21 research outputs found


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    In this study, effects of salt (NaCl) and toxic (Cr6+) shock loading on the biological wastewater treatment efficiency were determined by using laboratory scale SBR. For this aim, 2 parallel Sequencing Batch Reactors were used, one was the control and the other was shock loaded reactor. 20 g/L NaCl, 5 mg/L Cr6+ and 10 mg/L Cr6+ shock loadings were applied to one of the reactors. COD, MLSS, SVI, salt (NaCl) ve Cr6+were analyzed daily. In salt shock loading, COD removal efficiency decreased but system returned to steady state conditions within 3 days. Similarly COD removal efficiency decreased and system recovered itself in 3 days in 5 mg/L Cr6+ shock loading, but it took much time to return steady state conditions in 10 mg/L Cr6+ shock loading. In 10 mg/L Cr6+ shock loading, COD removal efficiency decreased and system recovered itself in 5 days. In both shock loadings there were no pronounced differences on MLSS and SVI profilesBu çalışmada; laboratuar ölçekli Ardışık Kesikli Reaktör (AKR) kullanılarak tuz (NaCl) ve toksik (Cr6+) şok yüklemelerinin biyolojik atıksu arıtım verimi üzerine etkisi incelenmiştir. Paralel işletilen 2 reaktörden biri kontrol reaktörü olarak çalıştırılırken diğer reaktöre, 20 g/L NaCl, 5 mg/L Cr6+ ve 10 mg/L Cr6+ şok yüklemeleri uygulanmıştır. Reaktörlerde günlük olarak kimyasal oksijen ihtiyacı (KOİ), karışık sıvıdaki askıda katı madde (MLSS), çamur hacim indeksi (ÇHİ), NaCl ve Cr6+ seviyeleri izlenmiştir. NaCl şok yüklemesi KOİ giderim verimini düşürmüş ancak reaktör 3 gün içinde dengeye gelmiştir. 5 mg/L Cr6+ şok yüklemesinde KOİ giderim oranının düşmüş olmasına rağmen sistem 3 gün içinde normal şartlarına dönerken, 10 mg/L Cr6+ şok yüklemesinde KOİ giderim oranı yine düşmüş ancak toksik madde konsantrasyonunun artması nedeniyle dengeye gelme süresi uzamış ve sistem 5. gün sonunda normal işletme şartlarına dönebilmiştir. Tüm şok yüklemelerde MLSS ve ÇHİ değerlerinde çok önemli bir değişiklik olmamıştır


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    In this research, works were carried out employing two identical laboratory-scale SBR inorder to investigate the effect of organic and pH shock loadings on treatment performance. The feedwastewater used was a synthetic wastewater. Two reactors were operated to reach until steady stateconditions (COD= 1000 mg/l) and first reactor was loaded with water having COD of 5000 mg/l. Thenthis organic shock loading was repeated. pH=2 and pH=12 shock loadings were applied to the reactor ata 1/10 ratio of reactor volume. Although, the reactor was affected by single organic shock loading butrecovered itself within 2 days. On the other hand, it was seriously affected by consecutive organic shockloadings and it was not able to return steady state conditions. pH shock loadings did not affect thereactor and not much change was observed on treatment performance.Bu çalõşmada laboratuar şartlarõnda biri kontrol diğeri ise şok yükleme uygulanan reaktör olmaküzere birbirine paralel 2 AKR kullanõlarak organik ve pH şok yüklemelerin arõtõm verimine etkisiaraştõrõlmõştõr. Atõksu kaynağõ olarak sentetik atõksu kullanõlmõştõr.Her iki reaktör de normal şartlarda(KOİ=1000 mg/l) işletilirken 1. reaktöre KOİ=5000 mg/l organik şok yüklemesi uygulanmõştõr. Dahasonra aynõ reaktöre ardõşõk organik şok yüklemeler tatbik edilmiştir. pH şok yüklemesi ise reaktörhacminin 1/10u oranõnda pH= 2 ve pH=12 olan suyun ani olarak reaktöre verilmesi şeklindegerçekleştirilmiştir. Sistem, uygulanan birinci şok yüklemeden etkilenmiş ancak 2 gün içerisinde normalişletme şartlarõna geri dönmüştür. Ardõşõk olarak uygulanan organik şok yüklemeler sonrasõ isesistemde çamur çökelme özellikleri bozulmuş ve sistem normal haline geri dönememiştir. UygulananpH şok yüklemeler sistemi fazla etkilememiş ve arõtma veriminde önemli değişiklikler oluşturmamõştõr


