6 research outputs found

    Prevalence and Pattern of Non-Syndromic Hypodontia in a Group of Turkish Children

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    Svrha: Tijekom četiri godine (2009. ā€“ 2012.) procjenjivali su se prevalencija i prirođeni nedostatak trajnih zuba (osim umnjaka) među turskom djecom. Ispitanici i metode: U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 1658 ispitanika ā€“ 873 djevojčice i 785 dječaka. Svi su pregledani u Zavodu za dječju dentalnu medicinu Fakulteta dentalne medicine pri Marmarskom sveučiliÅ”tu. Za određivanje razlike u prevalenciji hipodoncije među spolovima koriÅ”ten je hi-kvadrat test. Rezultati: Prevalencija hipodoncije bila je 6,2 posto (6,3 % djevojčice, 6 % dječaci ) bez statističke razlike među spolovima (P = 0,601). NajčeŔće su nedostajali drugi lijevi mandibularni pretkutnjak ā€“ nisu ga imala 63 mala pacijenta (20,7 %), zatim desni mandibularni pretkutnjak ā€“ kod 61 (20,1 %) te lijevi maksilarni pretkutnjak ā€“ bez njega je bio 31 sudionik istraživanja (10,2 %). Ustanovljeno da djeci nedostaje 89 prednjih zuba i 214 stražnjih. Bilateralna hipodoncija ustanovljena je kod 70 pacijenata ā€“39 djevojčica i 31 dječaka (67,9 %). NajčeŔće nisu imali drugi mandibularni pretkutnjak ā€“ 22 djevojčice i 21 dječak (42,1 %) te maksilarni pretkutnjak ā€“ 6 djevojčica i 15 dječaka (20,5 %). Jednostrano je uglavnom manjkao lijevi mandibularni pretkutnjak ā€“ nije ga imalo 9 dječaka i 8 djevojčica (5,6 %), a slijedio je desni mandibularni drugi pretkutnjak ā€“ bez njega je bilo 10 djevojčica i 6 dječaka ( 5,28 %). Zaključak: NaÅ”i podatci ističu koliko su važni detaljni klinički i radioloÅ”ki pregledi jer pomažu u dugoročnom planiranju terapije, ovisno o individualnoj potrebi djeteta.Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence and pattern of congenital missing teeth in the permanent dentition (excluding wisdom teeth), among Turkish children in a 4-year period (2009-2012). Methods: The study group comprised 1658 children (873 girls, 785 boys). The children were examined in Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Dental School of Marmara University. A chi square test was used to determine the difference in the prevalence of hypodontia between genders. Results: The prevalence of hypodontia was 6.2% (6.3% girls, 6% boys) with no statistically significant difference between the genders (P=0.601). The most frequently missing tooth were the mandibular left second premolars, 63 (20.7%), followed by the mandibular right second premolars, 61(20.1%), maxillary left premolars, 31 (10.2%). There were 89 anterior and 214 posterior missing teeth. Bilateral hypodontia was observed in 70 (39 girls, 31 boys) patients (67.9%). The most common bilateral missing teeth were the mandibular second premolar (22 girls, 21 boys) (42.1%) and the maxillary second premolar (6 girls, 15 boys) (20.5 %). The mandibular left second premolar (9 boys, 8 girls) was the most frequent unilaterally missing tooth (5.6 %) followed by the mandibular right second premolar (10 girls, 6 boys) (5.28 %). Conclusion: The obtained results point to the importance of detailed clinical and radiographic examination. These help with long-term treatment planning according to a childā€™s individual requirements

    Karijesprotektivni učinak zubne paste koja sadržava teobromin na karijes u ranoj dječjoj dobi: preliminarni rezultati

