23 research outputs found

    Real Time Dense Depth Estimation by Fusing Stereo with Sparse Depth Measurements

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    We present an approach to depth estimation that fuses information from a stereo pair with sparse range measurements derived from a LIDAR sensor or a range camera. The goal of this work is to exploit the complementary strengths of the two sensor modalities, the accurate but sparse range measurements and the ambiguous but dense stereo information. These two sources are effectively and efficiently fused by combining ideas from anisotropic diffusion and semi-global matching. We evaluate our approach on the KITTI 2015 and Middlebury 2014 datasets, using randomly sampled ground truth range measurements as our sparse depth input. We achieve significant performance improvements with a small fraction of range measurements on both datasets. We also provide qualitative results from our platform using the PMDTec Monstar sensor. Our entire pipeline runs on an NVIDIA TX-2 platform at 5Hz on 1280x1024 stereo images with 128 disparity levels.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Optimized immobilization of ZnO:Co electrocatalysts realizes 5% efficiency in photoassisted splitting of water

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugĂ€nglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Correction: There is an error in Fig. 8 of the manuscript. The correct Fig. 8 is shown in the additional file. To cite the Correction refer to DOI:10.1039/c6ta90030e.Organic solvents with varied electrophoretic mobility have been employed for deposition of nanocrystalline ZnO: Co particles onto fluorinated tin oxide supports. Evaluation of the electrochemical activity for the oxygen evolution reaction proves a clear solvent-dependence with highest activity upon deposition from acetonitrile and lowest activity upon deposition from ethanol. Analysis of the resulting layer thickness and density attributes the improved electrochemical activity of acetonitrile-prepared samples to larger film thicknesses with lower film densities, i.e. to films with higher porosity. The findings suggest that the ZnO: Co films represent an initially nanocrystalline system where the catalytic activity is predominantly confined to a thin surface region rather than to comprise the entire volume. Closer inspection of this surface region proves successive in operando transformation of the nanocrystalline to an amorphous phase during evolution of oxygen. Furthermore, less active but highly transparent ZnO: Co phases, prepared from ethanol-containing suspensions, can be successfully employed in a stacking configuration with a low-cost triple-junction solar cell. Thereby, a solar-to-hydrogen efficiency of 5.0% in splitting of water at pH 14 could be realized. In contrast, highly light-absorbing acetonitrile/acetone-prepared samples limit the efficiency to about 1%, demonstrating thus the decisive influence of the used organic solvent upon electrophoretic deposition. Stability investigations over several days finally prove that the modular architecture, applied here, represents an attractive approach for coupling of highly active electrocatalysts with efficient photovoltaic devices.BMBF, 03IS2071F, Light2Hydrogen - Energien fĂŒr die ZukunftDFG, SPP 1613, Regenerativ erzeugte Brennstoffe durch lichtgetriebene Wasserspaltung: AufklĂ€rung der Elementarprozesse und Umsetzungsperspektiven auf technologische Konzept