350 research outputs found

    Incubation under fluctuating light conditions provides values much closer to real <i>in situ</i> primary production

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    Comparison of measured primary production, by radioactive carbonate incorporation or oxygen production, with diel variations of oxygen, inorganic carbon and particulate carbon, shows that the net in situ production often exceeds the measured activity, especially in deeper marine ecosystems. In vitro incubations under fluctuating light conditions provide higher values of primary production at low light intensities, both with cultures and with natural populations. The same results are obtained with in situ incubations, by varying the depth of incubation. This method allows reevaluation of primary productivity at low light intensities and provides results in agreement with the in situ variations of oxygen, inorganic carbon and particulate carbon. It can explain why primary productivity in the ocean is higher than previously calculated

    Efficient decomposition of unitary matrices in quantum circuit compilers

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    Unitary decomposition is a widely used method to map quantum algorithms to an arbitrary set of quantum gates. Efficient implementation of this decomposition allows for translation of bigger unitary gates into elementary quantum operations, which is key to executing these algorithms on existing quantum computers. The decomposition can be used as an aggressive optimization method for the whole circuit, as well as to test part of an algorithm on a quantum accelerator. For selection and implementation of the decomposition algorithm, perfect qubits are assumed. We base our decomposition technique on Quantum Shannon Decomposition which generates O((3/4)*4^n) controlled-not gates for an n-qubit input gate. The resulting circuits are up to 10 times shorter than other methods in the field. When comparing our implementation to Qubiter, we show that our implementation generates circuits with half the number of CNOT gates and a third of the total circuit length. In addition to that, it is also up to 10 times as fast. Further optimizations are proposed to take advantage of potential underlying structure in the input or intermediate matrices, as well as to minimize the execution time of the decomposition.Comment: 13 page

    Droplet Microarray Based Screening Identifies Proteins for Maintaining Pluripotency of hiPSCs

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    Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) are crucial for disease modeling, drug discovery, and personalized medicine. Animal-derived materials hinderapplications of hiPSCs in medical fields. Thus, novel and well-defined substrate coatings capable of maintaining hiPSC pluripotency are important for advancing biomedical applications of hiPSCs. Here a miniaturized droplet microarray (DMA) platform to investigate 11 well-defined proteins, their 55 binary and 165 ternary combinations for their ability to maintainpluripotency of hiPSCs when applied as a surface coating, is used. Using this screening approach, ten protein group coatings are identified, which promote significantly higher NANOG expression of hiPSCs in comparison with Matrigel coating. With two of the identified coatings, long-term pluripotency maintenance of hiPSCs and subsequent differentiation into three germ layers are achieved. Compared with conventional high-throughput screening (HTS) in 96-well plates, the DMA platform uses only 83 µL of protein solution (0.83 µg total protein) and only ≈2.8 × 105^5 cells, decreasing the amount of proteins and cells ≈860 and 25-fold, respectively. The identified proteins will be essential for research and applications using hiPSCs, while the DMA platform demonstrates great potential for miniaturized HTS of scarce cells or expensive materials such as recombinant proteins

    An Experimental Microarchitecture for a Superconducting Quantum Processor

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    Quantum computers promise to solve certain problems that are intractable for classical computers, such as factoring large numbers and simulating quantum systems. To date, research in quantum computer engineering has focused primarily at opposite ends of the required system stack: devising high-level programming languages and compilers to describe and optimize quantum algorithms, and building reliable low-level quantum hardware. Relatively little attention has been given to using the compiler output to fully control the operations on experimental quantum processors. Bridging this gap, we propose and build a prototype of a flexible control microarchitecture supporting quantum-classical mixed code for a superconducting quantum processor. The microarchitecture is based on three core elements: (i) a codeword-based event control scheme, (ii) queue-based precise event timing control, and (iii) a flexible multilevel instruction decoding mechanism for control. We design a set of quantum microinstructions that allows flexible control of quantum operations with precise timing. We demonstrate the microarchitecture and microinstruction set by performing a standard gate-characterization experiment on a transmon qubit.Comment: 13 pages including reference. 9 figure

    Conquering the Solar System with CubeSat Technology – First Results of CubeSat Hardware Beyond Low Earth Orbit

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    This paper sets out to show the in-flight results of The Netherlands-China Low-Frequency Explorer (NCLE) – one of the first times CubeSat hardware has left low Earth Orbit. The Netherlands-China Low-Frequency Explorer (NCLE), is a low-frequency payload which is part of the Chinese Chang’e 4 mission. The NCLE instrument consists of three 5-meter long monopole antennas mounted on the Queqiao satellite and will be measuring in the 80 kHz - 80 MHz radio frequency range. The instrument is designed to address a multitude of high-profile science cases, but predominantly NCLE will open up the low-frequency regime for radio astronomy and will prepare for the ground-breaking observations of the 21-cm line emission from the Dark Ages and the Cosmic Dawn, considered to be the holy grail of cosmology. The design of the instrument began in May 2016, with a launch scheduled May 2018. This left only 2 years to develop, build and test the instrument. Given the short development time the design is based on COTS and space qualified components as much as possible, and a design and model philosophy common to nano-satellites was adopted. Even so, special care had to be taken as one of the main challenges of this mission is EMC. This is an area which is only marginally considered during a typical CubeSat project and required a different approach. Following the delivery in March 2018, less than 2 years after the project started, the instruments was successful launched in the 21st of May 2018 and saw its first return of telemetry January 2019. In this paper, the design of the instrument will be covered, as well as the first in flight results which were obtained. These results indicate NCLE is performing admirably after having spent over a year in interplanetary space. The NCLE instrument represents one of the first times the CubeSat methodology and hardware left Low Earth Orbit. This, together with the strict EMC requirements have resulted in CubeSat hardware which can be used in future interplanetary missions. The promising results give strong confidence in the technology and enables new mission opportunities which could not be served by CubeSats in the past. This will fuel the next phase of the CubeSat revolution where they will venture out into interplanetary space in support of bigger missions
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