4 research outputs found
- Author
- Publication venue
- Seismological Society of Japan
- Publication date
- 01/01/1889
- Field of study
- Author
- Publication venue
- 地震学会
- Publication date
- Field of study
Wie funktionierte das Perpetuum mobile des Petrus Peregrinus?
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Magnets and garlic: an enduring antipathy in early-modern science
- Author
- Accordi Bruno.
- Adams Frank Dawson.
- Adamson Melitta Weiss.
- Agricola Georg.
- Agricola Georg.
- Agricola Georgius.
- Ainsworth Peter.
- Albertus Magnus
- Alcázar Luis.
- Aldrovandi Ulisse.
- Alois.
- Angeli Alessandro degli.
- Averroes
- Baldini Ugo
- Balmer Heinz.
- Bartholomaeus Anglicus
- Beck Roger.
- Benjamin Park.
- Bertelli Timoteo.
- Berthelot Marcellin
- Blair Ann.
- Browne Thomas.
- Bruno Giordano.
- Buonamici Francesco
- Campanella Tommaso.
- Campanella Tommaso.
- Campanella Tommaso.
- Cardano Gerolamo
- Cardano Girolamo.
- Cardano Girolamo.
- Cesi Bernardo.
- Colonna Francesco.
- Conte Gian Biagio.
- de Boodt Anselmus.
- de Vicentini Alessandro.
- Draelants Isabelle.
- Durante Castore.
- Eck Johannes
- Ens Caspar.
- Ens Caspar.
- Entzelt Christoph.
- Erastus Thomas.
- Fernel Jean.
- Forbes Robert James.
- Foucault Michel.
- French Roger K.
- Garzoni Leonardo.
- Gemoll Wilhelm
- Georgius Pachymeres
- Georgius Pachymeres and Aristotle
- Gesztelyi Tamás.
- Giacone Franco
- Gilbert William.
- Goldschmid Andreas.
- Gunther R. T.
- Hanow Michael Christoph
- Healy John F.
- Hesse Mary B.
- Hesse Mary B.
- Huchon Mireille.
- Jacopo da Forlì
- Jammer Max.
- John Lydus
- John Lydus
- John Lydus
- Jones Christopher Prestige.
- Keller Johannes.
- Klaproth Julius Heinrich.
- Knox Dilwyn.
- Krafft Fritz.
- Krause Johann Heinrich.
- Leemans Pieter de
- Lemaire Nicolas-Éloi.
- Lemnius Levinus.
- Lemnius Levinus.
- Libavius Andreas.
- Loesche Georg.
- Láng Benedek.
- Maas Michael.
- Magnus Albertus
- Maire Joannes.
- Majrīṭī Maslamah ibn Aḥmad.
- Majrīṭī Maslamah ibn Aḥmad.
- Marbodus Redonensis
- Marini Gaetano
- Mathesius Johann.
- Mathesius Johannes.
- Mattioli Pietro Andrea
- Mattioli Pietro Andrea
- McMahon John M.
- McVaugh Michael R.
- Menochio Giovanni Stefano.
- Menz Simon.
- Mercati Michele.
- Mersenne Marin.
- Midgley Robert.
- Migdał Justyna.
- Mizauld Antoine.
- Mizauld Antoine.
- Mizauld Antoine.
- Mizauld Antoine.
- Montanus Johannes Baptista.
- Mossmayr Aegidius.
- Mylius Martin.
- Novarini Luigi.
- Novarini Luigi.
- Oder Eugen.
- Ohly Friedrich.
- Pezel Christoph
- Pietro d’Abano
- Pinder Moritz Eduard.
- Pliny the Elder
- Pliny the Elder
- Pliny the Elder
- Pliny the Elder
- Pliny the Elder
- Pliny the Elder
- Pliny the Elder
- Plutarch
- Plutarch
- Ponzetta Ferdinando.
- Porta Giambattista della.
- Porta Giambattista della.
- Porta Giambattista della.
- Porta Giambattista della.
- Portaleone Abraham ben David.
- Porter David H.
- Posset Franz.
- Pruckner Hubert.
- Ptolemy
- Ptolemy
- Rabelais François.
- Radl Albert.
- Reinzer Franz.
- Renfrew Jane M.
- Ross Alexander.
- Ross Alexander.
- Rudio Eustachio.
- Ruska Julius.
- Röhr Julius.
- Sack Siegfried.
- Sander Christoph.
- Sander Christoph.
- Sander Christoph.
- Sandt Maximilian van der.
- Serapion (Ps.)
- Shumaker Wayne.
- Steneck Nicholas H.
- Sticker Georg.
- Strobach Anika.
- Sudhoff Karl.
- Sudhoff Karl.
- Toletus Franciscus.
- Torrigiano de Torrigiani Pietro.
- Ullmann Manfred.
- van Helmont Jean Baptiste.
- Vanini Lucilio.
- von Lippmann Edmund O.
- von Nettesheim Agrippa
- von Nettesheim Agrippa
- von Rochlitz Michael Baptist.
- Watts Donald.
- Wedel Theodore Otto.
- Weill-Parot Nicolas.
- Weill-Parot Nicolas.
- Wellmann Max.
- Wellmann Max.
- Wigand Johann.
- Wootton David.
- Zakarīyā ibn Muhammad
- Zedler Johann Heinrich
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study