3,243 research outputs found

    Zhou Xun (ed), The Great Famine in China, 1958-1962: A Documentary History,

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    This collection of archival documents is a welcome addition to the burgeoning literature on the Great Leap Forward famine that has appeared in the last few years. Professor Zhou Xun spent four years collecting a thousand archival documents. She chose 121 for this book. They came from six provincial Party archives and five city or county archives. They are listed in an Index of Documents together with dates and identification numbers. Some are presented in full; most are excerpted. Quite a few..

    Lucien Bianco, Peasants Without the Party. Grass-roots Movements in Twentieth-Century China

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    In recent years peasant protests over land expropriation for development as well as onerous taxes and fees have become an increasingly serious challenge for the Chinese state. The publication of Lucien Bianco’s articles and book chapters on twentieth century peasant movements could not therefore be more timely. Published between 1970 and l999, the thirteen chapters of the book cover an enormous range of topics. Seven chapters are devoted to peasant protest and uprisings during the Republican ..

    Zhou Xun (Ă©d), The Great Famine in China, 1958-1962: A Documentary History,

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    Ce recueil de documents d’archives est un supplément opportun aux travaux sur la famine du Grand Bond en avant, qui connaissent un véritable essor ces dernières années. L’historienne Zhou Xun a passé quatre années à collecter un millier de documents d’archives, en retenant 121 pour les besoins de ce livre, tous issus des archives du Parti de six provinces et des archives de cinq villes et districts. Un index des documents en dresse la liste avec leurs dates et numéros d’identification. Si cer..

    Lucien Bianco, Peasants Without the Party. Grass-roots Movements in Twentieth-Century China

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    Depuis quelques années, l’Etat chinois est en butte à une contestation paysanne grandissante, en réaction à l’expropriation de terres au nom du développement ou en réaction à la levée d’impôts et de taxes de plus en plus lourds. La publication de ces textes de Lucien Bianco ne pouvait tomber plus à propos : les treize essais qui composent l’ouvrage, parus entre 1970 et 1999, couvrent un large éventail de sujets. Sept sont consacrés aux revendications et aux soulèvements paysans pendant la pér..

    Zhou Xun (Ă©d), The Great Famine in China, 1958-1962: A Documentary History,

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    Ce recueil de documents d’archives est un supplément opportun aux travaux sur la famine du Grand Bond en avant, qui connaissent un véritable essor ces dernières années. L’historienne Zhou Xun a passé quatre années à collecter un millier de documents d’archives, en retenant 121 pour les besoins de ce livre, tous issus des archives du Parti de six provinces et des archives de cinq villes et districts. Un index des documents en dresse la liste avec leurs dates et numéros d’identification. Si cer..

    Zhou Xun (ed), The Great Famine in China, 1958-1962: A Documentary History,

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    This collection of archival documents is a welcome addition to the burgeoning literature on the Great Leap Forward famine that has appeared in the last few years. Professor Zhou Xun spent four years collecting a thousand archival documents. She chose 121 for this book. They came from six provincial Party archives and five city or county archives. They are listed in an Index of Documents together with dates and identification numbers. Some are presented in full; most are excerpted. Quite a few..

    Extra-gastrointestinal manifestations of inflammatory bowel disease may be less common than previously reported

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    Extra-intestinal manifestations are well recognized in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). To what extent the commonly recognized extra-intestinal manifestations seen in IBD patients are attributable to IBD is, however, not clear due to the limited number of controlled studies published
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