100 research outputs found

    Time-resolved lateral spin-caloric transport of optically generated spin packets in n-GaAs

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    We report on lateral spin-caloric transport (LSCT) of electron spin packets which are optically generated by ps laser pulses in the non-magnetic semiconductor n-GaAs at T≤35T\leq35K. LSCT is driven by a local temperature gradient induced by an additional cw heating laser. The spatio-temporal evolution of the spin packets is probed using time-resolved Faraday rotation. We demonstrate that the local temperature-gradient induced spin diffusion is solely driven by a non-equilibrium hot spin distribution, i.e. without involvement of phonon drag effects. Additional electric field-driven spin drift experiments are used to verify directly the validity of the non-classical Einstein relation for moderately doped semiconductors at low temperatures for near band-gap excitation.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Dry-transferred CVD graphene for inverted spin valve devices

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    Integrating high-mobility graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) into spin transport devices is one of the key tasks in graphene spintronics. We use a van der Waals pickup technique to transfer CVD graphene by hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) from the copper growth substrate onto predefined Co/MgO electrodes to build inverted spin valve devices. Two approaches are presented: (i) a process where the CVD-graphene/hBN stack is first patterned into a bar and then transferred by a second larger hBN crystal onto spin valve electrodes and (ii) a direct transfer of a CVD-graphene/hBN stack. We report record high spin lifetimes in CVD graphene of up to 1.75 ns at room temperature. Overall, the performances of our devices are comparable to devices fabricated from exfoliated graphene also revealing nanosecond spin lifetimes. We expect that our dry transfer methods pave the way towards more advanced device geometries not only for spintronic applications but also for CVD-graphene-based nanoelectronic devices in general where patterning of the CVD graphene is required prior to the assembly of final van der Waals heterostructures.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    High mobility dry-transferred CVD bilayer graphene

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    We report on the fabrication and characterization of high-quality chemical vapor-deposited (CVD) bilayer graphene (BLG). In particular, we demonstrate that CVD-grown BLG can mechanically be detached from the copper foil by an hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) crystal after oxidation of the copper-to-BLG interface. Confocal Raman spectroscopy reveals an AB-stacking order of the BLG crystals and a high structural quality. From transport measurements on fully encapsulated hBN/BLG/hBN Hall bar devices we extract charge carrier mobilities up to 180,000 cm2^2/(Vs) at 2 K and up to 40,000 cm2^2/(Vs) at 300 K, outperforming state-of-the-art CVD bilayer graphene devices. Moreover, we show an on-off ration of more than 10,000 and a band gap opening with values of up to 15 meV for a displacement field of 0.2 V/nm in such CVD grown BLG.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Nanosecond spin lifetimes in bottom-up fabricated bilayer graphene spin-valves with atomic layer deposited Al2_2O3_3 spin injection and detection barriers

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    We present spin transport studies on bi- and trilayer graphene non-local spin-valves which have been fabricated by a bottom-up fabrication method. By this technique, spin injection electrodes are first deposited onto Si++^{++}/SiO2_2 substrates with subsequent mechanical transfer of a graphene/hBN heterostructure. We showed previously that this technique allows for nanosecond spin lifetimes at room temperature combined with carrier mobilities which exceed 20,000 cm2^2/(Vs). Despite strongly enhanced spin and charge transport properties, the MgO injection barriers in these devices exhibit conducting pinholes which still limit the measured spin lifetimes. We demonstrate that these pinholes can be partially diminished by an oxygen treatment of a trilayer graphene device which is seen by a strong increase of the contact resistance area products of the Co/MgO electrodes. At the same time, the spin lifetime increases from 1 ns to 2 ns. We believe that the pinholes partially result from the directional growth in molecular beam epitaxy. For a second set of devices, we therefore used atomic layer deposition of Al2_2O3_3 which offers the possibility to isotropically deposit more homogeneous barriers. While the contacts of the as-fabricated bilayer graphene devices are non-conductive, we can partially break the oxide barriers by voltage pulses. Thereafter, the devices also exhibit nanosecond spin lifetimes.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    From diffusive to ballistic transport in etched graphene constrictions and nanoribbons

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    Graphene nanoribbons and constrictions are envisaged as fundamental components of future carbon-based nanoelectronic and spintronic devices. At nanoscale, electronic effects in these devices depend heavily on the dimensions of the active channel and the nature of edges. Hence, controlling both these parameters is crucial to understand the physics in such systems. This review is about the recent progress in the fabrication of graphene nanoribbons and constrictions in terms of low temperature quantum transport. In particular, recent advancements using encapsulated graphene allowing for quantized conductance and future experiments towards exploring spin effects in these devices are presented. The influence of charge carrier inhomogeneity and the important length scales which play a crucial role for transport in high quality samples are also discussed.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figures. Will appear in Annalen der Physi

