47 research outputs found

    Mouse-tracking reveals cognitive conflict during negative impression formation in women with Borderline Personality Disorder or Social Anxiety Disorder

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    Individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) or Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) suffer from substantial interpersonal dysfunction and have difficulties establishing social bonds. A tendency to form negative first impressions of others could contribute to this by way of reducing approach behavior. We tested whether women with BPD or SAD would show negative impression formation compared to healthy women (HCs). We employed the Thin Slices paradigm and showed videos of 52 authentic target participants to 32 women with BPD, 29 women with SAD, and 37 HCs. We asked participants to evaluate whether different positive or negative adjectives described targets and expected BPD raters to provide the most negative ratings, followed by SAD and HC. BPD and SAD raters both agreed with negative adjectives more often than HCs (e.g., 'Yes, the person is greedy'), and BPD raters rejected positive adjectives more often (e.g., 'No, the person is not humble.'). However, BPD and SAD raters did not differ significantly from each other. Additionally, we used the novel process tracing method mouse-tracking to assess the cognitive conflict (via trajectory deviations) raters experienced during decision-making. We hypothesized that HCs would experience more conflict when making unfavorable (versus favorable) evaluations and that this pattern would flip in BPD and SAD. We quantified cognitive conflict via maximum absolute deviations (MADs) of the mouse-trajectories. As hypothesized, HCs showed more conflict when rejecting versus agreeing with positive adjectives. The pattern did not flip in BPD and SAD but was substantially reduced, such that BPD and SAD showed similar levels of conflict when rejecting and agreeing with positive adjectives. Contrary to the hypothesis for BPD and SAD, all three groups experienced substantial conflict when agreeing with negative adjectives. We discuss therapeutic implications of the combined choice and mouse-tracking results

    A Rat Model of Human Lipid Emulsion Digestion

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    A better understanding of how dietary lipids are processed by the human body is necessary to allow for the control of satiation and energy intake by tailored lipid systems. To examine whether rats are a valid model of human dietary lipid processing and therefore useful for further mechanistic studies in this context, we tested in rats three lipid emulsions of different stability, which alter satiety responses in humans. Different sets of 15 adult male Sprague Dawley rats, equipped with gastric catheters alone or combined with hepatic portal vein (HPV) and vena cava (VC) catheters were maintained on a medium-fat diet and adapted to an 8 h deprivation/16 h feeding schedule. Experiments were performed in a randomized cross-over study design. After gastric infusion of the lipid emulsions, we assessed gastric emptying by the paracetamol absorption test and recorded in separate experiments food intake and plasma levels of gastrointestinal hormones and metabolites in the HPV. For an acid stable emulsion, slower gastric emptying and an enhanced release of satiating gastrointestinal (GI) hormones were observed and were associated with lower short-term energy intake in rats and less hunger in humans, respectively. The magnitude of hormonal responses was related to the acid stability and redispersibility of the emulsions and thus seems to depend on the availability of lipids for digestion. Plasma metabolite levels were unaffected by the emulsion induced changes in lipolysis. The results support that structured lipid systems are digested similarly in rats and humans. Thus unstable emulsions undergo the same intragastric destabilization in both species, i.e., increased droplet size and creaming. This work establishes the rat as a viable animal model for in vivo studies on the control of satiation and energy intake by tailored lipid systems

    Determination of the Effective Viscosity of Non-newtonian Fluids Flowing Through Porous Media

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    When non-Newtonian fluids flow through porous media, the topology of the pore space leads to a broad range of flow velocities and shear rates. Consequently, the local viscosity of the fluid also varies in space with a non-linear dependence on the Darcy velocity. Therefore, an effective viscosity μeff is usually used to describe the flow at the Darcy scale. For most non-Newtonian flows the rheology of the fluid can be described by a (non linear) function of the shear rate. Current approaches estimate the effective viscosity by first calculating an effective shear rate mainly by adopting a power-law model for the rheology and including an empirical correction factor. In a second step this averaged shear rate is used together with the real rheology of the fluid to calculate μeff. In this work, we derive a semi-analytical expression for the local viscosity profile using a Carreau type fluid, which is a more broadly applicable model than the power-law model. By solving the flow equations in a circular cross section of a capillary we are able to calculate the average viscous resistance 〈μ〉 directly as a spatial average of the local viscosity. This approach circumvents the use of classical capillary bundle models and allows to upscale the viscosity distribution in a pore with a mean pore size to the Darcy scale. Different from commonly used capillary bundle models, the presented approach does neither require tortuosity nor permeability as input parameters. Consequently, our model only uses the characteristic length scale of the porous media and does not require empirical coefficients. The comparison of the proposed model with flow cell experiments conducted in a packed bed of monodisperse spherical beads shows, that our approach performs well by only using the physical rheology of the fluid, the porosity and the estimated mean pore size, without the need to determine an effective shear rate. The good agreement of our model with flow experiments and existing models suggests that the mean viscosity 〈μ〉 is a good estimate for the effective Darcy viscosity μeff providing physical insight into upscaling of non-Newtonian flows in porous media

