42 research outputs found

    CYP genotypes influence the effect of tamoxifen therapy on serum lipids

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/110066/1/cptclpt2004270.pd

    Inactivation of murine norovirus by chemical biocides on stainless steel

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Human norovirus (NoV) causes more than 80% of nonbacterial gastroenteritis in Europe and the United States. NoV transmission via contaminated surfaces may be significant for the spread of viruses. Therefore, measures for prevention and control, such as surface disinfection, are necessary to interrupt the dissemination of human NoV. Murine norovirus (MNV) as a surrogate for human NoV was used to study the efficacy of active ingredients of chemical disinfectants for virus inactivation on inanimate surfaces.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The inactivating properties of different chemical biocides were tested in a quantitative carrier test with stainless steel discs without mechanical action. Vacuum-dried MNV was exposed to different concentrations of alcohols, peracetic acid (PAA) or glutaraldehyde (GDA) for 5 minutes exposure time. Detection of residual virus was determined by endpoint-titration on RAW 264.7 cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>PAA [1000 ppm], GDA [2500 ppm], ethanol [50% (v/v)] and 1-propanol [30% (v/v)] were able to inactivate MNV under clean conditions (0.03% BSA) on the carriers by ≄ 4 log<sub>10 </sub>within 5 minutes exposure time, whereas 2-propanol showed a reduced effectiveness even at 60% (v/v). Furthermore, there were no significant differences in virus reduction whatever interfering substances were used. When testing with ethanol, 1- and 2-propanol, results under clean conditions were nearly the same as in the presence of dirty conditions (0.3% BSA plus 0.3% erythrocytes).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Products based upon PAA, GDA, ethanol and 1-propanol should be used for NoV inactivation on inanimate surfaces. Our data provide valuable information for the development of strategies to control NoV transmission via surfaces.</p

    Mechanical properties and bioanalytical characterization for a novel non-toxic flexible photopolymer formulation class

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    We present herein a new class of resin formulations for stereolithography, named FlexSL, with a broad bandwidth of tunable mechanical properties. The novel polyether(meth)acrylate based material class has outstanding material characteristics in combination with the advantages of being a biocompatible (meth)acrylate based processing material. FlexSL shows very promising results in several initial biocompatibility tests. This emphasizes its non-toxic behavior in a biomedical environment, caused mainly by the (meth)acrylate based core components. A short overview of mechanical and processing properties will be given in the end. The herein presented novel FlexSL materials show a significant lower cytotoxicity in contrast to commercial applied acrylic stereolithography resins. Further biocompatibility tests according to ISO 10993 protocols are planned. On the one hand, there are technical applications for this material (e.g. flaps, tubes, hoses, cables, sealing parts, connectors and other technical rubber-like applications), and on the other hand, broad fields of potential biomedical applications in which the FlexSL materials can be beneficial are obvious. Especially these could be small series production of medical products with special flexible material requirements. In addition, the usage for individual soft hearing aid shells, intra-operative planning services and tools like intra-op cutting templates and sawing guides is very attractive. The possibility to modify the FlexSL resins also for high-resolution applications makes it possible to manufacture now very flexible micro-prototypes with outstanding material characteristics and very fine structures with a minimum resolution of 20 mym and a layer thickness of minimal 5 myrn. These resin formulations are applicable and adjustable to other stereolithographic equipment available on the market

    Oxidative Tryptophan Metabolism in Renal Allograft Recipients: Increased Kynurenine Synthesis is Associated with Inflammation and OKT3 Therapy.

