5 research outputs found

    Taxonomic composition and ecological characteristics of the endemic flora of the lower Duero Basin (Iberian Peninsula)

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    The taxonomical composition and an analysis of four ecological characteristics of the 46 endemic species occurring in the lower Duero Basin (CW Iberian Peninsula) have been made. A comparative analysis of the results reveals that this endemic flora does not comply with the general patterns previously observed in other floras. Predominant life forms are hemicryptophytes (43%) and chamaephytes (22%). As far seed-dispersal is concerned, 54% of the endemic species lack any noteworthy adaptative feature. 89% of the endemic species are pollinated by animals (mostly by insects) and only 1 species is dioecious. Following binary classification of the above characteristics have been used to plot statistically significant associations.La composition taxonomique et une analyse de quatre caracteristiques ecologiques des 46 especes endemiques rencontrees dans le bassin inferieur du Duero (CW de Ia Peninsula lberique) ont ete realisees. Une analyse comparative des resultats montre que cette !lore endemique ne correspond pas aux schemas generaux observes precedemment dans d'autres flares. Les formes biologiques predominantes son! les Mmicryptophytes (43%) et les chamephytes (22%). En ce qui conceme le mode de dispersion des diaspores, 54% des especes endemiques son! depourvues de tout aspect adaptatif particulier. 89% des especes endemiques son! pollinisees par des animaux (essentiellement des insectes) et une seule espece est dioique. En se basant sur une classification binaire, les caracteristiques precedentes ont eta utilisees pour representer graphiquement les associations statistiquement significatives.We would like to thank Dr. Tyteca for the translation of the French texts. This research was supported by a grant from Castilla y Leon Autonomous Government (SA 037/02)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Conservation status of the threatened Iberian Peninsula narrow endemic Antirrhinum lopesianum Rothm. (Scrophulariaceae)

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    Antirrhinum lopesianum Rothm. is a narrow endemic of the Lusitan Duriensean biogeographical sector (central western Spain and north-eastern Portugal). The species is listed as threatened in several Spanish documents, although it does not figure as such in any Portuguese document. This paper provides a detailed study of its distribution, estimates of the sizes of its populations, the threats it faces, and its current conservation status. The total number of individuals thought to exist is only 768, distributed along the valley of the River Duero on the Spanish – Portuguese border (562, 71.2%), and in the Portuguese Sabor River valley (206, 26.8%). The main threat to the species is loss of habitat: about one third of the Iberian populations can be considered threatened; one population containing 37.6% of all these plants (289) is severely threatened. To determine the Area of Occupancy and the Extent of Occurrence, an exhaustive bibliographical survey was carried out, and herbarium specimens deposited in several institutions were revised. It is, therefore, classifiable as Critically Endangered in Portugal and Endangered in Spai

    The plant communities of the Rumici indurati-Dianthion lusitani alliance in the Lusitan Duriensean biogeographical sector (NE Portugal and CW Spain).

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    La vegetación rupícola de la alianza Rumici indurati-Dianthion lusitani en el centro oeste (CW) de la Península Ibérica es analizada utilizando los métodos de la Escuela de Zürich-Montpellier. Tablas fitosociológicas, y datos biogeográficos, ecológicos y florísticos son presentados aquí para esta alianza. Se describen dos nuevos sintáxones: Rumici indurati-Anarrhinetum durimini y Phagnalo saxatilis-Antirrhinetum lopesianii. Por último, y utilizando análisis numéricos, se comparan estas fitocenosis Lusitan Duriensean con las presentes en otros sectores biogeográficos peninsulares

    Aportaciones al conocimiento de la flora y vegetación del centro-occidente ibérico (CW de España y NE de Portugal). Flora and Vegetation of central-western Iberian Peninsula (CW of Spain and NE of Portugal)

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    Continuando con nuestros estudios sobre la Flora y Vegetación en el centro occidente ibérico, y en particular en la Cuenca del Duero (p.e. Amado et al. in Aguiar et al., 2003; Bernardos et al., 2003; Crespí et al., 2003; Bernardos et al., 2004), presentamos ahora diversos resultados de índole corológica, taxonómica y fitosociológica obtenidos en estos territorios lusitano durienses, así como en el sector biogeográfico Toledano Tagano. Aportamos nuevas citas de diversas especies en la zona estudiada, ampliamos asimismo el área de distribución de varios táxones y, por último, discutimos el encuadre sintaxonómico de algunas especies relevantes

    Contribuición para la caracterización florístico-ambiental del norte de Portugal

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    En el presente trabajo se hace mención a diferentes taxones específicos e infraespecíficos con distribuciones diversas en el territorio portugués continental. En este sentido, la intensa variabilidad geomorfológica y la intrincada bioclimatología del Norte de Portugal constituyen, ambos, factores ambientales decisivos para comprender el comportamiento florístico de esta parte del país. Los taxones analizados en esta aportación son: Teucrium salviastrum Trigonella polyceratia subsp. amandiana, Ononis viscosa subsp. breviflora var. breviflora, Ononis viscosa subsp. pedroi, Digitalis amandiana, Myosotis welwistchii y Myosotis secunda. De modo a poder contribuir eficientemente en la gestión de la riqueza florística, se procede a la aplicación de una rutina programática multivariada, basada en un sistema de información geográfico (SIG), a partir del cual cada uno de los taxones estudiados es georeferenciado sobre cartografía ambiental (confeccionada y publicada por el Instituto para a Conservação da Natureza, del Ministerio del Ambiente portugués). Los resultados obtenidos confirman el efecto gradual de transición entre el área de influencia bioclimática atlántica y la mediterránea, ambas determinantes para comprender el comportamiento florístico del Norte de Portugal. Several specific and infraspecific taxa with different occurrences in the continental portuguese area are referred in the present work. In the light of these behaviours, the climatic and geomorphological variability of the North of Portugal has been important environmental factors to explain the floristic diversity in this part of the country. In this case, the taxa analysed are Teucrium salviastrum Trigonella polyceratia subsp. amandiana, Ononis viscosa subsp. breviflora var. breviflora, Ononis viscosa subsp. pedroi, Digitalis amandiana, Myosotis welwistchii and Myosotis secunda. Because of the appropriate management of the floristic richness, a multivariate statistic routine is applied on a Geographical Informatic System (GIS) the chorological, geomorphological and climatic characterization for each one are described in this paper. The geological substrate and the altitudinal classes are focused for the geomorphological approach, as well as two biogeographic classifications are used to correlate the occurrence of the taxa and their bioclimatic preferences. In the light of this analytical scheme, every taxa is geo-referenced upon an environmental cartography (elaborated by the Instituto para a Conservação da Natureza). The results obtained are pointing out the floristic progressive differentiation between the atlantic bioclimatic influence and the mediterranean one, both bioclimatic influences decisive to understand the floristic behaviour of the North of Portugal