523 research outputs found

    No-Free-Lunch Theorems in the continuum

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    No-Free-Lunch Theorems state, roughly speaking, that the performance of all search algorithms is the same when averaged over all possible objective functions. This fact was precisely formulated for the first time in a now famous paper by Wolpert and Macready, and then subsequently refined and extended by several authors, always in the context of a set of functions with discrete domain and codomain. Recently, Auger and Teytaud have shown that for continuum domains there is typically no No-Free-Lunch theorems. In this paper we provide another approach, which is simpler, requires less assumptions, relates the discrete and continuum cases, and that we believe that clarifies the role of the cardinality and structure of the domain

    Leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) for Process Mining (Technical Report)

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    This technical report describes the intersection of process mining and large language models (LLMs), specifically focusing on the abstraction of traditional and object-centric process mining artifacts into textual format. We introduce and explore various prompting strategies: direct answering, where the large language model directly addresses user queries; multi-prompt answering, which allows the model to incrementally build on the knowledge obtained through a series of prompts; and the generation of database queries, facilitating the validation of hypotheses against the original event log. Our assessment considers two large language models, GPT-4 and Google's Bard, under various contextual scenarios across all prompting strategies. Results indicate that these models exhibit a robust understanding of key process mining abstractions, with notable proficiency in interpreting both declarative and procedural process models. In addition, we find that both models demonstrate strong performance in the object-centric setting, which could significantly propel the advancement of the object-centric process mining discipline. Additionally, these models display a noteworthy capacity to evaluate various concepts of fairness in process mining. This opens the door to more rapid and efficient assessments of the fairness of process mining event logs, which has significant implications for the field. The integration of these large language models into process mining applications may open new avenues for exploration, innovation, and insight generation in the field

    OC-PM: Analyzing Object-Centric Event Logs and Process Models

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    Object-centric process mining is a novel branch of process mining that aims to analyze event data from mainstream information systems (such as SAP) more naturally, without being forced to form mutually exclusive groups of events with the specification of a case notion. The development of object-centric process mining is related to exploiting object-centric event logs, which includes exploring and filtering the behavior contained in the logs and constructing process models which can encode the behavior of different classes of objects and their interactions (which can be discovered from object-centric event logs). This paper aims to provide a broad look at the exploration and processing of object-centric event logs to discover information related to the lifecycle of the different objects composing the event log. Also, comprehensive tool support (OC-PM) implementing the proposed techniques is described in the paper

    La valutazione del merito di credito in tempi di crisi

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    L’insorgere delle difficoltà legate alla crisi nell’ambito del rapporto banca-impresa è ben sottolineato dalla grande importanza assunta dal tema dei non performing loans,sia nel dibattito accademico, sia per quanto riguarda le policiesda adottare. Poca importanza, viceversa, è stata assegnata, con un atteggiamento di generale scontatezza e sufficienza, al tema di come prevenire il deteriorarsi del credito, selezionando in maniera adeguata buoni e cattivi prenditori, eseguendo con maggiore professionalità l’attività di screeningsenza delegare al monitoringsuccessivo l’attività di default detection.Grande importanza assumono le innovazioni apportate dal regolatore in via amministrativa, (circ.285  Banca d’Italia, 2013) che ha rivoluzionato, in senso prescrittivo ma sostanziale, il processo del credito adottato dagli intermediari creditizi italiani.Alla luce di tali considerazioni ci si è interrogati, nell’ambito del presente lavoro, sia sulle performancemostrate dalle Pmi, sia sulle modalità di valutazione del merito di credito. Non sembrano dissipati gli equivoci riguardo all’uso dei modelli di rating, che possono in alcun modo sostituirsi all’analisi fondamentale per la corretta valutazione di natura, qualità e durata del fabbisogno finanziario d’impresa.Obiettivo del lavoro è stato quello di verificare la capacità predittiva degli indicatori di analisi fondamentale sviluppando un modello di credit scoringutile in termini di analisi discriminante e in grado di identificare ex-ante e con sufficiente tempestività l’insorgere del rischio di insolvenza.La ricerca empirica effettuata su un campione di oltre 1000 Pmi italiane ha permesso di validare la metodologia di scoringproposta di analisi di bilancio, evidenziando l’importanza delle sintesi effettuata dal valutatore bancario in termini dei risultati ottenuti.Infine, le variabili del modello che hanno mostrato maggiore capacità predittiva sono di tipo reddituale e non finanziario: si ritiene che tale evidenza conduca necessariamente a ripensare le policiesdi sostegno alle PMI, basate esclusivamente, durante la crisi, su misure di forbearanceanziché su incentivi a investire per migliorare la redditività.
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