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    Serum concentrations of tryptophan (TRP) and kynurenine (KYN) were determined in renal allograft recipients (RAR) as an index of interferon-gamma-induced, indoleamine-dioxygenase-catalysed TRP degradation. Serum TRP and KYN in RAR during periods of stable graft function were typically within the normal range, however, the median values for serum KYN demonstrated significant increases 5-7 days prior to biopsy-confirmed acute rejection (1.6-fold, P less than 0.01) and on the day of biopsy (1.7-fold, P less than 0.001). Serum KYN was also markedly elevated in patients who contracted viral or Gram-negative bacterial infections in the absence of graft rejection. Serum KYN was not correlated with serum creatinine in RAR nor were serum TRP or KYN affected by antirejection therapy with high dose steroids. Retrospective analysis of intra-patient changes in serum KYN demonstrated that KYN monitoring was a useful adjunct to serum creatinine in the early detection of first acute rejection episodes. The first course of OKT3 therapy was associated with low serum TRP and significant increases in serum KYN (two- to three-fold) following the first three doses. The time course of these abnormalities corresponded to that over which many of the side effects of the OKT3 \u27first dose reaction\u27 have been reported to occur. Significant changes in serum KYN were not observed in patients receiving repeat courses of OKT3 therapy. Significant decreases in serum TRP and significant increases in serum KYN were both prevalent and frequent in RAR during the first two postoperative months.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS

    Die Rolle der FlÀchendesinfektion in der InfektionsprÀvention

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    Background: The Rudolf Schuelke Foundation addresses topics related to hygiene, infection prevention and public health. In this context a panel of scientists from various European countries discussed "The Role of Surface Disinfection in Infection Prevention". The most important findings and conclusions of this meeting are summarised in the present consensus paper.Aim: Although the relevance of surface disinfection is increasingly being accepted, there are still a number of issues which remain controversial. In particular, the following topics were addressed: Transferral of microbes from surface to patients as a cause of infection, requirements for surface disinfectants, biocidal resistance and toxicity, future challenges.Methods and findings: After discussion and review of current scientific literature the authors agreed that contaminated surfaces contribute to the transmission of pathogens and may thus pose an infection hazard. Targeted surface disinfection based on a risk profile is seen as an indispensable constituent in a multibarrier approach of universal infection control precautions. Resistance and cross-resistance depend on the disinfectant agent as well as on the microbial species. Prudent implementation of surface disinfection regimens tested to be effective can prevent or minimize adverse effects.Conclusions: Disinfection must be viewed as a holistic process. There is a need for defining standard principles for cleaning and disinfection, for ensuring compliance with these principles by measures such as written standard operating procedures, adequate training and suitable audit systems. Also, test procedures must be set up in order to demonstrate the efficacy of disinfectants including new application methods such as pre-soaked wipes for surface disinfection.Hintergrund: Die Rudolf-SchĂŒlke-Stiftung unterstĂŒtzt die Forschung und Entwicklung von Strategien zur Hygiene, InfektionsprĂ€vention und Öffentlichen Gesundheit. In diesem Rahmen diskutierten Fachleute aus mehreren europĂ€ischen Staaten im Rahmen eines ArbeitsgesprĂ€chs den "Stellenwert der FlĂ€chendesinfektion in der InfektionsprĂ€vention". Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen aus diesem ArbeitsgesprĂ€ch sind im folgenden Konsensuspapier zusammengefasst.Zielsetzung: Wenngleich die Bedeutung der FlĂ€chendesinfektion in den letzten Jahren gestiegen ist, gibt es noch eine Reihe von Themen, die kontrovers diskutiert werden. Im Einzelnen sind dies: die Übertragung von Mikroorganismen von der FlĂ€che auf Patienten als Infektionsursache, Anforderungen an FlĂ€chendesinfektionsmittel, Resistenz und ToxizitĂ€t von Bioziden, zukĂŒnftige Strategien.Methode und Ergebnisse: Nach Diskussion und Sichtung der aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Literatur steht fĂŒr die Autoren zweifelsfrei fest, dass pathogene Mikroorganismen ĂŒber kontaminierte OberflĂ€chen ĂŒbertragen werden und FlĂ€chen somit ein Infektionsrisiko darstellen können. Gezielte FlĂ€chendesinfektion auf der Grundlage eines Risikoprofils ist als ein fester Bestandteil eines Multibarriereansatzes der allgemein anzuwendenden Schutzmaßnahmen zur InfektionsprĂ€vention anzusehen. Resistenzen und Kreuzresistenzen hĂ€ngen sowohl vom einzelnen Desinfektionswirkstoff als auch vom jeweiligen Mikroorganismus ab. DarĂŒber hinaus kann die sachgerechte Umsetzung von geprĂŒften Maßnahmen zur FlĂ€chendesinfektion negative Auswirkungen verhindern oder minimieren.Schlussfolgerungen: Die Desinfektion muss als Prozess betrachtet werden. Es sollten Standards fĂŒr die Reinigung und Desinfektion erarbeitet werden und die sachgerechte Umsetzung dieser Maßnahmen durch schriftlich fixierte Standardarbeitsanweisungen, fundierte Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung und geeignete Auditsysteme sichergestellt werden. ZusĂ€tzlich mĂŒssen Testverfahren zur ÜberprĂŒfung der Wirksamkeit von Desinfektionsmitteln einschließlich der Anwendung in Tuchspendersystemen im VortrĂ€nksystem entwickelt werden

