-D stretch band centre occurs at 2944.04 cm−1, representing a −49.6 cm−1 shift from the Q1(0) transition of the free D2 molecule. Variational rovibrational energy level calculations are performed for Na+-D2 utilising an ab initio potential energy surface developed previously for investigating the Na+-H2 complex [B. L. J. Poad et al., J. Chem. Phys. 129, 184306 (2008)]10.1063/1.3005785. The theoretical approach predicts a dissociation energy for Na+-D2 of 923 cm−1 with respect to the Na++ D2 limit, reproduces the experimental rotational constants to within 1-2%, and gives a simulated spectrum closely matching the experimental infrared spectrum

    Experimental evidence for long-range stabilizing and destabilizing interactions between charge and radical sites in distonic ions

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    Polarizable radical sites in distonic radical anions are stabilized by ostensibly remote negative charges. Computational evidence suggests bond dissociation energies of closed-shell precursors are significantly lowered by through-space interactions with a proximate negative charge, however direct experimental confirmation has proved challenging. Herein, we exploit two complementary tandem mass spectrometry strategies to probe the influence of a remote charge on the stability of nitroxyl radicals, and vice versa. Dissociation of negatively charge-tagged alkoxyamines reveals that the energetic onset of radical formation is dependent on the proximity and basicity of the charged group, thus providing direct evidence for a charge-induced stabilization of the nitroxyl radical. Complementary kinetic method experiments on a series of proton-bound dimers demonstrate that the presence of a nitroxyl radical decreases the proton affinity for a selection of proximate ionic groups. These data show excellent agreement with quantum-chemical calculations and provide a general framework to explore the magnitude and direction of charge-radical interactions through systematic exploration of the identity, polarity and the proximity of the ion to the radical site. These findings expand our fundamental understanding of radical ion energetics that underpin the application of distonic ions as models for neutral radical reactivity, and open new avenues for exploiting these interactions as chemical switches