14 research outputs found

    Quantum Suplattices

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    Building on the theory of quantum posets, we introduce a non-commutative version of suplattices, i.e., complete lattices whose morphisms are supremum-preserving maps, which form a step towards a new notion of quantum topological spaces. We show that the theory of these quantum suplattices resembles the classical theory: the opposite quantum poset of a quantum suplattice is again a quantum suplattice, and quantum suplattices arise as algebras of a non-commutative version of the monad of downward-closed subsets of a poset. The existence of this monad is proved by introducing a non-commutative generalization of monotone relations between quantum posets, which form a compact closed category. Moreover, we introduce a non-commutative generalization of Galois connections and we prove that an upper Galois adjoint of a monotone map between quantum suplattices exists if and only if the map is a morphism of quantum suplattices. Finally, we prove a quantum version of the Knaster-Tarski fixpoint theorem: the quantum set of fixpoints of a monotone endomap on a quantum suplattice form a quantum suplattice.Comment: In Proceedings QPL 2023, arXiv:2308.1548

    A characterisation of orthomodular spaces by Sasaki maps

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    Given a Hilbert space HH, the set P(H)P(H) of one-dimensional subspaces of HH becomes an orthoset when equipped with the orthogonality relation \perp induced by the inner product on HH. Here, an \emph{orthoset} is a pair (X,)(X,\perp) of a set XX and a symmetric, irreflexive binary relation \perp on XX. In this contribution, we investigate what conditions on an orthoset (X,)(X,\perp) are sufficient to conclude that the orthoset is isomorphic to (P(H),)(P(H),\perp) for some orthomodular space HH, where \emph{orthomodular spaces} are linear spaces that generalize Hilbert spaces. In order to achieve this goal, we introduce \emph{Sasaki maps} on orthosets, which are strongly related to Sasaki projections on orthomodular lattices. We show that any orthoset (X,)(X,\perp) with sufficiently many Sasaki maps is isomorphic to (P(H),)(P(H),\perp) for some orthomodular space, and we give more conditions on (X,)(X,\perp) to assure that HH is actually a Hilbert space over R\mathbb R, C\mathbb C or H\mathbb H.Comment: 15 pages, 5 gifure

    Boolean Subalgebras of Orthoalgebras

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    We develop a direct method to recover an orthoalgebra from its poset of Boolean subalgebras. For this a new notion of direction is introduced. Directions are also used to characterize in purely order-theoretic terms those posets that are isomorphic to the poset of Boolean subalgebras of an orthoalgebra. These posets are characterized by simple conditions defining orthodomains and the additional requirement of having enough directions. Excepting pathologies involving maximal Boolean subalgebras of four elements, it is shown that there is an equivalence between the category of orthoalgebras and the category of orthodomains with enough directions with morphisms suitably defined. Furthermore, we develop a representation of orthodomains with enough directions, and hence of orthoalgebras, as certain hypergraphs. This hypergraph approach extends the technique of Greechie diagrams and resembles projective geometry. Using such hypergraphs, every orthomodular poset can be represented by a set of points and lines where each line contains exactly three points.Comment: 43 page

    Semantics for a Lambda Calculus for String Diagrams

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    To appear in a special issue in the series "Outstanding Contributions to Logic" dedicated to Samson Abramsky.Linear/non-linear (LNL) models, as described by Benton, soundly model a LNL term calculus and LNL logic closely related to intuitionistic linear logic. Every such model induces a canonical enrichment that we show soundly models a LNL lambda calculus for string diagrams, introduced by Rios and Selinger (with primary application in quantum computing). Our abstract treatment of this language leads to simpler concrete models compared to those presented so far. We also extend the language with general recursion and prove soundness. Finally, we present an adequacy result for the diagram-free fragment of the language which corresponds to a modified version of Benton and Wadler's adjoint calculus with recursion. In keeping with the purpose of the special issue, we also describe the influence of Samson Abramsky's research on these results, and on the overall project of which this is a part

    LNL-FPC: The Linear/Non-linear Fixpoint Calculus

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    We describe a type system with mixed linear and non-linear recursive types called LNL-FPC (the linear/non-linear fixpoint calculus). The type system supports linear typing, which enhances the safety properties of programs, but also supports non-linear typing as well, which makes the type system more convenient for programming. Just as in FPC, we show that LNL-FPC supports type-level recursion, which in turn induces term-level recursion. We also provide sound and computationally adequate categorical models for LNL-FPC that describe the categorical structure of the substructural operations of Intuitionistic Linear Logic at all non-linear types, including the recursive ones. In order to do so, we describe a new technique for solving recursive domain equations within cartesian categories by constructing the solutions over pre-embeddings. The type system also enjoys implicit weakening and contraction rules that we are able to model by identifying the canonical comonoid structure of all non-linear types. We also show that the requirements of our abstract model are reasonable by constructing a large class of concrete models that have found applications not only in classical functional programming, but also in emerging programming paradigms that incorporate linear types, such as quantum programming and circuit description programming languages

    Domains of commutative C*-subalgebras

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    A C*-algebra is determined to a great extent by the partial order of its commutative C*-algebras. We study order-theoretic properties of this dcpo. Many properties coincide: the dcpo is, equivalently, algebraic, continuous, meet-continuous, atomistic, quasi-algebraic, or quasi-continuous, if and only if the C*-algebra is scattered. For C*-algebras with enough projections, these properties are equivalent to finite-dimensionality. Approximately finite-dimensional elements of the dcpo correspond to Boolean subalgebras of the projections of the C*-algebra, which determine the projections up to isomorphism. Scattered C*-algebras are finite-dimensional if and only if their dcpo is Lawson-scattered. General C*-algebras are finite-dimensional if and only if their dcpo is order-scattered.Comment: 42 page

    Mixed linear and non-linear recursive types

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    International audienceWe describe a type system with mixed linear and non-linear recursive types called LNL-FPC (the linear/non-linear fixpoint calculus). The type system supports linear typing which enhances the safety properties of programs, but also supports non-linear typing as well which makes the type system more convenient for programming. Just like in FPC, we show that LNL-FPC supports type-level recursion which in turn induces term-level recursion. We also provide sound and computationally adequate categorical models for LNL-FPC which describe the categorical structure of the substructural operations of Intuitionistic Linear Logic at all non-linear types, including the recursive ones. In order to do so, we describe a new technique for solving recursive domain equations within the category CPO by constructing the solutions over pre-embeddings. The type system also enjoys implicit weakening and contraction rules which we are able to model by identifying the canonical comonoid structure of all non-linear types. We also show that the requirements of our abstract model are reasonable by constructing a large class of concrete models that have found applications not only in classical functional programming, but also in emerging programming paradigms that incorporate linear types, such as quantum programming and circuit description programming languages