1 research outputs found

    Experimental and theoretical studies of subsonic fan noise

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    The noise generated by inlet turbulence impinging on a subsonic axial flow fan was studied as a function of tip speed, flow coefficient, and intensity and scale of turbulence was carried out. Both turbulence and far field acoustic measurements were made. The new elements introduced in the theoretical analysis were accounting for blade loading dependent noise mechanisms and consideration of anisotropic turbulence impinging on the rotor because of inlet flow contraction effects. Experimentally an unexplained increase of noise at about 1/2 and 1 1/2 times blade passsing frequency was observed at low flow coefficients even though there was no evidence of compressor surge. In the final version the theory does a fair job of predicting variations of noise with blade loading and tip speed. Alteration of inlet turbulence length scales produced some but not very pronounced changes in the far field PWL spectra. Some degree of eddy contraction and resulting anisotropy were essential to explain the concentration of energy around blade passing frequencies