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    This field experiment was conducted to determine the effects of municipal sewage sludge, on heavy metal (Mn, Zn, Ni, Cu, Cr, Pb and Cd) contents of the pasture grass (Mixture 4M “Star” 0126827) which grown in poor soil. The sewage sludge was incorporated into the soil at four different rates (0 as a control, 40, 80, and 120 t/ha) with three replications as a factorial experimental design. The experiment was run for two years. It was determined that sewage sludge applications have increased the grass plant Zn, Ni, Cu, Cr and Pb contents on the plant samples but, the grass plant Mn contents were decreased with the sewage sludge applications as compared to the control. It was observed that grass plant samples Zn deficiency occurred in the control treatments. However, levels of Zn in the grass plant samples amended with the sewage sludge were sufficient levels. Therefore, it was suggested that 40‐120 t/ha levels of sewage sludge, with no industrial input, could be incorporated as a source of organic material for this kind of soil and also for this kind of plants without any heavy metal risk. Bu çalışma, organik madde ve besin elementleri açısından fakir bir toprağa, farklı düzeylerde uygulanan evsel karakterli arıtma çamurunun, yetiştirilen çim bitkisi (Mixture 4M “Star” 0126827) ağır metal (Mn, Zn, Ni, Cu, Cr, Pb, Cd) içerikleri üzerine etkisinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada arıtma çamuru, dört farklı düzeyde (0/kontrol, 40, 80 ve 120 ton/ha), iki yıl süreyle arazi şartlarında uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen iki yıllık verilere göre; arıtma çamuru uygulamalarının kontrole göre, çim bitkisinin Zn, Ni, Cu, Cr ve Pb içeriklerini artırdığı, bu artışın en fazla Pb, Zn ve Cr içeriklerinde olduğu, Mn içeriğinde ise düşüşe neden olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ancak arıtma çamuru uygulamalarıyla çim bitkisi ağır metal içeriklerinde görülen artışların, bitkiler için yeterli aralıklarda kaldığı ve toksik değerlerin oldukça altında olduğu görülmüştür. Kontrol uygulamasında yetiştirilen çim bitkilerinde çinko eksikliği tespit edilirken, arıtma çamuru uygulanan tüm düzeylerde (40, 80 ve 120 t/ha) çinko içeriklerinin yeterli değerlerde olduğu görülmüştür. Araştırma sonucunda, endüstriyel kaynaklı  deşarj  içermeyen  arıtma  çamurunun  besin  elementlerince  fakir  bir  toprakta  40‐120  t/ha düzeylerinde toprak iyileştiricisi olarak kullanılmasıyla yetiştirilen çim bitkisinde ağır metallerin kabul edilebilir seviyelerde olduğu ve özellikle kontrol uygulamasında görülen Zn eksikliğinin giderildiği tespit edilmiştir.


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    An investigation was carried out to define the effects of temperature change on the biological wastewater treatment using a Rotating Biological Contactors (RBC). The major investigation was to establish the optimum operational conditions of the unit and to determine how its efficiency was affected by temperature. During the investigation, the substrate employed was a synthetic wastewater made up frequently in the laboratory. Experimental works were conducted at three constant temperature, 10 °C, 20 °C and 30 °C. There was a considerable increase in efficiency of the unit, measured by removal of organic material, between 10 °C and 20 °C, but much less of a change from 20 °C to 30 °C. These variations were reflected by the rate of formation of total oxidized nitrogen in the unit

    The effects of pressure on aerobic biological wastewater treatment using rotating biological contractors

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    The aim of this research was to investigate the application and effects of pressure on an aerobic biological wastewater treatment process. For the purpose of the investigation two specially designed, identical, laboratory-scale rotating biological contactor (RBC) units were constructed. One of these was held in a steel pressure vessel while the reference unit was operated open to the atmosphere. The treatment capabilities of the pressurized unit, as compared to those of the reference unit, were determined for a variety of organic loadings at increasing pressures up to a limit of 6 bar. During the investigation, the substrate employed was a synthetic wastewater made up frequently in the laboratory. Most of the analytical work was carried out on composite druly samples of the feed wastewater and of the two effluents produced, both filtered and nonfiltered. In addition, sludge samples from both units were regularly tested for a variety of sludge parameters. The water quality parameters investigated were the 5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5), the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Suspended Solids, pH, Temperature, Ammoniacal Nitrogen and Total Oxidized Nitrogen (TON). The yield of sludge produced and certain characteristics of sludge i.e. Specific Stirred Volume Index (SSVl). Specific Resistance to Filtration, were also obtained. The quantity of air required for the pressurized treatment unit was also investigated. The pressurized treatment unit has demonstrated the capability of operating with a high level of carbonaceous oxidation and nitrification at organic loadings of up to 13 g BOD5/ m2 of disc area per day. In comparison with the identical reference unit operated at atmospheric pressure, the pressurized unit demonstrated slightly improved BODs and COD removal efficiencies, a greatly improved level of nitrification and a substantially lower sludge production. All these characteristics improved with increasing pressure.Of particular importance the sludge yield coefficient was always significantly lower for the pressurized unit than for the reference unit and results such as 0.12 kg dry solids/ kg BOD5 removed at 6 bar pressure are highly signif1cant with regard to the requirements of the modern wastewater treatment industry. Additional investigations were carried out to determine the cost of a proposed full-scale pressurized treatment unit with a design based upon the findings of this investigation. These were compared with the costs of a conventional biological treatment process capable of treating an equivalent wastewater loading. The comparison between the pressurized unit and the selected processes were made for three populations (500, 1,000 and 3,000 persons). The sludge disposal costs of the pressurized unit were appreciably lower than those for the other processes. The results indicated that the cost of the pressurized unit (present value for a twenty-year period) and the costs of activated sludge and conventional RBC processes were found to be similar for the smaller populations. However a substantial saving could be obtained with the pressurized unit for the larger populations. In addition there is an indication that the land requirement of the pressurized treatment unit decreases appreciably as the flow rate increases


