3 research outputs found

    Involvement of Matrix Metalloproteinases in COVID-19: Molecular Targets, Mechanisms, and Insights for Therapeutic Interventions

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    MMPs are enzymes involved in SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis. Notably, the proteolytic activation of MMPs can occur through angiotensin II, immune cells, cytokines, and pro-oxidant agents. However, comprehensive information regarding the impact of MMPs in the different physiological systems with disease progression is not fully understood. In the current study, we review the recent biological advances in understanding the function of MMPs and examine time-course changes in MMPs during COVID-19. In addition, we explore the interplay between pre-existing comorbidities, disease severity, and MMPs. The reviewed studies showed increases in different MMP classes in the cerebrospinal fluid, lung, myocardium, peripheral blood cells, serum, and plasma in patients with COVID-19 compared to non-infected individuals. Individuals with arthritis, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, autoimmune diseases, and cancer had higher MMP levels when infected. Furthermore, this up-regulation may be associated with disease severity and the hospitalization period. Clarifying the molecular pathways and specific mechanisms that mediate MMP activity is important in developing optimized interventions to improve health and clinical outcomes during COVID-19. Furthermore, better knowledge of MMPs will likely provide possible pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions. This relevant topic might add new concepts and implications for public health in the near future

    High-intensity aerobic training lowers blood pressure and modulates the renal renin-angiotensin system in spontaneously hypertensive rats

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    Background: This study aimed to verify the effects of high-intensity aerobic training (HIAT) on BP control and renin-angiotensin system (RAS) components in renal tissue of SHR. Ten SHRs received HIAT or control for 8-weeks. At the end of the training, the SBP showed a reduction of ~ 30mmHg (p < .01) in HIAT and increased by ~ 15 mmHg in the  control group. HIAT resulted in a higher release of nitrite, IL-6, ACE2 and ATR2. These results indicated an association between BP, NO and renal RAS. Abbreviations: JAA: writing, carried out all experimental procedures, performed statistical analysis, original draft and revised manuscript DMS: data interpretation, formal analysis, writing, editing and revised manuscript BAP: carried all experimental procedures, revised manuscritpt CPCG: carried all experimental procedures, revised manuscritpt MEN: experimental procedures, revised manuscript and data interpretation RWP: drafted and revised manuscript RCA: writing, experimental procedures, revised manuscript JP: writing, data interpretation and revised manuscript OLF: writing, original draft and revised manuscript