    Overview of grapevine trunk diseases in France in the 2000s

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    The National Grapevine Trunk Disease Survey was conducted in France from 2003 to 2008 to monitor grapevine trunk diseases (GTDs), eutypa dieback and esca/black dead arm (BDA). Data collected from seven regions, 329 vineyards and 12 cultivars were analysed. There were great variations amongst regions in the incidence of GTDs. For esca/BDA, two groups were distinguished: vineyards in Jura and Charentes had greater incidence (93–95%) than those of Bordeaux, Alsace and Bourgogne (54–82%). Incidence increased in Charentes over the 6-year survey, with the highest values being recorded during the last 2 years. For eutypa dieback, all vineyards of Charentes were affected, with 17 to 25% of vines expressing symptoms; for the other regions, 52 to 80% of vineyards were affected, with incidences below 3%. Cultivars Savagnin and Trousseau in Jura were especially affected by esca/BDA. Instead, Ugni Blanc in Charentes was most affected by eutypa dieback. One cultivar could be significantly more affected in one region than in another. The global health status of the vineyards was also investigated. (i) For four regions, 82% (Jura) to 87% (Alsace) of the grapevines were healthy, but this percentage decreased steadily (67%) in Charentes. (ii) Plants infected by GTDs were 32 and 18% in Jura and Charentes respectively, and only 2.9% in the Bourgogne region. (iii) The unproductive plants, i.e. dead, missing, replanted or restored, represented a significant part of the losses (6.6% in Charentes to 9.9% in Jura). The extension of GTDs is discussed with regard to the abiotic and biotic factors that may favour the diseases

    Overview of grapevine trunk diseases in France in the 2000s

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    The National Grapevine Trunk Disease Survey was conducted in France from 2003 to 2008 to monitor grapevine trunk diseases (GTDs), eutypa dieback and esca/black dead arm (BDA). Data collected from seven regions, 329 vineyards and 12 cultivars were analysed. There were great variations amongst regions in the incidence of GTDs. For esca/BDA, two groups were distinguished: vineyards in Jura and Charentes had greater incidence (93–95%) than those of Bordeaux, Alsace and Bourgogne (54–82%). Incidence increased in Charentes over the 6-year survey, with the highest values being recorded during the last 2 years. For eutypa dieback, all vineyards of Charentes were affected, with 17 to 25% of vines expressing symptoms; for the other regions, 52 to 80% of vineyards were affected, with incidences below 3%. Cultivars Savagnin and Trousseau in Jura were especially affected by esca/BDA. Instead, Ugni Blanc in Charentes was most affected by eutypa dieback. One cultivar could be significantly more affected in one region than in another. The global health status of the vineyards was also investigated. (i) For four regions, 82% (Jura) to 87% (Alsace) of the grapevines were healthy, but this percentage decreased steadily (67%) in Charentes. (ii) Plants infected by GTDs were 32 and 18% in Jura and Charentes respectively, and only 2.9% in the Bourgogne region. (iii) The unproductive plants, i.e. dead, missing, replanted or restored, represented a significant part of the losses (6.6% in Charentes to 9.9% in Jura). The extension of GTDs is discussed with regard to the abiotic and biotic factors that may favour the diseases

    Self-Assembly and Aggregation of Nanocelluloses into Functional 3D Soft Materials and at 2D Fluid Interfaces