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    Bu çalışmada, geleceğe yönelik tahminler yapabilmek amacıyla Türkiye'nin önemli büyük havzalarından biri olan Sakarya Havzası'na ait aylık yağışların periyodik otoregresif modelleri (PAR) belirlenmiş ve belirlenen model tiplerine ait matematiksel ifadeler elde edilmiştir. Optimum modeller Akaike Bilgi Kriteri (AIC) değerlerine göre seçilmiştir. Her ne kadar AIC'de parametreler "en büyük olabilirlik yöntemi" ne göre hesaplanıyorsa da, bu çalışmada, "momentler yöntemi" kullanılmış; anılan her iki parametre tahmin yönteminin vereceği sonuçların karşılaştırılması diğer bir çalışma kapsamında düşünülmüştür. Seçilen modellerin uygunluk testleri Port Manteau testi ile artık serilerin bağımsızlığı kontrol edilerek yapılmıştır. Her istasyon için seçilen modeller kullanılarak tarihi serilerle aynı uzunluğa sahip 50'şer adet sentetik seri üretilmiş ve bu sentetik serilerle tarihi serilerin istatistiksel karakteristikleri (ortalama, standart sapma, korelasyon) karşılaştırılmıştır. 25 istasyona ait aylık yağışların periyodik otoregresif modellerinin belirlenmesi sonucunda PAR(0), PAR(1), PAR(2) ve PAR(3) olmak üzere 4 farklı PAR modeli elde edilmiştir


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    In this study, periodic autoregressive models were established to predict future behaviour of monthly rainfall data of Sakarya Basin which is one of the big and important basin in Turkey. Mathematical equations of the Periodic Autoregressive Models (PAR) were also determined. Optimum models were selected based on Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). Although the parameters are calculated according to "maximum probability method" in AIC, "moments method" was used in this study; the comparison of the results of both mentioned parameter estimation methods was thought to be considered in another study's scope. The Port Manteau lack of fit test for the selected models have indicated that residuals are white noise. By using the selected models for the stations, 50 set of synthetic series which have the same length with the historical series for the monthly average rainfalls have been generated, and statistical characteristics (mean, standard deviation, autocorrelation structure) of these synthetic series have been compared with statistical characteristics of historical series. By determining the stochastic models of monthly average rainfall of 25 stations, 4 different PAR models were obtained, namely as PAR(0), PAR(1), PAR(2) and PAR(3)


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    In this work, the potential for the elimination of hardness of the water by using zeolitic tuff (klinoptilolit) obtained from the upper layer tuff of Balıkesir-Bigadiç, where the richest deposits are located in our country, has been investigated; as a means of water supply, daily usage water of campus, Selçuk University, was utilized to wich none of the pre-refining process was applied apart from chloring. At first, zeolite samples of -0.85+0.60 mm were regenerated by NaOH and the change in the hardness of water passing through zeolitic bad in ion exchange column at a constant rate was abserved. After optimizing the regeneration conditions in this way, the effect of the velocity of water fed into zeolitic bad and the water left in the column on the elimination of water hardness were also searched. As a result, the lowest value of water hardness was obtained by taking the water feeding rates at 10 ml/sec. and using zeolite regenerated with 0.75 M NaOH. Additionally, it was seen that the highest working capacity will be reached under these circumstances


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    WOS: 000417183100011The management of the water resources is an important issue in the countries around the world because it depends on many variables. Prior to the growing environmental awareness, flow rate and regime are critical components of water supply, water quality, and the ecological integrity of river systems. Environmental flow may be described as the required stream flow quantity to support the ecological activity in a river system. While environmental flow assessment provides protection and use balance over the water resources and it also reduces the natural and artificial effects that caused of deterioration of the natural condition of the rivers. There are only a few environmental flow assessment studies in Turkey. In this paper, daily flow data has been used to determine the flow regimes in order to have some idea about the environmental flow. For this purpose, common methods such as original Tennant method, modified Tennant method, wetted perimeter method, 7Q10 and Q95 have been examined. Daily flow data has been obtained from three gauging stations located in Great Menderes Basin. The first one (07-30) is unregulated, the second is regulated (07-04) and the third one is indirectly regulated (07-71) gauging stations. As a result of this study, particular methods have more reliability and might be more appropriate for each case. The modified Tennant method could be selected as the most practical method for the measured data of flow rates in unregulated gauging station. Q95 method can be used for the other two stations.Selcuk University Scientific Research Project FundSelcuk University [BAP13101008]This research has been supported by Selcuk University Scientific Research Project Fund (BAP13101008)