11 research outputs found

    Oscillation data

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    <p>From manuscript:</p> <p>Development of emulsification resistant heavier-than-water tamponade using high molecular weight silicone oil polymers</p> <p> </p

    Shear Data

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    <p>From manuscript: </p> <p>Development of emulsification resistant heavier-than-water tamponade using high molecular weight silicone oil polymers</p> <p> </p

    Emulsification data from sonication experiment

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    <p>From manuscript:</p> <p>Development of emulsification resistant heavier-than-water tamponade using high molecular weight silicone oil polymers</p

    Emulsification data from shear homogenizer experiment

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    <p>From manuscript:</p> <p>Development of emulsification resistant heavier-than-water tamponade using high molecular weight silicone oil polymers</p

    Median C3d/C3 ratios for single nucleotid polymorphisms (SNPs).

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    <p>*Due to small number of cases excluded from univariate ANOVA analysis; IQR  =  interquartile range (1<sup>st</sup> quartile – 3<sup>rd</sup> quartile).</p

    Haplotypes for <i>CFH/CFB</i> and median C3d/C3 ratios.

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    <p>For CFH single nucleotides polymorphisms rs1061170, rs800292, and rs12144939 and for CFB rs4151667 and rs641153 were chosen.</p><p>*T- test with comparison to reference haplotypes TGG and TG; **Due to small number of cases excluded from analysis; IQR  =  interquartile range (1<sup>st</sup> quartile – 3<sup>rd</sup> quartile).</p