639 research outputs found

    California Federal Savings & Loan Association v. Guerra: The State of California Has Determined that Pregnancy may be Hazardous to your Job

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    In California Federal Savings & Loan Association v. Guerra, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upheld the facial validity of California Government Code section 12945(b)(2). The court vehemently rejected a federal preemption argument and held that a law setting a minimum leave for pregnancy disabilities did not, on its face, discriminate against men or conflict with the purpose of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 19644 as amended in 1978 by the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA). The issue of whether the PDA allows any different treatment for pregnancy has divided the feminist community

    California Federal Savings & Loan Association v. Guerra: The State of California Has Determined that Pregnancy may be Hazardous to your Job

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    In California Federal Savings & Loan Association v. Guerra, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upheld the facial validity of California Government Code section 12945(b)(2). The court vehemently rejected a federal preemption argument and held that a law setting a minimum leave for pregnancy disabilities did not, on its face, discriminate against men or conflict with the purpose of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 19644 as amended in 1978 by the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA). The issue of whether the PDA allows any different treatment for pregnancy has divided the feminist community

    Using electrostatic potentials to predict DNA-binding sites on DNA-binding proteins

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    A method to detect DNA-binding sites on the surface of a protein structure is important for functional annotation. This work describes the analysis of residue patches on the surface of DNA-binding proteins and the development of a method of predicting DNA-binding sites using a single feature of these surface patches. Surface patches and the DNA-binding sites were initially analysed for accessibility, electrostatic potential, residue propensity, hydrophobicity and residue conservation. From this, it was observed that the DNA-binding sites were, in general, amongst the top 10% of patches with the largest positive electrostatic scores. This knowledge led to the development of a prediction method in which patches of surface residues were selected such that they excluded residues with negative electrostatic scores. This method was used to make predictions for a data set of 56 non-homologous DNA-binding proteins. Correct predictions made for 68% of the data set

    Helping Low-Income Families Manage Childhood Asthma: Solutions for Healthcare & Beyond

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    Asthma is the most common childhood chronic illness, affecting more than seven million children nationwide. Managing chronic illness in a child is challenging for any family. Among the challenges is constant fear of an acute episode, a complex regimen of medications given daily or many times each day, frequent changes in prescriptions or dosages, coordinating multiple healthcare providers, and helping a child have as "normal" and active a childhood as his/her condition allows. Low-income children of color bear a heavier asthma burden than their white or more affluent peers. Those low-income children who live in urban areas such as Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York are particularly vulnerable. Families with limited resources struggle to provide their children with asthma the support that these children need

    Advanced coding and modulation schemes for TDRSS

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    This paper describes the performance of the Ungerboeck and pragmatic 8-Phase Shift Key (PSK) Trellis Code Modulation (TCM) coding techniques with and without a (255,223) Reed-Solomon outer code as they are used for Tracking Data and Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) S-Band and Ku-Band return services. The performance of these codes at high data rates is compared to uncoded Quadrature PSK (QPSK) and rate 1/2 convolutionally coded QPSK in the presence of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), self-interference, and hardware distortions. This paper shows that the outer Reed-Solomon code is necessary to achieve a 10(exp -5) Bit Error Rate (BER) with an acceptable level of degradation in the presence of RFI. This paper also shows that the TCM codes with or without the Reed-Solomon outer code do not perform well in the presence of self-interference. In fact, the uncoded QPSK signal performs better than the TCM coded signal in the self-interference situation considered in this analysis. Finally, this paper shows that the E(sub b)/N(sub 0) degradation due to TDRSS hardware distortions is approximately 1.3 dB with a TCM coded signal or a rate 1/2 convolutionally coded QPSK signal and is 3.2 dB with an uncoded QPSK signal

    Editing Woolf

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    Editing Woolf

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