    Charge carrier density-dependent Raman spectra of graphene encapsulated in hexagonal boron nitride

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    We present low-temperature Raman measurements on gate tunable graphene encapsulated in hexagonal boron nitride, which allows to study in detail the Raman G and 2D mode frequencies and line widths as function of the charge carrier density. We observe a clear softening of the Raman G mode (of up to 2.5 cm−1^{-1}) at low carrier density due to the phonon anomaly and a residual G~mode line width of ≈\approx 3.5 cm−1^{-1} at high doping. From analyzing the G mode dependence on doping and laser power we extract an electron-phonon-coupling constant of ≈\approx 4.4 ×\times 10−3^{-3} (for the G mode phonon). The ultra-flat nature of encapsulated graphene results in a minimum Raman 2D peak line width of 14.5 cm−1^{-1} and allows to observe the intrinsic electron-electron scattering induced broadening of the 2D peak of up to 18 cm−1^{-1} for an electron density of 5×\times1012^{12} cm−2^{-2} (laser excitation energy of 2.33 eV). Our findings not only provide insights into electron-phonon coupling and the role of electron-electron scattering for the broadening of the 2D peak, but also crucially shows the limitations when it comes to the use of Raman spectroscopy (i.e. the use of the frequencies and the line widths of the G and 2D modes) to benchmark graphene in terms of charge carrier density, strain and strain inhomogenities. This is particularly relevant when utilizing spatially-resolved 2D Raman line width maps to assess substrate-induced nanometer-scale strain variations.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Identifying suitable substrates for high-quality graphene-based heterostructures

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    We report on a scanning confocal Raman spectroscopy study investigating the strain-uniformity and the overall strain and doping of high-quality chemical vapour deposited (CVD) graphene-based heterostuctures on a large number of different substrate materials, including hexagonal boron nitride (hBN), transition metal dichalcogenides, silicon, different oxides and nitrides, as well as polymers. By applying a hBN-assisted, contamination free, dry transfer process for CVD graphene, high-quality heterostructures with low doping densities and low strain variations are assembled. The Raman spectra of these pristine heterostructures are sensitive to substrate-induced doping and strain variations and are thus used to probe the suitability of the substrate material for potential high-quality graphene devices. We find that the flatness of the substrate material is a key figure for gaining, or preserving high-quality graphene.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum transport through MoS2_2 constrictions defined by photodoping

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    We present a device scheme to explore mesoscopic transport through molybdenum disulfide (MoS2_2) constrictions using photodoping. The devices are based on van-der-Waals heterostructures where few-layer MoS2_2 flakes are partially encapsulated by hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) and covered by a few-layer graphene flake to fabricate electrical contacts. Since the as-fabricated devices are insulating at low temperatures, we use photo-induced remote doping in the hBN substrate to create free charge carriers in the MoS2_2 layer. On top of the device, we place additional metal structures, which define the shape of the constriction and act as shadow masks during photodoping of the underlying MoS2_2/hBN heterostructure. Low temperature two- and four-terminal transport measurements show evidence of quantum confinement effects.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Low B Field Magneto-Phonon Resonances in Single-Layer and Bilayer Graphene

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    Many-body effects resulting from strong electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions play a significant role in graphene physics. We report on their manifestation in low B field magneto-phonon resonances in high quality exfoliated single-layer and bilayer graphene encapsulated in hexagonal boron nitride. These resonances allow us to extract characteristic effective Fermi velocities, as high as 1.20×1061.20 \times 10^6 m/s, for the observed "dressed" Landau level transitions, as well as the broadening of the resonances, which increases with Landau level index

    Spin lifetimes exceeding 12 nanoseconds in graphene non-local spin valve devices

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    We show spin lifetimes of 12.6 ns and spin diffusion lengths as long as 30.5 \mu m in single layer graphene non-local spin transport devices at room temperature. This is accomplished by the fabrication of Co/MgO-electrodes on a Si/SiO2_2 substrate and the subsequent dry transfer of a graphene-hBN-stack on top of this electrode structure where a large hBN flake is needed in order to diminish the ingress of solvents along the hBN-to-substrate interface. Interestingly, long spin lifetimes are observed despite the fact that both conductive scanning force microscopy and contact resistance measurements reveal the existence of conducting pinholes throughout the MgO spin injection/detection barriers. The observed enhancement of the spin lifetime in single layer graphene by a factor of 6 compared to previous devices exceeds current models of contact-induced spin relaxation which paves the way towards probing intrinsic spin properties of graphene.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure
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