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    Nanocelluloses (NCs) have emerged throughout soft materials sciences as a green building block for the bottom-up design of functional materials. This thesis addresses the self-assembly and aggregation of NCs into (I) 3D soft materials and (II) at 2D fluid interfaces to foster the understanding of NC colloidal behavior and facilitate this bottom-up approach. In part (I) optical, mechanical, and structural analyses are combined to map the phase behavior of cellulose nanocrystal (CNC) aqueous dispersions. CNCs undergo a transition from isotropic dispersion to cholesteric liquid crystals at increasing volume fraction. Ion-induced charge screening initially decreases the cholesteric volume fraction, but induces the arrest of CNCs into attractive glasses beyond a critical ionic strength. CNC attractive glasses have received little attention, but may be of great interest as they exhibit gel-like mechanical properties while remaining optically active owed to entrapped nematic domains. At higher ionic strength CNCs aggregate into hydrogels. Using four salts with different size and valency, it was confirmed that gelation derives entirely from CNC attractive forces, refuting previous speculations of ionic bridging. Ultimately, the hydrogels were demonstrated to qualify as injectable biocompatible drug carriers for sustained and pH-responsive drug delivery. NCs have been widely used for the stabilization of biocompatible Pickering emulsions in the past decade, however, their behavior at fluid interfaces remained poorly understood. In part (II), the first ever protocol for the formation of NC interfacial films is presented. This provided insights into NC adsorption kinetics, isotherms, and energy by dynamic surface tension measurements, as well as enabling the analysis of NC interfacial structure and coverage by reflectivity and film displacement techniques. NC adsorption is limited by its surface charge, and is promoted at lower charge density or by salt-induced charge screening. NCs orient laterally in the interfacial plane and form discontinuous monolayers. The inability of NCs to stabilize foams, an ongoing enigma in the field, could be attributed to an energetically more favorable contact angle at oil-water compared to air-water interfaces. Adsorption experiments at different oils revealed that NC adsorption is less stable at oils with increasing polarity, which in turn impedes emulsion stability. These insights provide the long-missed fundamental understanding of NC adsorption at fluid interfaces, and will facilitate the formulation of NC Pickering emulsions in the future

    Adsorption and interfacial structure of nanocelluloses at fluid interfaces

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    Nanocelluloses (NCs), more specifically cellulose nanocrystals and nanofibrils, are a green alternative for the stabilization of fluid interfaces. The adsorption of NCs at oil-water interfaces facilitates the formation of stable and biocompatible Pickering emulsions. In contrast, unmodified NCs are not able to stabilize foams. As a consequence, NCs are often hydrophobized by covalent modifications or adsorption of surfactants, allowing also the stabilization of foams or functional inverse, double, and stimuli-responsive emulsions. Although the interfacial stabilization by NCs is readily exploited, the driving force of adsorption and stabilization mechanisms remained long unclear. Here, we summarize the recent advances in the understanding of NC adsorption regarding kinetics, isotherms, and energetic aspects, as well as their interfacial structure, surface coverage, and contact angle. We thereby distinguish unmodified NCs, covalently modified NCs, and surfactant enhanced adsorption.ISSN:0001-8686ISSN:1873-372

    Interfacial Rheology of Charged Anisotropic Cellulose Nanocrystals at the Air-Water Interface

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    Cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) have received attention as a biological alternative for the stabilization of fluid interfaces, yielding biocompatible and sustainable emulsions, foams, and aerogels. The interfacial behavior of nanoparticles with shape anisotropy and surface charge like CNCs is still poorly understood, although it ultimately dictates the mechanical properties and stability of the macroscopic colloidal material. Here, we report on the linear and nonlinear interfacial dilatational and shear rheology of CNCs at the air–water interface. We observed the formation of viscoelastic CNC layers at comparably low surface coverage, which was attributed to the shape anisotropy of CNCs. Further, the interfacial elasticity of CNC layers can be modulated by salt-induced charge screening, thereby shifting the interplay of repulsive and attractive CNC interactions. CNC layers had a viscous character without salt, followed by increasing viscoelasticity upon salt addition. CNC layers display strain hardening during compression and show a yield stress followed by flow under shear. The observed interfacial behavior is discussed in the context of CNC-stabilized foam and emulsion properties. We conclude that understanding the CNC interfacial behavior may help improve the performance of CNC-stabilized colloidal materials.ISSN:0743-7463ISSN:1520-582