4 research outputs found

    Chinese Tidings of Role Conception in Southeast Asia

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    This article is aimed at providing a thorough analysis about the way in which China constructs an impersonation of its presence in Southeast Asian affairs. The Southeast Asian region is particularly important for Chinese foreign policy, as it was usually portrayed of being adjacent to Chinese backyard-type of influence.  With the same task of character and of function, China was able to maintain a specific closeness to Southeast Asian affairs, much like in the way it was able to do to the Northeast Asian affairs – the sub-region to which it forebode an act of belonging. The incipit part of the article is directed to pinpointing the glaring contemporary effect of Southeast Asian Affairs in Security Studies. We will be reffering here to the arguments tapped into, that make the region a focus of attention, from the perspective of economic development, and also from the perspective of strategic bearing. The last and the most turgid part of the article is directed to the desultory portraiture of China`s presence in Southeast Asian affairs. A historic overture will be in-played by the arguments presented, as well as security ratiocinations regarding the posture, that China understands to insert in the bi- and multilateral frameworks of engagement with the regional actors

    Politici de gen post-conflict în Balcanii de Vest – între analogiile circulare cu securitatea umană și tendințe firave de detașare / Post-conflict gender politics in the Western Balkans – between the same circle of palms with human security and a small stream outside the box

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    Can the issue of gender politics trust to time and opportunity for better be discussed when it does not actually feel like that enough has been said, especially in the case of the Western Balkans ? The effective experience of pre-definition or of a case closed applies when one attempts to tackle the issue of gender politics, its hitching with human security and its call of revelation in the Western Balkans. The display of performing acts of the women` s role in the postconflict region of the Western Balkans has been multiply appreciated in analyses. Throughout this article, we will be housing a linking overture that this aspect entertains with human security and, above all, we will be reckoning a manner of adjudication to the foreordained elements that still have an important impact core upon the issue of gender politics in the Western Balkans.Pot oare dezbaterile legate de politicile de gen să își găsească momentul și oportunitatea pentru a fi discutate, chiar și atunci când se resimte situația că nu au fost făcute suficiente analize, în special în cazul Balcanilor de Vest ? Experiența efectivă a pre-definirii unui caz închis trenează în special când se încearcă abordarea problematicii politicilor de gen, a relevanței corelației cu securitatea umană și cu intromisiunile acesteia în aria Balcanilor de Vest. Rolul femeilor în problematicile de reconstrucție post-conflict în Balcanii de Vest a fost apreciat și considerat apreciabil în multe analize. Pe parcursul acestui articol, vom încerca să întreținem legături analitice ale acestei problematici cu securitatea umană și, mai presus de toate, cu modalitatea în care elemente pre-stabilite sunt adjudecate pentru consolidarea unui impact al politicilor de gen în Balcanii de Vest.Berna Ioana-Bianca. Politici de gen post-conflict în Balcanii de Vest – între analogiile circulare cu securitatea umană și tendințe firave de detașare / Post-conflict gender politics in the Western Balkans – between the same circle of palms with human security and a small stream outside the box. In: Hiperboreea. Journal of History, vol. 1, N°2, 2014. pp. 282-300

    Chinese Tidings of Role Conception in Southeast Asia

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    This article is aimed at providing a thorough analysis about the way in which China constructs an impersonation of its presence in Southeast Asian affairs. The Southeast Asian region is particularly important for Chinese foreign policy, as it was usually portrayed of being adjacent to Chinese backyard-type of influence. With the same task of character and of function, China was able to maintain a specific closeness to Southeast Asian affairs, much like in the way it was able to do to the Northeast Asian affairs – the sub-region to which it forebode an act of belonging. The incipit part of the article is directed to pinpointing the glaring contemporary effect of Southeast Asian Affairs in Security Studies. We will be reffering here to the arguments tapped into, that make the region a focus of attention, from the perspective of economic development, and also from the perspective of strategic bearing. The last and the most turgid part of the article is directed to the desultory portraiture of China`s presence in Southeast Asian affairs. A historic overture will be in-played by the arguments presented, as well as security ratiocinations regarding the posture, that China understands to insert in the bi- and multilateral frameworks of engagement with the regional actors


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    Abstract: The increase of similarity between the individual characteristics recognized and asserted for an actor is utilized under the character claim of identity. In International Relations, this has been the communication dependent of the Constructivist research program. The foundation of the theoretical content of identity has mostly been developed, in Constructivist thought, by the linkage to state-identity. In these attempts, the evidence of national identities has been lapsing or totally made an absentee of. Can the national level test experimental discovery for the clear outline of the concept of state-identity in International Relations? Our answer, given and refracted throughout this article, is a positive one. While in the first section of this article, we try to fork out why all connections to identity have been referring to state-identity, in the second section of the paper, we will try to urge reasons of new disquisitions on national identities and their weigh of deliberation for new conceptextractions for state-identity, departing from the theoretical framework of Alexander Wendt