410 research outputs found

    Lyon 1er – 17 rue Burdeau

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    Identifiant de l'opération archéologique : 229665 Date de l'opération : 2007 (SD) Des sondages ont permis une étude en plan du bâti contemporain qui a progressivement colonisé les terrains cédés par les pères de l’Oratoire entre la rue des Tables-Claudiennes et la rue Burdeau. Au début du XIXe s., une cour en galets « tête de chat » formait alors un espace à ciel ouvert au sein de la trame serrée des immeubles. Aux Temps Modernes (XVIIe s.-XVIIIe s.), le site est en pied de balme, voué à la c..

    Using Local Search to Find \MSSes and MUSes

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    International audienceIn this paper, a new complete technique to compute Maximal Satisfiable Subsets (MSSes) and Minimally Unsatisfiable Subformulas (MUSes) of sets of Boolean clauses is introduced. The approach improves the currently most efficient complete technique in several ways. It makes use of the powerful concept of critical clause and of a computationally inexpensive local search oracle to boost an exhaustive algorithm proposed by Liffiton and Sakallah. These features can allow exponential efficiency gains to be obtained. Accordingly, experimental studies show that this new approach outperforms the best current existing exhaustive ones

    L’extrémité de la presqu’île lyonnaise dans l’Antiquité : indices archéologiques et céramologiques de l’activité d’un quartier fluvial

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    Plusieurs fouilles récentes menées sur l’extrémité méridionale de la presqu’île historique de la ville de Lyon apportent des données nouvelles sur la nature de l’occupation de cette partie de l’agglomération antique. Les vestiges mis au jour et les études céramologiques associées réunissent de nouveaux arguments pour caractériser plus précisément l’activité commerciale et résidentielle de ce quartier. Ces éléments directs et indirects éclairent la façon dont la ville a su se protéger et s’accommoder d’un paysage fluvial à la fois menaçant pour son extension et favorable aux échanges économiques.Several recent excavations at the southern tip of the historic peninsula of the city of Lyon contribute new data on the nature of the occupation of this part of the Antique agglomeration. The remains discovered, and the associated ceramic analyses, enable a more precise characterization of the trade and residential activities of this quarter. These direct and indirect elements shed light on the manner in which the city accommodated and protected itself from a river landscape that was both threatening due to its extension and favorable due to the economic trade it enabled.Mehrere kürzlich im äußersten Süden der historischen Halbinsel Lyons durchgeführte Ausgrabungen liefern neue Informationen zur Besiedlung dieses Teils der antiken Ortschaft. Die archäologischen Befunde und Keramikstudien ermöglichen es, die unterschiedlichen Aktivitäten in den Bereichen Handel und Siedlungswesen besser zu verstehen. Diese direkten und indirekten Informationen lassen erkennen, wie die damaligen Bewohner der Stadt eine Flusslandschaft nutzten, die einerseits die Ausdehnung des Siedlungsraumes bedrohte und andererseits die Handelsbeziehungen begünstigte


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    Identifiant de l'opération archéologique : 9798 Date de l'opération : 2008 (SP) Une découverte fortuite réalisée dans le cadre de travaux de terrassement entrepris devant la place  a permis la localisation d'un ensemble de murs antiques contemporains appartenant probablement à un même édifice. Un premier mur, orienté est-ouest, engagé en bordure de l'excavation, montrait une partie de son parement sur plus d'un mètre de hauteur. Dans une coupe sud-ouest - nord-est dans le terrain, émergeaient..

    A CSP solver focusing on FAC variables

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    International audienceThe contribution of this paper is twofold. On the one hand, it introduces a concept of FAC variables in discrete Constraint Satisfaction Prob- lems (CSPs). FAC variables can be discovered by local search techniques and powerfully exploited by MAC-based methods. On the other hand, a novel syn- ergetic combination schema between local search paradigms, generalized arc- consistency and MAC-based algorithms is presented. By orchestrating a multiple- way flow of information between these various fully integrated search compo- nents, it often proves more competitive than the usual techniques on most classes of instances

    Preserving Partial Solutions while Relaxing Constraint Networks

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    International audienceThis paper is about transforming constraint net- works to accommodate additional constraints in specific ways. The focus is on two intertwined issues. First, we investigate how partial solutions to an initial network can be preserved from the potential impact of additional constraints. Second, we study how more permissive constraints, which are intended to enlarge the set of solutions, can be accommodated in a constraint network. These two problems are studied in the general case and the light is shed on their relationship. A case study is then investigated where a more permissive additional constraint is taken into account through a form of network relaxation, while some previous partial solutions are preserved at the same time


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    International audienceThis paper is concerned with a form of relaxation of constraint networks. The focus is on situations where additional constraints are intended to extend a non- empty set of preexisting solutions. These constraints require a speci c treatment since merely inserting them inside the network would lead to their preemption by more restrictive ones. Several approaches to handle these additional constraints are investigated from con- ceptual and experimental points of view

    Economic Orientation and Local Employment Growth in the Living Basins of Market Towns and Small Cities,

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    An analysis of the way in which the main economic activities combine locally highlights the growing presence in rural employment of economic activities designed to satisfy the needs of local people, activities which constitute the basis of a residential economy. Agriculture and the sectors directly linked to it are now relatively insignificant and have been overtaken by the industrial sectors. Thus, while in 1980 only a third of the living basins centred around a market town or small city had more residential jobs than agricultural and industrial jobs, in 1999 more than half were in this position. During the period, basins with a residential economy experienced more favourable economic development than basins with a more industrial or agricultural character. Furthermore, all other things being equal, employment growth was more marked in basins close to large urban centres, the local demographic dynamic having a positive influence on the development of economic activity.Industry Location, Local Employment Dynamics, Rural Development
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