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    Objective: Enamel remineralizing effects of theobromine have received much attention from the clinicians. The aim of this study was to investigate the caries preventive effect of theobromine containing toothpaste on children with early childhood caries (ECC). Materials & Methods: Salivary pH, buffering capacity and frequency of Streptococcus mutans (SM) levels were measured. Each child was assigned either fluoridated or theobromine containing toothpaste. The changes were analyzed using Laser Fluorescence system. Statistical analyses were performed. Results: We included 13 children (mean age 4.25) with 145 teeth in the fluoridated toothpaste (Colgate Kids toothpaste) group; 13 children (mean age 4.46) with 115 teeth in theobromine containing toothpaste (Theodent TM Kids toothpaste) group. Both toothpastes demonstrated enamel remineralization and were effective in increasing the buffering capacity and pH (p < 0.05). A statistically significant decrease in S. mutans levels was found in both toothpaste groups (p<0.05). Conclusion: Both toothpaste group showed a statistically significant amount of enamel remineralization. Since theobromine had the added benefits of increasing the salivary pH and decreasing the S.mutans levels, theobromine containing toothpastes can be considered effective agents in remineralizing white spot lesions and can be used in prevention of early enamel lesions.Svrha rada: Učinci teobromina na remineralizaciju cakline privukli su pozornost kliničara. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je istražiti karijesprotektivni učinak paste za zube koja sadržava teobromin na karijes u ranoj dječjoj dobi. Materijal i metode: Izmjereni su pH sline, puferski kapacitet i razina bakterija Streptococcus mutans. Svakom djetetu dodijeljena je zubna pasta s fluorom ili teobrominom. Promjene su analizirane s pomoću laserskoga fluorescentnog sustava. Obavljene su statističke analize. Rezultati: U skupinu s fluoriranom zubnom pastom (Colgate Kids) bilo je uključeno 13 djece (prosječna dob 4,25) sa 145 zuba; u skupini sa zubnom pastom koja sadržava teobromin (TheodentT-MKids) sudjelovalo je 13 djece (prosječna dob 4,46) sa 115 zuba. Obje zubne paste potaknule su remineralizaciju cakline i učinkovito su povećale puferski kapacitet i pH (p < 0,05). U objema skupinama ustanovljeno je statistički značajno smanjenje razine S. mutans (p < 0,05). Zaključak: Obje zubne paste imale su statistički značajan učinak na remineralizaciju cakline. Budući da su kod teobromina zabilježene dodatne prednosti poput povećanja pH sline i smanjenja razine S. mutans, paste za zube koje sadržavaju teobromin mogu se smatrati učinkovitim sredstvom za remineralizacije bijelih mrlja i mogu se upotrebljavati u prevenciji ranih lezija cakline

    The effect of a novel toothpaste in children with white spot lesions

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    Objective: To investigate the effect of a novel mineral containing toothpaste in comparison to a fluoride toothpaste in children with white spot lesions. Method: The clinical study was conducted from 2016 to 2018 at Marmara University Department of Pediatric Dentistry Clinic after approval from the ethics review committee of Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey, and comprised children of either gender aged 4-5 years having white spot lesions. They were randomly allocated into two groups. The FT ( Fluoridated Toothpaste ) group was given a 500ppm fluoridated toothpaste, while the Mineral Containing Toothpaste (MCT) group was given toothpaste containing calcium glycerophosphate, magnesium chloride, and 12% xylitol. The white spot lesions were examined using Laser Fluorescence (LF) at baseline and after a month of usage. The two readings were compared. Stimulated saliva was collected for measuring the salivary potential of hydrogen, buffering capacity, and streptococcus mutans. Data was analysed using SPSS 19. Results: Of the 26 children, 10(38%) were girls and 16(62%) were boys. The overall mean age was 4.77+/-0.54 years. There were 13(50%) subjects in each of the two groups. Of the 381 measurements done, 198(52%) were in the MCT group and 183(48%) in the FT group. LF scores decreased in both the groups (p=0.001). The remineralising potential was not significantly different (p=0.866), while salivary buffering capacity and potential of hydrogen increased in both the groups but the change was not significant (p>0.05).Ā  The number of children positive for streptococcus mutans decreased in both the groups (p>0.05). ---Continu

    Effect of a single application of CPP-ACPF varnish on the prevention of erosive tooth wear: An AAS, AFM and SMH study

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the in vitro effect of casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) and fluoride-containing varnish on prevention enamel erosive tooth wear. Materials and Methods: A total of 28 enamel samples were prepared from human molars, divided into four groups: CPP-ACPF varnish, TCP-F varnish, NaF varnish, and deionised water. For the remineralisation process stimulated human pooled saliva was used. After treatment, all enamel samples were exposed to 10 ml of Coca Cola. Ca ++ release was determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). The surface topography was evaluated by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Surface microhardness of enamel was analysed and SMHR % (surface microhardness reduction) was calculated. Data were analysed with repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results: Deionised water demonstrated a statistically significantly higher Ca +2 release compared to those of groups NaF > fTCP > CPP-ACPF, respectively (p <0.01). All groups measured for root-mean-square-roughness (Rrms) showed a statistically significantly difference of 6 x 6 Ī¼m 2 and 12 x 12 Ī¼m 2 enamel area (p <0.05) compared with a negative control group. CPP-ACPF varnish showed rougher surfaces than all remineralisation groups. SMHR % of enamels were as follows: CPP-ACPF < fTCP < NaF < deionised water (p <0.01). Conclusion: According to the findings of this study; CPP-ACP containing agents have a statistically statistically significant effect on preventing dental erosion. Among these, CPP-ACPF-containing remineralisation agents have the most effect on the remineralisation process