241 research outputs found

    Prevention and treatment of psychosomatic disorders

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    Forecasting of Production Order Lead Time in Sme’s

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    Cognitive Factors and Risk Management of Concurrent Product Realisation

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    In projects of development and industrialization of new products or to improvement of the existing ones not only quality and costs but also the time of product entering the market and delivery time to the client are important. This can be achieved by efficient project management, where classic methods of project management need to be upgraded by elements of concurrent engineering. In this chapter, a method for risk management in cyclically recurrent projects is demonstrated, in which conventional models of risk management based on an assessment of probability of risk event occurrence and an assessment of their consequences are supplemented by a third parameter—assessment of frequency of recurrence of risk events. An important advantage of the suggested solution lies in that a project manager and team members take into account cognitive factors, when managing recurrence of risk events which are usually due to poorly organized business processes of a company. A template was created in the Microsoft Project environment, by means of which the project team tested the suggested methodology on an example of concurrent realization of a pedal assembly of a car

    Standard Risk Management Model for Infrastructure Projects

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    This paper outlines a risk management method that is based on the use of a standard risk management model and is adapted to the specific nature of infrastructure projects. The standard model can be used to identify and quantify unexpected events in planning and executing a project. The use of a risk map will also be illustrated. A risk map can serve to classify the identified and quantified risk events, depending on the expected loss, to critical risks that call for a more in-depth treatment, and non-critical risks that are normally not monitored, while no measures are foreseen in advance. A risk map is used to determine what the anticipated effects of the measures to mitigate the critical risks will be, and how the anticipated measures enable the transition from a critical risk to a non-critical risk. In this article, the suggested risk management is illustrated using the example of the erection of a reservoir for a hydroelectric power plant. The use of the proposed tools for the identification, assessment, prioritisation, and management of risks proved highly successful. With the use of the proposed risk model, the critical risk events were lowered under the acceptable level of the expected losses

    Standard Project Risk Analysis Approach

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    Background: To stay competitive in a highly unpredictable market of today, companies must be able to manage project risks effectively. The basis for an effective risk management is a thorough risk analysis. Despite the availability of many different risk analysis approaches, companies can be reluctant to use them, since the models are usually complex and very time consuming. Objectives: The main objective is to present a simple, yet effective risk analysis approach that can also serve as a useful basis for resolving project risks. Methods/Approach: The proposed standard risk analysis approach is based on a standard risk model that deals with risk events and impacts separately and therefore allows for a separate planning of preventive and corrective measures. To classify risks and to represent them graphically, a risk map is used. Results: The use of the proposed approach is illustrated on a die-cast tool development project. The approach proved to be very simple to use and it served as a useful basis for resolving the identified risks. Conclusions: The main advantage of the proposed approach is its simplicity and clarity. It can also be used as a quick decision-making tool in a subsequent risk resolving process

    Clinical case of a patient with BRAF V600 mutant cutaneus melanoma, with cerebelar and pulmonar metastasis

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    Možganske metastaze pri bolnikih z malignim melanomom so pogoste in povezane s slabšo prognozo. Priporoča se multimodalno zdravljenje. V primeru možganskih metastaz prihaja v poštev poleg sistemskega zdravljenja z imunoterapijo ali tarčno terapijo, še kiruško in zdravljenje s stereotaktičnim obsevanjem. Med kombiniranim zdravljenjem lahko pride do številnih zapletov, na katere moramo biti pozorni. V prispevku je opisano multidisciplinarno zdravljenje bolnice z metastatskim kožnim melanomov, z zasevki v malih možganih in pljučih