23 research outputs found

    Trajectory plasma nevirapine concentrations and association with viral load.

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    <p>Plasma nevirapine concentration (cNVP) is compared for various groups over 24 hour period according to adherence (A:- open circle, good adherence; closed diamonds, fair adherence; open triangle, poor adherence; solid line, mean), and according to virologic response or gender (B:- open diamond, virologic failure; closed circle, virologic success or non-virologic failure; closed triangle, male; crosses, female). Patients with good and fair adherence and those with virologic success (non-virologic failure) had peak cNVP at 4 hours while cNVP for virologic failure patients started low at 1hr and peaked later at 24hrs. Significant inverse correlations are observed between same day viral load with cNVP at 1 hour (C) and at 4 hours (D). Circles, virologic success; triangles, virologic failure.</p

    CD4 Counts across various categories of heroin injectors.

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    <p>CD4 T-cells are compared between treatment arms of injectors (A). ¶ Counts are significantly lower for the D4T- arm than for the AZT arm (p = 0.004), TDF (p = 0.005) or the ART- (p<0.001) arm and lower for the sub-optimal ART than ART- (p = 0.023) arm. All subjects in the ‘ART-’ arm were not infected (NI) by either virus. Mean CD4 counts are compared between infection statuses (B). These are significantly lower for co-infected than HIV-1 mono infected injectors as shown. §Shows significantly lower CD4 counts for HIV mono-infected than NI injectors (p = 0.002). CD4 data is compared between age groups of the different infection statuses (C). No significant (NS) difference was observed. *Co-infected injectors had much lower CD4 levels compared to other infection categories in any age group. Only one injector was HCV mono-infected (horizontal bar in the >30–40 years category). CD4 Counts were not significantly different between genders of injectors (D). ART, antiretroviral treatment; CTX, cotrimoxazole (septrin); ART-, No ART; Uk, unknown ART status; Sub, sub optimal ART.</p

    CD4 T-cell counts compared by various categories of heroin injectors who were screened for both HIV and HCV.

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    <p>Legend of table:</p><p><sup>†</sup> P-value is significant at level shown comparing mean CD4 between infection statuses or between treatment arms.</p><p><sup>a</sup> No qualifying subjects.</p><p><sup>b</sup> Confidence Interval (CI) is not applicable. ART, antiretroviral treatment. Only one subject (aged 31-40yrs, CD4 T-cells of 287 counts/mm<sup>3</sup>) was HCV mono-infected, and is excluded from this table. Sub-optimal ART cases are IHUs with unexplained use of single-drug ART regimen.</p><p>CD4 T-cell counts compared by various categories of heroin injectors who were screened for both HIV and HCV.</p