147 research outputs found

    Chemical Communication in Meranoplus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

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    Геологическое строение и геохимические особенности стратифицированных отложений урочища озера Песчаное в приустьевой части р. Зея

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    Объектом исследования являются донные органо-минеральные отложения урочища озера Песчаное в приустьевой части реки Зея. В процессе исследования проводились методы радиоуглеродного датирования, палинологического, рентгенофазового и минералогического анализов, а также атомно-эмиссионный и масс-спектральный методы. В результате исследования получена геологическая, палеогеографическая и палеоклиматическая информация, которая позволяет проследить изменения природной среды в позднем голоцене на юге Дальнего Востока для понимания взаимосвязи между геохимическим составом отложений озер, бассейном водосбора и окружающей средой. Область применения: полученные результаты могут использоваться при дальнейшем изучении озера Песчаное, а также служить фоном для болотно-озерных отложений данного района.The object of the study is the bottom organo-mineral deposits of the tract of Peschanoe Lake in the near-mouth part of the Zeya River. In the process of research methods of radiocarbon dating, palynological, X-ray phase and mineralogical analyzes, as well as atomic-emission and mass-spectral methods were conducted. As a result of the study, geological, paleogeographic and paleoclimatic information was obtained that allows tracing the changes in the natural environment in the late Holocene in the south of the Far East to understand the relationship between the geochemical composition of lakes, the catchment basin and the environment. Scope: the results obtained can be used in further study of the Peschanoe Lake, and also serve as a backdrop for the marsh-lake sediments of this region

    On the Metapleural Gland of Ants

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    A New Exocrine Gland in Novomessor

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    Interspecific Aaggression in colonies of the slave-making ant Harpagoxenus sublaevis

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    Colonies of the slave-making ant, Harpagoxenus sublaevis, may simultaneously contain workers of several Leptothorax slave species. We observed aggressive interactions among slave-makers, between slave-makers and slaves, and among slaves in 11 mixed colonies. The first two types of aggression appear to be correlated with reproductive competition for the production of males. Aggressive interactions among slaves, however, occurred mainly between slaves belonging to different species. In two colonies, in which one slave species clearly outnumbered the other, the majority attacked and finally expelled all nestmates belonging to the minority species. Our observations thus suggest that in Harpagoxenus colonies a homogeneous ''colony odor'' is not always achieved and that heterospecific slaves may occasionally be mistaken for alien ants: Gas chromatographic analyses of ants from mixed colonies similarly show that cuticular hydrocarbon profiles may differ strongly between heterospecific nestmate slaves

    Chemical Communication in Meranoplus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

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    Volume: 95Start Page: 139End Page: 15