1,039 research outputs found

    Camelids and sustainable development

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    Face to the global changes and new climatic constraints, the camel farming is confronted to new challenges, first to contribute to the “livestock revolution” (for reaching the requirements of a growing human population), especially in remote places of arid and mountainous areas, and in the same time to satisfy the necessity of sustainable development for the future generation. The current trends of the camelid farming systems in the world (settlement, intensification, market integration, territorial expanding, emerging diseases) question the scientists and the developers on the right ways for a sustainable development. Several aspects are discussed in the present paper: (i) the assessment of the contribution of camelids in the greenhouse gas emission, in relationships with the camel demography, (ii) the assessment and preservation of the camelid biodiversity, (ii) the assessment of the changes in the animal metabolism and in the environment management face to the intensification process, (iv) the control of the transboundary diseases in a population marked by mobility, and (v) the future of the social role of camelid in the more and more urbanized world.(Résumé d'auteur

    Strategies to improve the livestock farming system in Chiredzi, South East Lowveld of Zimbabwe

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    In the current context of hyperinflation and economical failure in Zimbabwe, the cattle represent a refuge value for the main stakeholders. The main consequence is an important stocking of cattle (high increase of the cattle population) and an over­destocking of small ruminants and other species (to be validated). In order to improve the efficiency of livestock farming system in Lowveld, it is proposed to include 3 aspects (health protection, market access and feeding strategy) with 5 types of actions: ( 1) Surveys for improving the knowledge about demographic parameters, feeding strategy and livestock commodity channel; (2) Equipment and rehabilitation of livestock infrastructure as dipping tank, irrigation scheme, water sources, cattle market; (3) Farmers' organization in order to propose sustainable system for veterinary drugs providing; (4) Training of farmers on poultry, goat and dairy production including diffusion of risk factors manual for kid mortality; (5) Introduction of new technologies as forage cultivation in irrigated areas, inventory of by-products and small stock farrning. Thos proposals were discussed with the thematic working group

    Contribution du Cirad-Emvt à l'appui scientifique du projet FSP "concertation agricole et structuration des filières en Ouganda" : rapport de mission en Ouganda du 15 au 22 mars 2003

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    Présent en Ouganda depuis 1998, le Programme Productions Animales (CIRAD-EMVT) n'avait pour l'instant oeuvré qu'au travers de missions courtes et d'appui à des stagiaires et un CSN. Le démarrage du FSP "concertation agricole et soutien aux filières (CASF)" bénéficiant de l'appui technique d'un assistant senior et de deux volontaires juniors sur le terrain, change considérablement la configuration de l'appui attendu du CIRAD. Une part de ce FSP étant consacrée à des appuis scientifiques et à des études, le choix du CIRAD fut d'affecter un chercheur du programme auprès d'un des partenaires du projet au cours de la phase pilote (Université de Makaréré). La présente mission avait donc pour objectif de préciser la nature et les modalités de l'implication de ce chercheur dans le dispositif FSP. Des propositions de convention bilatérale (CIRAD - projet CASF) et tripartite (CIRAD/Université/Ambassade) sont faites. La lettre de mission de l'expatrié est également proposée. Les moyens mis à la disposition de l'expatrié du CIRAD par le projet FSP autorise un partenariat fort assurant la pérennité de nos actions dans ce pays en attendant des développements futurs. (Résumé d'auteur

    Nutritional value of camel milk and shubat

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    Camel economy: from local to international market

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    The camel productions are involved in local, regional or international economy. If the market of live animals, linked mainly to the meat market, is well developed in the Horn of Africa and Middle-east, the milk market knows a recent development in spite of the wide part still under informal sector. The wool presents a high adding value for the producers because the high quality of the fiber is appreciated by Western consumers. (Résumé d'auteur

    Camel meat marketing and camel meat marketplace in the Algerian northern Sahara-case of the region of Souf

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    A field survey involving 62 camel butchers from Souf region the Algerian northern Sahara was implemented in order to establish a typology of camel butcher and collect data on camel meat marketing, the diversity in marketing practices and camel meat marketplace. The collected data allowed to identify 4 homogeneous groups of butchers well distinguished between them after cluster analysis. (specialized young camel butchers, non-specialized rural butchers, traditional non-specialized urban butchers, modern and old urban specialized butchers). The present study confirmed the predominance of beef meat compared to camel meat among consumers, camel meat consumption being less successful in its environment. In-depth studies on camel meat sector are mandatory to identify the bottlenecks invalidating the promotion of the camel meat consumption

    Vitamins of camel milk: A comprehensive review

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    Several authors base their arguments to promote the health benefits of camel milk on components such as vitamins. However, except for vitamin C, the number of references is limited and, overall, reported concentrations in the literature are highly variable because of the use of different analytical methods, materials and study contexts. The present review gives up-to date information regarding the values of fat- and water-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B11, B12 and C) reported in milk of large camelids from different parts of the world