    Chemische Desinfektion in Gesundheitseinrichtungen: Kritische Aspekte fĂŒr die Entwicklung einer globalen Strategie

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    Chemical disinfection is an indispensable means of preventing infection. This holds true for healthcare settings, but also for all other settings where transmission of pathogens poses a potential health risk to humans and/or animals. Research on how to ensure effectiveness of disinfectants and the process of disinfection, as well as on when, how and where to implement disinfection precautions is an ongoing challenge requiring an interdisciplinary team effort. The valuable resources of active substances used for disinfection must be used wisely and their interaction with the target organisms and the environment should be evaluated and monitored closely, if we are to reliable reap the benefits of disinfection in future generations. In view of the global threat of communicable diseases and emerging and re-emerging pathogens and multidrug-resistant pathogens, the relevance of chemical disinfection is continually increasing. Although this consensus paper pinpoints crucial aspects for strategies of chemical disinfection in terms of the properties of disinfectant agents and disinfection practices in a particularly vulnerable group and setting, i.e., patients in healthcare settings, it takes a comprehensive, holistic approach to do justice to the complexity of the topic of disinfection.Die chemische Desinfektion ist ein unverzichtbares Mittel zur InfektionsprĂ€vention. Dies gilt fĂŒr das Gesundheitswesen, aber auch fĂŒr alle anderen Bereiche, in denen die Übertragung von Krankheitserregern ein potenzielles Gesundheitsrisiko fĂŒr Mensch und/oder Tier darstellt. Zu erforschen, wie die Wirksamkeit von Desinfektionsmitteln und des Desinfektionsprozesses sichergestellt werden kann und wann, wie und wo Desinfektionsmaßnahmen durchzufĂŒhren sind, ist eine stĂ€ndige Herausforderung, die eine interdisziplinĂ€re Teamarbeit erfordert. Die wertvollen Ressourcen der fĂŒr die Desinfektion verwendeten Wirkstoffe mĂŒssen klug genutzt werden und ihre Wechselwirkung mit den Zielorganismen und der Umwelt sollte genau bewertet und ĂŒberwacht werden, wenn wir die Vorteile der Desinfektion in zukĂŒnftigen Generationen zuverlĂ€ssig nutzen wollen. Angesichts der globalen Bedrohung durch ĂŒbertragbare Krankheiten sowie durch neu- und wiederauftretende Krankheitserreger und multiresistente Erreger nimmt die Bedeutung der chemischen Desinfektion stĂ€ndig zu. Dieses Konsensuspapier befasst sich vor allem mit den entscheidenden Aspekten fĂŒr Strategien der chemischen Desinfektion im Hinblick auf die Eigenschaften von Desinfektionsmitteln und Desinfektionspraktiken in einer besonders gefĂ€hrdeten Gruppe und Umgebung, nĂ€mlich bei Patienten in Einrichtungen des Gesundheitswesens, jedoch verfolgt es dabei auch einen umfassenden, ganzheitlichen Ansatz, um der KomplexitĂ€t des Themas Desinfektion gerecht zu werden