360 research outputs found

    Orbital Decay of the PSR J0045-7319/B Star Binary System: Age of Radio Pulsar and Initial Spin of Neutron Star

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    Recent timing observations of PSR J0045-7319 reveal that the neutron star/B star binary orbit is decaying on a time scale of |\Porb/\dot\Porb|=0.5 Myr, shorter than the characteristic age (τc=3\tau_c=3 Myr) of the pulsar (Kaspi et al.~1996a). We study mechanisms for the orbital decay. The standard weak friction theory based on static tide requires far too short a viscous time to explain the observed \dot\Porb. We show that dynamical tidal excitation of g-modes in the B star can be responsible for the orbital decay. However, to explain the observed short decay timescale, the B star must have some significant retrograde rotation with respect to the orbit --- The retrograde rotation brings lower-order g-modes, which couple much more strongly to the tidal potential, into closer ``resonances'' with the orbital motion, thus significantly enhancing the dynamical tide. A much less likely possibility is that the g-mode damping time is much shorter than the ordinary radiative damping time. The observed orbital decay timescale combined with a generic orbital evolution model based on dynamical tide can be used as a ``timer'', giving an upper limit of 1.41.4 Myr for the age of the binary system since the neutron star formation. Thus the characteristic age of the pulsar is not a good age indicator. Assuming standard magnetic dipole braking for the pulsar and no significant magnetic field decay on a timescale \lo 1 Myr, the upper limit for the age implies that the initial spin of the neutron star at birth was close to its current value.Comment: AASTeX, 9 pages, 3 ps figures. ApJ Letters, in pres

    Calibrations of alpha Cen A & B

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    Detailed evolutionary models of the visual binary alpha Centauri, including pre main-sequence evolution, have been performed using the masses recently determined by Pourbaix et al. (1999). Models have been constructed using the CEFF equation of state, OPAL opacities, NACRE thermonuclear reaction rates and microscopic diffusion. A chi^2-minimization is performed to derive the most reliable set of modeling parameters wp={t_alpha Cen, Yi, [Fe/H]i, alpha A, alpha B}, where t alpha Cen is the age of the system, Yi the initial helium content, [Fe/H]i the initial metallicity and, alpha A and alpha B the convection parameters of the two components. Using the basic Bohm-Vitense (1958) mixing-length theory of convection, we derive wp BV={2710 Myr, 0.284,0.257, 1.53, 1.57}. We obtain a noticeably smaller age than estimated previously, in agreement with Pourbaix et al. (1999), mainly because of the larger masses. If convective core overshoot is considered we get wp ov={3530 Myr, 0.279,0.264,1.64,1.66}. The use of Canuto & Mazitelli (1991, 1992) convection theory leads to the set wp CM={4086 Myr, 0.271, 0.264, 0.964, 0.986}. Using the observational constraints adopted by Guenther & Demarque (2000), and the basic mixing-length theory, we obtain wp GD={5640 Myr, 0.300, 0.296, 1.86, 1.97} and surface lithium depletions close to their observed values. A seismological analysis of our calibrated models has been performed. The determination of large and small spacings between the frequencies of acoustic oscillations from seismic observations would help to discriminate between the models of alpha Cen computed with different masses and to confirm or rules out the new determination of masses.Comment: accepted for publication by A&

    Asteroseismology and calibration of alpha Cen binary system

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    Using the oscillation frequencies of alpha Cen A recently discovered by Bouchy & Carrier, the available astrometric, photometric and spectroscopic data, we tried to improve the calibration of the visual binary system alpha Cen. With the revisited masses of Pourbaix et al. (2002) we do not succeed to obtain a solution satisfying all the seismic observational constraints. Relaxing the constraints on the masses, we have found an age t_alpha Cen=4850+-500 Myr, an initial helium mass fraction Y_i = 0.300+-0.008, and an initial metallicity (Z/X)_i=0.0459+-0.0019, with M_A=1.100+-0.006M_o and M_B=0.907+-0.006M_o for alpha Cen A&B.Comment: accepted for publication as a letter in A&